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An Imperial-class Star Destroyer and TIEs heading into a planet.
The Imperial Navy was the space branch of the armed forces of the Galactic Empire.
Rank structure[]
Rank | Description |
Crewman Basic | The first rank that was given to enlistees and conscripts. |
Crewman | The rank that was given to basic crewmen after completing two years of service. |
Petty Officer | |
Petty Officer First Class | |
Chief Petty Officer | |
Ensign | |
Sub-lieutenant | |
Lieutenant | Academy graduates usually were given the rank of lieutenant upon beginning their service. |
Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant commanders often served as adjutants to admirals. |
Commander | A commander typically served as the first officer of a ship. |
Captain | Commanded a single ship, or, on occasion, a line of ships. |
Commodore | Commodores could command small squadrons of ships that were part of a vice admiral's fleet. |
Rear admiral | A rear admiral could command a fleet of up to 300 vessels as part of a vice admiral's fleet, or serve in a staff position. |
Vice admiral | A vice admiral could command a fleet of 300-500 vessels that was identified by the admiral's last name. |
Admiral | An admiral could command a fleet of 500-1000 vessels, with the fleet being named with the admiral's last name. |
High admiral | A high admiral could command a fleet of 1000-1500 vessels. They could also serve as a department head or in a staff position, sometimes acting as the commanders of fronts. |
Fleet admiral | A fleet admiral could command a fleet of 1500-2500 vessels, named after the admiral's last name. They could also command a single sector fleet or hold a senior staff position. |
Grand Admiral | [Placeholder] |