Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Admiral Bast, Imperial Command is contacting us. It's... it's Lord Vader. His Lordship demands an update on our hunt, sir.
—Barrow Oicunn to Lazarus Bast

Imperial High Command (IHC), or simply Imperial Command, was the central command division responsible for coordinating the Empire's forces. IHC was mostly subordinate to the IRC and worked closely with COMPNOR, but fell outside the jurisdiction of the Galactic Senate.

Although the Emperor who held ultimate martial authority and was referred to as "1", Darth Sidious rarely involved himself in the day-to-day running of the Empire and instead preferred to delegate responsibility to his servants. Therefore, the Supreme Commander served as head of Imperial Command, standing at the Emperor's right-hand as joint leader of the Imperial forces ("2"). Many therefore recognized Darth Vader as the actual leader of the military since he personally directed Imperial forces in stomping insurrection, territorial expansion and hunting down the elusive Rebel fleet. At Wilhuff Tarkin's suggestion, Grand Moffs were granted the same amount of authority over both navy and army due to their status as the Emperor's administrators, although it was limited to their respective Oversectors.

The uppermost echelons of IHC were represented by the Joint Chiefs - the senior board comprised of the Supreme Commander, the Grand Moffs as well as five-star admirals, generals and commanders - and the Council of Moffs - the collective body of Grand Moffs and Moffs charged with Oversector and Sector management. The Circle of Twelve, to which the Grand Admirals belonged, was structured right beneath those two and acted as leading cadre for the Imperial Navy.

Following the collapse of the Empire, IHC was dissolved, but was later reorganized into the Shadow Council.


  • Armand Isard: Chairman of COMPNOR.
  • Orson Callan Krennic: Director of the Advanced Weapon Development.
  • Royce Hemlock: Chief Scientist of the Advanced Science Division.
Council of Moffs[]
  • Wilhuff Tarkin: Grand Moff of the Oversector Outer. (replaced)
  • Ardus Kaine: Grand Moff of the Oversector Outer.
  • Kintaro: Grand Moff of the Oversector Sarin.
  • Kohl Seerdon: Grand Moff of the Oversector Bornea.
  • Zsinj: Grand Moff of the Oversector Quelii.
  • Trachta: Grand Moff of the Oversector Outer. (replaced)
  • Denn Wessex: Grand Moff of the Oversector Relgim.
  • Marcellin Wessel: Grand Moff of the the Oversector Immalia.
  • Lozen Tolruck: Grand Moff of the Oversector Mytaranor.
    • Tiaan Jerjerrod: Moff of the Quanta sector.
    • Quarsh Panaka: Moff of the Chommel sector. (replaced)
    • Abran Balfour: Moff of the Chommel sector.
    • Ghadi: Moff of the Tangenine sector. (replaced)
    • Vezimir: Moff of the Tangenine sector.
    • Delian Mors: Moff of the Gaulus sector.
    • Arihnda Pryce: Moff of the Lothal sector.
    • Merillion Tarko: Moff of the Quellor sector.
    • Kalast: Moff of the Albarrio sector. (defected to the Rebel Alliance)
    • Ulrik Adelhard: Moff of the Anoat sector.
    • Gideon: Moff of the Mandalore sector.
    • Feodor Yarnim: Moff of the Brema sector.
Circle of Twelve[]
  • Demetrius Zaarin: Grand Admiral of the 1st Fleet. (turned rogue & replaced)
  • Xerxes: Grand Admiral of the 1st Fleet.
  • Josef Grunger: Grand Admiral of the 2nd Fleet.
  • Balanhai Savit: Grand Admiral of the 3rd Fleet. (turned rogue & replaced)
  • Martio Batch: Grand Admiral of the 3rd Fleet.
  • Peccati Syn: Grand Admiral of the 4th Fleet.
  • Rufaan Tigellinus: Grand Admiral of the 5th Fleet.
  • Miltin Takel: Grand Admiral of the 6th Fleet.
  • Thrawn: Grand Admiral of the 7th Fleet.
  • Lazarus Bast: Grand Admiral of the 8th Fleet.
  • Octavian Grant: Grand Admiral of the 9th Fleet.
  • Afsheen Makati: Grand Admiral of the 10th Fleet.
  • Danetta Pitta: Grand Admiral of the 11th Fleet.
  • Nial Declann: Grand Admiral of the 12th Fleet.
Naval Command[]
  • Conan Antonio Motti: Chief. (replaced)
  • Gregg: Chief.
    • Garrick Versio: Admiral of Bane Squadron.
    • Janus Bonn: Admiral of Fury Squadron.
    • Barton Coburn: Admiral of Preacher Squadron. (defected to the Rebel Alliance)
    • Demmings: Admiral of Vanquisher Squadron.
    • Voss Parck: Admiral of Enrapture Squadron.
    • Ellian Zahra: Admiral of Victory Squadron.
    • Ledre Okins: Admiral of Crippler Squadron.
    • Bragolla: Admiral of Arson Squadron. (replaced)
    • Golgomat: Admiral of Arson Squadron.
    • Gorgon Steri: Admiral of Soothsayer Squadron.
    • Kendal Ozzel: Admiral of Death Squadron. (replaced)
    • Firmus Piett: Admiral of Death Squadron.
      • Rampart: Vice Admiral of Warmantle Squadron.
      • Tallatz: Vice Admiral of Dread Squadron.
      • Rae Sloane: Vice Admiral of Obedience Squadron.
      • Tion: Vice Admiral of Vindictive Squadron.
      • Nils Tenant: Vice Admiral of Tenet Squadron.
      • Nuum: Vice Admiral of Fist Squadron.
Army Command[]
  • Cassio Tagge: Chief (replaced)
  • Ormeddon: Chief
    • Hurst Romodi: General of the 41st Legion.
    • Moradmin Bast: General of the 501st Legion. (replaced)
    • Maximilian Veers: General of the 501st Legion.
    • Trech Molock: General of the 212th Legion. (replaced)
    • Ogun Mekko: General of the 212th Legion.
    • Siward Cass: General of the 187th Legion. (replaced)
    • Sk'ar: General of the 187th Legion.
    • Renwer Herzog: General of the 612th Legion.
    • Barokki: General of the 302nd Legion. (replaced)
    • Lorr Konos: General of the 302nd Legion.

Security Bureau Command

  • Harus Ison: Director. (replaced)
  • Wullf Yularen: Director.
    • Lio Partagaz: Major.
    • Barsha: Major.
    • Gideon: Major.
Intelligence Command[]
  • Armand Isard: Director. (replaced)
  • Ysanne Isard: Director
    • Dodd Rancit: Deputy Director. (turned rogue)
    • Terrinald Screed: Deputy Director.
    • Malau Jocaos: Deputy Director.