Star Wars Fanon


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This is President Zarkan aboard the Independence, with the sad loss of the CSS Velociraptor I have transferred my flag to the CSS Independence and declare her my new flagship, let's make this Republic scum pay for destroying our great flagship!
—Jane Zarkan announcing the transference of her flag to the Independence during the Second Battle of Earth

The CSS Independence was a Lucrehulk-class battleship operated the Confederate States Navy, the naval forces of the Confederate States of Earth, a nation allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The Independence was one of a number of starships which were given to the C.S.N by their Confederate Navy allies under the terms of the alliance, along with the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Velociraptor and her fellow Lucrehulk-class battleship sisters, CSS Indefatigable and CSS Inflexible.

Serving with valour in all three battles of Earth as well as the second flagship of President Jane Zarkan, the Head of State of the Confederate States of Earth, the Independence was a legend amongst the ships of the Confederate States Navy.
