Darth Zedd, formerly the Emperor of the Sith was a male Human Sith Lord and a sorcerer of great renown throughout the New Sith Empire. Born Impori Zedd, he served as a Jedi Master of the Council of Ten Masters on Ansion and was the headmaster of an ancient academy on Ciutric IV. During the rise of the New Sith Empire, Zedd became corrupted by the dark side and married his fellow Jedi-turned-Sith Rita Bandora before declaring themselves as the Sith Lords of the Gorma tribe. A powerful seer and sorcerer, Zedd and his followers were gifted with a tremendous apt for peering into the future, and bore a third eye on their banners to symbolize their skill. Following Zedd and Repulsa's wedding and the marriage of their different Force skills, each of Zedd's generals who fell in combat were recreated with putty and alchemy and returned to the land of the living with a single eye, the third all-seeing eye.
With a nearly unstoppable army, the Gorma tribe of Sith set much of the Outer Rim aflame and drove the Republic and the Jedi deeper towards the core. Setting his sights on the ancestral Sith worlds, Zedd tasked his wife with conquering Ansion and defeating their former Jedi ally, Elriza Zordon and annihilating his Jedi Rangers who were resilient and refused to back down when confronted by one of the Gorma tribe's monstrosities. Leaving her to it, Zedd set out to see to his latest conquests but became fascinated with a mysterious power source rumored to have been discovered under his palace on the Rogue Moon. Going in search of it, Zedd discovered an ancient crystal formation within a cavern deep beneath the former Jedi academy. Unknown to Zedd, the crystals had been protected by Jedi sorcery centuries prior to prevent dark side users from harnessing the crystal's energies. Taking hold of the crystals, Zedd's body coursed with power but the curse on the crystals ravaged his body and reduced him to a writhing pile of boneless flesh. Rescued by his faithful bladesmaster Goldar, Zedd was kept alive by Sith magic, while a cortosis exoskeleton held his form together. Where his face once was, Zedd donned a mask with a cycloptic visor which amplified his already significant farseeing abilities while a vocabulator in the appearance of a wide, grated grin covered the hole which was once his mouth. In a bid to survive, Zedd was locked away in a hyperbaric chamber and hooked into a life-support system which would sustain him over the following centuries as he slept in a death-like hibernation.
It wasn't until 13 BrS that Zedd was awoken by his faithful servants to discover that his wife had survived the millennia he had spent in slumber and was aiming to rebuild her armies. Joining her, the pair was quick to join Darth Spector's new United Alliance of Sith and began waging war on the fringes of the galaxy. While their armies were strong, they were unable to avoid the purifying wave of Force energy released by the destruction of Zordon's plasma tube. As the wave tore across the battlefield, Zedd's armies were reduced to their clay-state, standing like statues across countless worlds. Zedd himself had never been killed and brought back and instead was purified into his once regal state as Jedi Master Zedd. Standing in the light of the Force once more, Zedd's body vanished in a flash as he became one with the Force.
Early life[]
Born Impori Zedd on the wet world of Ciutric IV, Zedd was selected to join the Jedi Order after he was discovered to have a preternatural talent for harnessing the Force to see into amplify not only his natural sight to see events unfold on other planets, but also his ability to peer into the future. Training at the small Jedi academy on his homeworld with two other students, Zedd quickly befriended the pair and the trio became inseparable. Training under the guidance of Master Sridara, the trio would spend days in quiet meditation to amplify Zedd's sight and to gaze out into the night's sky to watch events unfold light years away in a form of shared sight. His friends, a Bith boy named Ars Dyyyr and a Chev girl named Wyn Dis, were utterly enthralled by Zedd's power and catered to his needs and wants, inflating Zedd's ego and establishing him as their true master. Zedd and his companions eventually became Jedi Knights and were vital in the defense of Ciutric IV in the face of a growing Sith insurrection on the Outer Rim. During a mission, Zedd met the Jedi Master Elriza Zordon who invited him to Ansion to discuss the growing Sith threat.
Arriving on the dusty planet, Zedd gathered with other contemporaries at the Command Center there where they discussed the implications a weak and ineffectual High Council on Coruscant and the diminished strength of the Republic military. Devoted to keeping back the Sith from their local systems, the Jedi in attendance declared themselves the Council of Ten Masters, with Zedd and other Knights taking up the title without the High Council's approval. Becoming close with fellow Councilor Rita Bandora, Zedd was interested in her studies of alchemy and the pair had many long discussions and meditation sessions each time they met. Back on Ciutric IV, Zedd and his two companions, Dyyyr and Dis began raising an army of Seers who would combat the Sith threat. But unlike the traditional Seers that the Jedi High Council trained, Zedd demanded that they devote their time to combat training as well as honing their Force skills so that they might lead armies on the front line sand not simply meditate and make predictions. While Sridara protested the unprecedented power grasp Zedd was making, he was unable to control Zedd and watched in quiet uncertainty as Zedd continued to grow stronger. From Master Sridara's academy, Zedd kept a close watch on the Ciutric sector and sent out Jedi Rangers to patrol and ensure that the Sith could not establish a foothold in the sector. As Zedd amassed more strength, he grew tired of the old and conservative Master Sridara's demands that he step aside and travel to Coruscant for a consultation with the High Council. When Master Sridana jabbed a tranquilizing serum into Zedd's arm so that he could easily take the man to Coruscant for reconditioning, Zedd flew into a frenzied rage like a beast confronted with slaughter. Using the Force to summon a cortosis spear hanging on display on the academy wall, Zedd impaled his former master through the heart, killing him before passing out.
