Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

They were once the government but the Kazokan Wars took that away when its Emperor lost their right to rule. Takemoto is rather arrogant, so I wouldn't advise on meeting him about what's going on.
Reizei Ayato

The Imperial Faction, formerly the Imperial Faction of Kazoku and Gushiken Shogunate from 18,680 BBY to 1,586 BBY, was an ancient Kazokan government that was formerly the government authority of the Inner Rim world Kazoku.



Sometime at least a millennia after the first Kazokans settled the planet, the Imperial Faction sat as the world's government led by the Emperor of Kazoku and ruled through various Daimyos as their vassals. A Shogun was the commander-in-chief of its military forces. However, this was seen as a weak form of government with the Emperor's authority essentially being worth less than the Shogun and Daimyos they led, leading to the Kazokan Wars and the eventual downfall of the Imperial Faction as the dominating government. The Gushiken Clan, its ruling clan, expected the power of the Imperial Faction as the planetary government to return to them at the end of the Kazokan Wars when the Nakamura Clan killed Meiji, however, this was not the case and their power was not returned and went in favour of the Shogunate Commission. The Imperial Faction would be restored during the Nihon Civil War as the Gushiken Clan swept away the influence of the Shogunate Commission within its borders.

After the first humans settled on the world that would become known as Kazoku, the first farming settlements were in close proximity of each other and provided support to one another in times of crisis. These farmers, utilizing tools brought with them, were able to thrive and expand throughout the planet, creating larger towns and even cities. It was during this period of expansion that these humans created their own identity, language and its alphabet that was distinct from other Inner Rim worlds and this was when the Imperial Faction of Kazoku was created and its leader was crowned Emperor. Elected leaders of the various cities were to be known as Daimyo, vassals for the Emperor and the authority of the land that they oversaw, modern Kazoku history records attributed this as the spark of the Kazokan Wars. A special post Shogun was created to lead and organize their newfound military forces across the planet as the commander-in-chief and answered only to the Emperor. Over time, however, the post of Shogun would be greatly expand as lawlessness eventually grew on the planet and more of them would be appointed by the Emperor to better manage the resources of the Kazokan Army, an ancient military used by the Imperial Faction that was later revived as the Imperial Kazokan Army during the Nihon Civil War.

Dwindling influence[]

Shoguns became more and more prominent in the affairs of the Imperial Faction's government as the Emperor became less involved, whom often left military decisions to the Shoguns without any insight from the Emperor, provided they did not go against the Emperor or any of the established rules and conventions of the Kazokan people. This did have some flaws, as without the Emperor's consent or oversight, Shoguns, when it came to military policy, could act upon their choices and enforce them without the Emperor's approval beforehand. This led to the Daimyos becoming the vassals to the Shoguns as military policy was carried out and the power of the Kazokan Army increased. By the time that the Emperor had noticed their power was being diminished by the Shoguns they appointed, it was too late to act and perform a governmental reform as the many Shoguns no longer recognized the Emperor's authority or the power they once held as the leader of Kazoku. Influence of the Shoguns became more and more vast as territory between them intertwined and overlapped that ignited the Kazokan Wars, thousands of Kazokan warriors fought each other across the planet as the Shoguns vied for power and control over the territories they wished to conquer. These wars took away whatever influence the Imperial Faction once held and the Emperor of Kazoku attempted to use their social connections and influence to bring their power back, but the plan backfired and the Emperor was executed by these shoguns for the attempt and led the rest of the Gushiken Clan to enter hiding to avoid death, and sought refuge with the Nakamura Clan.
