Star Wars Fanon
Imperial Dominance Era

4 ABY-No end date. Although there were many changes in the past before 4 ABY

Approximate dates in other dating systems Facts and statistics

Galactic Civil War Second Yinchorri Uprising Second Star Hyperspace War Second Clone Wars Yuuzhan Vong War Second Great Galactic War Sith Civil War Confederate Remnant War and various other conflicts


Emperor Vader

Important events

Destruction of Yavin IV Battle of the Arc Hammer Battle of Endor Battle of Dandoran Battle of Coruscant Battle of Csillia Battle of Yinchorr Bombardment of Thyferra Battle of Taris Invasion of Kuat and various other events

The Imperial Dominance Era is an alternate era in which the Empire had won the Galactic Civil War, both pre Endor and post Endor.