Upon awakening, Zedd was bound within his chamber by his friends, Dyyyr and Dis. Panicked, the two had stumbled upon the unconscious Zedd and the dead form of Master Sridara and were fearful of learning the truth of the matter. Revealing that their worst fear was true: that Zedd had killed their teacher, Dyyyr and Dis agreed to keep it a secret and to follow Zedd despite their allegiance to the Jedi. Despite their loyalty, Zedd had realized that the two would never leave the crumbling Jedi Order and would only hinder his rise to power which he knew to lie within the dark side. Feigning agreement, Zedd was released from his chamber and united with the spear he had used to commit his first truly dark act. While Dyyyr and Dis stood by, oblivious to their impending fate, Zedd conjured the dark side and transformed the spear into a staff with a stylized 'Z' at its summit. Turning the staff on his friends, Zedd cast Force lightning from its tip and caught his friends within a barrage of dark side lightning. Writhing in pain on the ground, Zedd approached them and explained that the Jedi would fall and the Sith held the greatest promise for a new future. As Dyyyr sobbed for his life, Zedd thrust his staff through the Bith's head, and burying it within his brains. Turning on Dis as she tried to crawl to safety, Zedd pinned her down with the Force and impaled her through the heart. With his fall to the dark side complete, Zedd summoned the might of his army and revealed a great vision, one which saw victory for all who followed him in his abandonment of the decrepit strictures of the Jedi Order and helped in the rise of the Gorma tribe. With nearly unanimous agreement, Zedd declared himself Darth Zedd and set to conquering the Outer Rim.
Emperor of the Sith[]
Within a few short years, Zedd had made a name for himself within the Sith Empire as he took system after system in his quest for galactic dominion. With the Gorma tribe's ability to not only reincarnate in putty-made bodies thanks to Zedd's partnership with Darth Repulsa, in addition to their own skills at binding with inanimate objects, the Gorma became a feared name even among other Sith. Having also gained access to arcane magicks which could extend his life far beyond the normal span for a Human, Zedd was able to outlast his more skilled opponents by waiting for them to wither and die. When the Sith Emperor died suddenly in 1,951 BrS, Zedd seized the throne world of Yuo and declared himself the Emperor of the Sith. Owing much of his early success to his partnership with Darth Repulsa, the two were wed and she became his Empress. Taking command of the Empire, Zedd began his reign of terror and was instrumental in the collapse of the Republic and Jedi institutions across the Outer Rim.
As Darth Zedd settled into his new palace, the Emperor began to establish his court with the high-ranking members of the Gorma tribe. Founding the Triumvirate from the chief warlords of the Gorma tribe, Esmar Shaddam, Zaidosu Zydos, and Ella Gara served as the leadership of Zedd's Empire. To adviser him in matters of state and policy, Zedd convened the Cabinet of Ministers, while the Circle of Priests guided him in Sith heterodoxy and ritual. His elite generals and guardsmen, known as the Imperial Guard, protected his person and craft the military into a menacing and fierce strength. As Zedd settled into his new seat of power and his Empire expanded, Zedd's armies saw the deaths of several key Jedi Rangers and the subjugation of many Jedi fiefdoms.
Unbeknownst to the Emperor Triumvir Shaddam and his ally, Kopii Jotei, had begun executing a plot to overthrow Zedd and conquer the Empire. Using his cunning and secrecy, Shaddam killed fellow Triumvirs Zydos and Gara and replaced them with putty duplicates without their knowledge. Removing several other key players over the long decades of Zedd's reign and replacing them without their knowledge, Shaddam possessed a secret ability he had perfected over his years of study which would prove vital to his plot. While the original, living triumvirs would have proven difficult to kill all together in an honest fight, their clay copies would be vulnerable to Shaddam's secret skill. While the putty-duplicates that filled out the Emperor's armies were easily recreated, it was essential that their spirits return to the Spirit Realm to be resurrected. Shaddam had discovered a way to subvert this process, casting their spirits into the vast hells of the Spirit Realm far from the reach of the Sith sorcerers. Additionally, because the key players did not realize they themselves were duplicates, they would not suspect a trap or defeat when confronted with a lone adversary.
After over a century of dominating the Empire, Zedd's throne was threatened during Shaddam's coup in 1,749 BrS. Calling the Imperial Court together in the throne room, Shaddam and Jotei walked in with an army of loyal patrollers behind them. When Zedd realized the treachery of the triumvir, he laughed and ordered Shaddam killed. When the Court moved to seize Shaddam and Jotei, they suddenly found themselves paralyzed as Shaddam undid the magicks which animated their putty bodies. As their copied bodies crumbled, Shaddam drew his sword and prepared to duel Zedd. Realizing the threat, Zedd fled the throne room and the palace to take refuge. While most of his court had been viciously routed and destroyed, several key players had escaped. His Lord Commander of the Imperial Guard Goldar had not been present at the Palace and was instead escorting Empress Repulsa across a campaign in the outer reaches of the Empire.
Into hiding[]
Return to power[]
Gorma tribe[]
Name | Species | Homeworld | Class | Title | |||
Esmar Shaddam | Human | Huro | Triumvirate | Lieutenant Colonel | |||
The leader of the Gorma Triumvirate, Esmar Shaddam led the armies of the Gorma tribe in Lord Zedd's campaigns across the Outer Rim and was key to Zedd's rise to Emperor. Frustrated by aspirations which ultimately proved futile as a Jedi, Shaddam found comfort in his new-found power in the dark side; rising higher in power as a way of coaxing his ego. Longing to eventually succeed his lord and master, Darth Zedd, he would depose and competition or rivals through any means of treachery. Through his mastery of alchemy, Shaddam was capable of altering the chemical makeup of his skin, allowing it to take on a metallic sheen when in battle which protected him from attack. After gaining pseudo-immortality through Darth Repulsa's magicks, Shaddam took a wife and fathered twins named Kou and Akomaru. While Akomaru would be raised by the tribe, the woman smuggled Kou offworld and turned him over to the Jedi Order. Infiltrating the Empire's upper-echelon, Shaddam killed several of them and replaced them with clay copies using techniques stolen from Darth Repulsa. After he assisted in Zedd's fall from power, Shaddam took control of the Empire and hoped to use the power of the Great Earthshaking Jewel to conquer the galaxy and destroy the Republic. The Jewel's dark side powers had a mind-warping affect on Shaddam, which caused a psychosis that eventually consumed him. Confronted by a local band of Jedi Rangers, Shaddam lost control of the Jewel and his strength was diminished. Trapped by the Jedi Rangers, Shaddam was challenged to a duel and was slain upon his own lightsaber. His spirit escaping his body, the corpse of Shaddam collapsed into clay dust, revealing that he had been destroyed and resurrected long ago by Darth Repulsa. The manner of his true death remained lost to history. | |||||||
Zaidosu Zydos | Human | New Holgha | Triumvirate | Major | |||
Vicious and brutal, Zaidosu Zydos did not lack cunning or intellect. Ascending to the rank of Triumvir of the Gorma tribe, he was an incredibly strong alchemist trained by Darth Bandora. Able to create new bodies for his soldiers more quickly then the Dora armies, Zydos could rip disembodied spirits from the Spirit Realm and force them into clay bodies with ease. Faithfully serving under Lt. Colonel Shaddam, he was not above creating his own plans to destroy the Jedi and the Republic in private. While devout to the Sith cause, Zydos struggled with the rigors of command and found it difficult to control several of the warriors under his commands due to their competitive nature. Capable of transforming his skin into a metallic armor at will, Zydos would march into battle against the Republic and slaughter the troops on the field with pure bloodlust. When Shaddam seized control of the Empire, the man he had served faithfully stripped away the sould that animated Zydos' clay body; Zydos had actually been killed years before and was unaware of his vulnerability as a clay soldier. | |||||||
Ella Gara | Human | Nar Shaddaa | Triumvirate | Lieutenant Colonel | |||
Ella Gara was born a member of the Dai Tribe, and raised in the Sith. When only ten standard years old, Gara walked with her friend Gil Kajuku when they were beset by an avalanche. Defending her friend using her superior telekinetic skill, Gara's face was scarred by the falling debris while her friend remained unharmed. When Kajuku disappeared in the wake of the accident, Gara held great resentment for this abandonment, having sacrificed her beauty for friendship. Shirking all sense of allegiance to her tribe, she betrayed her bloodline and joined the Gorma tribe of Darth Zedd. Cruel and vicious, she was able to armor herself with golden skin to protect herself in battle against the Republic's armies and the Jedi. Manipulative and seductive, Gara would use the vanity of her opponents against them, turning able politicians into allies and allowing the Empire of Darth Zedd to ever expand without mass fighting and loss. When she crossed paths with her former friend Kajuku decades later as she returned to conquer her homeworld in the name of the Gorma tribe, Gara used the woman's vanity to imprison her within an alternate dimension. Ascending to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and becoming a member of the Gorma Triumvirate, Gara aided in battle planning and attack strategy. Unbeknownst to her, her fellow Triumvir Shaddam killed her in her sleep years prior and animated a clay form in her likeness which her soul possessed. When Shaddam overthrew Zedd and seized control of the Empire, Shaddam released Gara's spirit and her clay body was reduced to dust. | |||||||
Intremin Goldar | Griffozer | Titan | Imperial Guard | Lord Commander | |||
Haniwa Fukuwajusshi | Iktotchi | Iktotch | Imperial Guard | Blademaster | |||
Haniwa Fukuwajusshi was the Emperor's Blademaster, the premiere instructor in combat within the entire Imperial Army. A loyal adviser of Triumvir Gara, he sacrificed his body to Darth Zedd and was given a new form that made him nearly invincible in a duel. Returning at a bone white humanoid, his Iktotchi horns still adorned his head, with one pointed up and the other straight down. Capable of transforming even living beings into clay statues in which their Force-essence was imprisoned, Haniwa could reassemble himself if his body was destroyed in combat without needing to be resurrected from the Spirit Realm. When Shaddam overthrew the Emperor, Haniwa remained loyal to the Empire and served Shaddam openly. In private, Haniwa made preparations for betrayal and transferred his essence into a small puppet made of clay. In his new diminutive form, Haniwa controlled his old body through his profound strength in the Force, fooling even the Emperor to his deception. When betrayal eventually did come, and Shaddam attempted to cut Haniwa off from reincarnating, Haniwa escaped destruction by remaining in his puppet form, watching silently from a shelf and biding his time until he could return to power. | |||||||
Holomin Jiaxu | Koorivar | Koorivar | Imperial Guard | Master Bladesmith | |||
A masterful swordsman, Holomin Jiaxu was a skilled metallurgist and the forger of swords and weapons for the Gorma tribe. Donning a strong suit of cortosis armor, Jiaxu wielded a great sword against the Republic and the Jedi in battle. A member of the Imperial Guard and a frequent visitor to Darth Zedd's Imperial court, Jiaxu would stand alongside Commander Goldar while Zedd presided over matters of state. Residing at the palace, Jiaxu was only seldom seen on the battlefield during his later service as he was busy within his forges. When Shaddam seized control of the Empire, Jiaxu remained loyal out of a sense of self-preservation and served his new Emperor fiercely. | |||||||
Siath Zilong | Zygerrian | Zygeria | Imperial Guard | Master Armorer | |||
A noble Sith and a seasoned veteran of battle, Siath Zilong was not known for being cruel or wicked. Instead, Zilong found his place in the Empire as a being who found strength in the Sith Code and adhered to its principals not through a lust for power but out of a philosophical agreement with the core beliefs of the Empire. A loyalist in Darth Zedd's court, Zilong was highly respected by the Dark Lord and earned the position of Master Armorer due to his skill with a hammer and an innate ability to manipulate metals into fierce armor plates. Adorning himself in thick armor, Zilong did not often venture out onto the battlefield himself and favored to leave the fighting to the warriors. When Shaddam overthrew Darth Zedd and declared himself Emperor, Zilong stood against him and was quickly overwhelmed by the very warriors he had clad in armor for decades. | |||||||
Ozutsu Gunso | Dashade | Ziost | Imperial Guard | Sergeant | |||
A warmongering Dashade, Ozutsu Gunso was a violent being and a butcher. Hated by the Republic and hunted by the Jedi, Gunso was known for targeting hospitals, schools and places of worship in his attacks. A sergeant within the Imperial Guard, Gunso wore armor with a massive mitter on his head that functioned as a cannon. Capable of launching projectiles made of raw Force-energy, Gunso earned the name Cannontop as he launched his devastating energy from his head. | |||||||
Toranpu Koushaku | Gorothite | Goroth Prime | Imperial Guard | Duke of Trumps | |||
A wicked Gorothite, Toranpu Koushaku was a vile being and was dispatched as the fail safe in a battle. Known as the Duke of Trumps for his ability to turn the tide on the battlefield, he dressed in black and white and used Sith tarot cards during a fight. On each card was depicted a great general of the Gorma tribe and when activated, they would return from the Spirit Realm in giant form to crush the enemy armies. | |||||||
Kas Saboten | Zongorlu | Zongorlu | Imperial Guard | General | |||
A former Jedi Knight, the lecherous Kas Saboten was cast out of the Jedi Order for his pedophillic attack on several Jedi Initiates. Taken in by Triumvir Gara, she promised him access to her armies of young trainees in exchange for his knowledge of Jedi lore and military strategy. Agreeing, Saboten became a general within the Gorma tribe, and was despised by his trainees for his perversions. Using the spines that grew on his body to paralyze his victims, he would have his way with them between training sessions. Despite this flaw, his students were well taught and the hatred he inspired in his trainees was unparalleled, and so the Empire allowed him to persist unchecked. | |||||||
Thosscon Vinjagga | Anguilla | Alluuvia | Imperial Guard | General | |||
An aquatic general, Thosscon Vinjagga was a chief general in Darth Zedd's conquest of water worlds across the Outer Rim. With serrated teeth, Vinjagga would attack his opponents with his teeth, devouring their flesh and consuming them alive. Vinjagga was given control of over two hundred worlds and maintained armies of aquatic warriors to dispatch to their next campaign. | |||||||
Pelli Opuurin | Primitar | Sargo | Imperial Guard | General | |||
Pelli Opuurin was a wild Primitar and general within the Imperial Guard | |||||||
Meki Ilpalazzo | Cophrigi | Cophrigin V | Imperial Guard | General | |||
Robogoat | |||||||
Voth Kahn | Saliguana | Toolr | Imperial Guard | General | |||
Karan Odan | Cranscoc | Cartao | Imperial Guard | General | |||
Stag beetle | |||||||
Hees Guitardo | Mustafarian | Mustafar | Imperial Guard | General | |||
Ikazuchi | Lamproid | Florn | General | ||||
Shachou Kokuyouse | Sakiyan | Saki | Cabinet of Ministers | Minister of Death | |||
A noble Sith Lord, Shachou Kokuyouse was the chief adviser of Darth Ruin before Zedd eventually succeeded to the leadership of the Empire. Kokuyouse pledged fealty to Zedd and was afforded a title in the Cabinet of Ministers for his loyalty. The Minister of Death, Kokuyouse guarded the records which detailed the warriors of the Gorma tribe and was responsible for bringing them back from the dead using the magick clays of the Empire. Reincarnated himself, his upper body took on the appearance of an ancient and cracked tomb marker. To release the spirits from the Spirit Realm, Kokusouse would open the rock where it was cracked and hinge it open to allow the spirits he summoned to come forth. | |||||||
Himu Danshaku | Anacondan | Anac | Cabinet of Ministers | Baron | |||
Originally an Anacondan, Himu Danshaku approached the Gorma tribe pledging his wealth and service. Detecting his Force-sensitivity, Darth Zedd offered him eternal life and strength as a reward for his offerings. Accepting, Zedd slit the Anacondan's throat and bond his spirit with the magicks learned from Darth Bandora. Creating a monstrous new body from enchanted clay, Zedd animated the new body with Danshaku's life force and returned the being to the realm of the living. A vile creature, Danshaku's new form was fierce and frightening to behold. Walking on two legs, his serpentine form was knotted into a ball where a Human's chest would be and tattooed with Sith glyphs across golden skin. Two arms grew from his sides; his right arm ended in a five-fingured hand while the left was a knotted tentacle which terminated in a mouth filled with jagged teeth. Where a normal biped would have a head, Danshaku's serpentine body arced in a loop; suspended in the middle pf the wheel like formation was a golden orb emblazoned with the symbol of the Gorma tribe: the all-seeing eye. Emerging from his knotted chest was a single tentacle which was tipped with the cycloptic eye of all Gorma tribesmen. Named as a Baron within the Cabinet of Ministers, Danshaku was a lowly courtesan and was often deployed to acquire more funding for the Empire. Whenever a client planet of the Empire failed to pay their dues, Danshaku would consume them with the mouth at the end of his left arm tentacle. A master of the Himoshinken fighting style, he became less masterful with time as he grew lazy at court. | |||||||
Sakura Shishaku | Neti | Myrkyr | Cabinet of Ministers | Baron | |||
One of the few Neti who found service in the Empire, Sakura Shishaku was an ally of Triumvir Gara and a Baron in the Cabinet of Ministers. Taking on a humanoid form, Shishaku's head resembled a flowering tree with branches arcing over his shoulders. In the center of his face was a single eye, representative of his allegiance with the Gorma tribe. The pink and red blossoms which covered his head could be made to disperse a pollen which caused a violent rage in all those who inhaled it. Shishaku was therefore often times dispatched to enliven the Gorma armies before battles and to convert captured Jedi to the Sith ways. Dueling with a single steel sword, Shishaku preferred others to fight for him as he was not strong in combat. Rallying Sith troops was the extent of his battlefield utility and he often remained at the rearguard during large battles. | |||||||
Gamaguchi Houshi | Urplus | Rpppl | Cabinet of Ministers | Minister of Coin | |||
A renowned banker with the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Gamaguchi Houshi's potential was discovered by scouts with the Gorma tribe. Brought before Darth Zedd, Houshi pledged fealty to the Sith Emperor and began training in the ways of the Force in exchange for his skills with the banking system. Wielding a mighty war hammer, Houshi garbed himself in red and donned a collar resembling an open coin purse. When closed, the collar formed a helmet adorned with the cycloptic eye of the Gorma tribe. Residing within Zedd's palace, Houshi was a Minister at court and was charged with overseeing the finances of the Empire. | |||||||
Kagi Doukeshi | Givin | Yag'Dhul | Cabinet of Ministers | Minister of Keys | |||
An important member of Darth Zedd's Imperial Court, Kagi Doukeshi was a Givin Force adept trained in the Sith arts and given the title of Minister of Keys. Garbed in armor and carrying several large steel keys, Doukeshi was the guardian of the Spirit Realms and held the key to accessing it. Capable of tearing upon the fabric which separated the two realities, Doukeshi could summon defeated spirits and return them to the corporeal world without spells or incantations. | |||||||
Mangekyou Hakushaku | Abyssin | Byss | Cabinet of Ministers | Count | |||
A thrall of Triumvir Gara, Mangekyou Hakushaku wore a headdress made of prisms and crystal. Using his mastery of light manipulation, Hakushaku could create solid illusions and traps so that he could get inside their defenses and kill his enemies. Additionally, the light from the kaleidoscope headdress could scramble the minds of those that looked into it, rendering them amnesic and confused. Violent and cruel, Hakushaku would scramble the brains of his opponents and then gain their trust before viciously slaughtering them. | |||||||
Pachin Daimeijin | Twi'lek | Ryloth | Cabinet of Ministers | Minister of Fools | |||
A former Jedi Padawan, Pachin Daimeijin became a Sith minister within Darth Zedd's court. Highly perceptive and mischievous, Daimeijin employed fools to serve as the Cotpotros warriors that made up the bulk of the Gorma tribe. Wearing a headdress and armor, Daimeijin commanded the production and deployment of the Cotpotros by the will of the Emperor. | |||||||
Harsei Skelerena | Defel | Af'El | Cabinet of Ministers | Reaper | |||
A Defel Sith, Harsei Skelerena was nearly killed in battle by Jedi during the Jedi Civil War. Suspended in stasis, her tomb was discovered by the Gorma tribe and her spirit resurrected. Skeletal and monstrous, Skelerena's heart pounded in her chest while the rest of her organs had long since desiccated. The Emperor's Reaper, Skelerena wielded a scythe to cut the spirit out of her victims. Consuming the spirits of her victims, Skelerena grew stronger the more souls she reaped. | |||||||
Medeia Majusshi | Dashade | Korriban | Cabinet of Ministers | Minister of Propaganda | |||
Medeia Majusshi was the Emperor's primary propagandist and communications officer. Working with Hayakuchi Tabigarasu, Majusshi was a violent Dashade and known for her Sith sorcery and blood magicks. Communicating with the Republic Senate and the Jedi High Council, Majusshi was hunted down by the Jedi Lords from the Grand Council and imprisoned within the fortress on Alaris Prime. Hidden deep within the crypts, Majusshi could not reincarnate because she had not been destroyed and was therefore imprisoned alive for all eternity. The crypts eventually collapsed during the destruction of the fortress, and would not be excavated for over a millennium. | |||||||
Padme Pele | Affytechan | Dom-Bradden|Cabinet of Ministers | Minister | ||||
Bloom of Doom | |||||||
Innoruuk Rueb | J'feh | Unknown | Cabinet of Ministers | Minister | |||
Octophantom | |||||||
Kavindra Airer'th | Geparsu | Venus | Cabinet of Ministers | Minister | |||
Invennusable Flytrap | |||||||
Nokogiri Daisoujou | Sakiyan | Saki | Circle of Priests | Archbishop | |||
A Sakiyan Sith, Nokogiri Daisoujou was a fanatic and a zealot of the Sith Empire. Considered insane by the Triumvirate, he outranked them in decisions regarding Sith heterodoxy and sought to persecute any who violated the Sith Code. During his service to Darth Zedd, Daisoujou imprisoned a Jedi Ranger and turned him to the dark side, training him as his apprentice and successor. A later acolyte of his, Chou Ryou, failed to impress Daisoujou during a mission to destroy a group of Jedi Rangers. Upon Ryou's return, Daisoujou murdered his apprentice for his failure and hung his entrails about the palace's alter. Wearing red robes, Daisoujou wore a metal headdress made of serrated blades which jutted out at dangerous angles. In his fanaticism, Daisoujou killed himself and ordered himself remade with a single eye in the middle of his face. Two additional eyes were crafted into his helm vertically, symbolizing his heightened perceptions and devotion to the Sith ways. | |||||||
Kuchibeniuta Hime | Rattataki | Rattatak | Circle of Priests | Priestess | |||
A priestess trained by Triumvir Gara, Kuchibeniuta Hime was a vain woman and a fierce duelist. Her fighting style was refined and elegant, coupling Force-based with her blades. Empowering her voice with the Force, Hime would wrought her destruction through song, leveling entire cities with the strength of her voice. Donning a towering headdress that covered her eyes, Hime would walk into battle using echolocation to perceive threats. A master of poisons as well, Hime used cursed powders and ointments to possess her victims and take control over their minds. She was a fierce opponent of several Jedi Rangers who found her song to be a perversion of the beautiful nature of the Force. | |||||||
Kagami Keshoushi | Skakoan | Skako | Circle of Priests | Priest | |||
A priest in the service of Triumvir Gara, Kagami Keshoushi was a Skakoan Sith priest who allowed himself to be recreated by Darth Zedd to strip himself of his reliance on a pressure suit. In his new form, Keshoushi was reborn a green-skinned fighter, wearing armor dominated by a circular mirror embedded within his chest plate with a single eye peering out above it. As the Priest of the Mirror, Keshoushi used the mirror to show his enemies who they truly were to devastating effect. Corrupting many young Jedi Knights by revealing their secret fears and desires, Keshoushi was a masterful recruiter and the trusted hand of Archbishop Daisoujou. A master of his own Kagamishinken fighting style, he could cause blistering cuts on the bodies of those who gazed into his reflective armor. he could imprison his opponents within his mirror if they were not so easily broken. Trapped within the mirror world, many Jedi Masters were forced to exist in a state of limbo as Keshoushi wrought destruction across the galaxy. Keshoushi created a rectangular mirror, which his minions would smuggle inside Jedi temples or Republic military bases on his command. This dark side artifact contained an ancient Sith priestess trapped within its glass, and was linked to the strange mirrored limbo accessed through Keshoushi's armor. When Jedi or Republic soldiers gazed into the looking glass within the safety of their own bases, they would begin to lose their minds as the priestess in the mirror drew them ever closer so that she could suck them in and feed upon their life force energy. | |||||||
Jishaku Shinpu | Human | Ciutric IV | Circle of Priests | Priest | |||
A Human Sith, Jishaku Shinpu sacrificed his body to Darth Zedd in return for a new form as the Priest of the Magnet. A skilled practitioner of the rare psychokinetic ability to control magnetism, Shinpu's skill was greatly effective against the armored ships and starfighters employed by the Republic against the Empire. Robed in black, Shinpu's head had been made in the shape of a curved magnet, with a single eye suspended between both poles. Within his chest cavity were sonorous wells which projected his voice across great distances. Wielding a magnetic staff, he could alter the magnetic fields around ships, buildings, and even planets to devastating effect. Under the command of Triumvir Gara, Shinpu could also alter the magnetic relationship between two individuals, causing them to find themselves differing in ways that once bonded them close together. | |||||||
Kagerou Zukin | Kissai | Korriban | Circle of Priests | Priest | |||
A rare Kissai priest rediscovered by Darth Zedd's Empire, Kagerou Zukin was a pyromancer of great renown and a fiery presence within Zedd's Court. Draping himself in flowing red and white robes, he covered his face in a veil and adorned his head with a turban. When taking the battlefield, Zukin's skin would alight with flame and his attack would come fierce and quick, leaving the battlefield in fiery devastation. Within his armor, Zukin built a gateway to a small prison realm of his own making. Opening the gate, he could suck in his enemies and trap them within the fiery, torturous world. | |||||||
Tsubo Doujin | Lizling | Saar | Circle of Priests | Priest | |||
Tsubo Doujin was known as the Priest of the Plague, adorning his head with a helm resembling a massive jar. Like the other priests, he had the ability to imprison the living within personal prison realms: within the Jar he could seal away enemies and siphon away their powers to bolster his own. A master of plague, a toxic mist could be emitted from his jar-like helm and spread his latest poisons into the atmosphere. | |||||||
Torikago Fuuraibou | Human | Coruscant | Circle of Priests | Novice | |||
A former Jedi, Torikago Fuuraibou had been imprisoned and tortured by the Gorma tribe before falling to the dark side under the promise that the torture would end. To assure his torturer of his allegiance, Fuuraibou was made to kill his fellow prisoner, a Jedi Padawan of only thirteen standard years with his bare hands. After the murder was complete, Fuuraibou's left leg was sawed off by the Archbishop of the Circle and his chest gutted as he screamed. When he finally expired, Fuuraibou's spirit was imprisoned within the Spirit Realm before being brought back as a monstrous being. His left-leg was made of solid gold cortosis, completely invincible to destruction. His upper body was in the shape of a domed cage of steel bars, with a single eye at its center and two arms emerging from its side. Draping a cape over his horrible living prison, Fuuraibou was a novice of the Circle of Priests as he sank deeper into the dark side. Consumed by his own misery, Fuuraibou loyally captured his former Jedi brothers and sisters, bringing them back to the Circle for torture and murder. The prison realm within the cage was one of despair and pestilence where prisoners suffered in starvation and pain. | |||||||
Lin Kozou | Dathomirian | Dathomir | Circle of Priests | Novice | |||
A priestling in the Circle of Priests, Lin Kozou was the apprentice of Master Shinpu and a student of the Force as it expressed itself through violence. Through his study of the holocron of Darth Nihilus, Kozou learned the ability to ingest his enemies and gain full-control over their talents and abilities. Hunting down champion martial artists and warriors, Kozou would eat them alive and absorb their skills through his dark magicks. As his pogrom against galactic-class athletes gained the attention of the HoloNet and sports fans across both the Empire and the Republic, Kozou would feed upon entire stadiums in his quest for martial superiority. Dressed in the red and white of the Gorma tribe, Kozou's face was adorned with traditional Dathomirian war paint, with red streaks over his white face. His dark black hair was tied back in a severe style while black tentacles of dark side energy writhed behind him when he consumed his enemies. He had a third eye grafted into his forehead to symbolize his allegiance to Gorma tribe. | |||||||
Jakuu Kortu | Worrite | Worr | Circle of Priests | Priest | |||
Turbanshell | |||||||
Samir Singh | Species | Homeworld | Circle of Priests | Wizard of Deception | |||
Gattai-Shitennou | Species | Homeworld | Emperor's Household | Divinely United Kings of the Sith | |||
Awoken by the Circle of Priests, the Gattai-Shitennou was created from the spirits of four ancient Sith Kings of Korriban. Master illusionists and fonts of wisdom and arcane skill, the four kings could take on separate forms, but were strongest when combined into the Gattai-Shitennou abomination. When in their combined form, they appeared as a bipedal humanoid robed all in black. The head of the abomination had white skin, and had four faces emerging from it facing forward, backward, left, and right. Adorning each forehead was the ancient crest of their households which served as the talisman which bound their spirits to the world of the living. When Shaddam overthrew Darth Zedd, the Gattai-Shitennou commended the new Emperor for honoring the tradition of Sith betrayal and continued to serve as the Emperor's adviser. | |||||||
Kopii Jotei | Miralukan | Alpheridies | Emperor's Household | Chief Handmaiden; Empress | |||
The Chief Handmaiden of Empress Repulsa, Kopii Jotei was a Miralukan and the head of her personal attendants. Dressing the Empress and preparing her daily agenda, Jotei was aligned with Triumvir Shaddam and eventually became involved in his plot to overthrow the Emperor. Using her ability to create copies of the living, she assisted Shaddam in the assassination of several key members of the Emperor's Court and installed living clay copies in their place. When the Emperor was deposed and in hiding, Jotei became Empress in Repulsa's place. | |||||||
Veskasa Kobylarz | Human | Taris | Emperor's Household | Handmaiden | |||
Lady Ring | |||||||
Banol Evnairis | Aporpor | Rpor | Emperor's Household | Handmaiden | |||
Lady Necklace | |||||||
Idiian Vuull | Dathomirian | Dathomir | Emperor's Household | Handmaiden | |||
Lady Earring | |||||||
Hayakuchi Tabigarasu | Human | Yuo | Emperor's Household | Communications Officer | |||
A masterful speaker, Hayakuchi Tabigarasu was born a slave to the Empire but was raised from this fate due to his command over the Force. Using his talent to command attention through his voice, Tabigarasu sacrificed his body to his Emperor and was rewarded with a new form. Garbed in the traditional red and white of the Gorma tribe, Tabigarasu's head was remade as a monstrous vocabulator with a single eye in its metal face. Wearing a kasa hat to hide his mechanical head, Tabigarasu used his new form to broadcast his voice over great distances, including a hook-up to the HoloNet. | |||||||
Toufu Sennin | Balosar | Balosar | Emperor's Household | Master Chef | |||
Like many of Darth Zedd's household staff, Toufu Sennin possessed a Force-talented generally not suited to combat. As such, the loyal Balosar was given the title of Master Chef due to his talents in cuisine preparation and the Emperor's strong friendship with the being. Using the Force to create dishes with exceptional taste, Sennin could also control the atomic structure of the world through the Force. With but a touch, Sennin could turn water into wine or salty bread into a sweet treat. Dressing in a white chef's suit, Sennin allowed his bodied to be recreated by his Emperor after which he possessed a single eye in the middle of his face. Tying his long fiery hair in a topknot, Sennin's atennapalps protruded from the side of his head after being recreated and were capable of intensified auditory reception. Wielding a sharpened butcher's knife, Sennin could defend his kitchen with his skills in hand-to-hand combat if need be. | |||||||
WELDO-390T | War-droid | Ciutric IV | Emperor's Household | Darth Zedd's personal droid | |||
Created at the request of Darth Zedd, WELDO-390T was a war -droid that served in the Emperor's household. A personal attendant, WELDO was equipped with systems which gave him profound knowledge of military strategy, Republic military movements, Jedi rosters, technical skills and other databases that were vital to operation of the Empire. A black armored black biped, WELDO had a blocky form and his head was draped with long white locks. Fiercely loyal to his Master, WELDO was destroyed by Shaddam during his coup when the traitorous Sith blasted WELDO to pieces with an automated turret. |