Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

He was always... different, to say the least.
—Epirus Martix, on his older brother Ilyria.

Ilyria Martix was a Human politician from Kuat. He first entered politics at the age of twenty by becoming a councilor for one town on Kuat. After five years at this post, he was elected to become Kuat's representative in the Galactic Senate. Here, Ilyria displayed his charisma and united many senators behind him in a bid to become the Supreme Chancellor. His cause was further aided by the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars. He blamed the current administration for failing to keep the Mandalorians' ambitions in check after the war with the Sith. Many senators supported Ilyria's views on the reason for the Mandalorian Wars. Ilyria decided to call for a Vote of no confidence in the hopes of installing himself as Supreme Chancellor. As he had hoped, Ilyria's name was put forward as a candidate. One month later, Ilyria was announced as the new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

Ilyria's first act as Chancellor was to plead with the Jedi Order to intervene in the Mandalorian Wars. Officially, the Jedi did nothing. However, two Jedi named Revan and Malak answered Ilyria's call and rallied several hundred Jedi to their cause before going to join the Republic forces in the fight against the Mandalorians. Even though it was not what Ilyira had hoped for, some Jedi were aiding the Republic military.

As the war continued, Ilyira began to ask the senate for emergency powers. Due to his charisma, many senators voted to grant him these powers. Steadily, Ilyria's role as Chancellor became more and more dictatorial. Usually, the Senate met around fifty times per year. In 3,962 BBY, the Senate met three times, due to the fact that Ilyria had direct control over almost all aspects of life in the Republic.

At the war's end, Ilyria returned his emergency powers to the Senate but retained the Chancellorship. He ordered a small detachment of the Republic navy to search for Revan and his forces. However, this group found nothing. In his anger and frustration that his finest general had disappeared, Ilyria ordered the leaders of the detachment executed and their bodies sent on a tour around the Republic as a reminder of the price of failure.

It was at this point that some senators began to plot against Ilyria. They formulated a plan to kill him and replace him with a Chancellor with a much more peaceful temperament. However, their plans were interrupted by the unexpected return of Revan at the head of a vast Sith armada. Ilyria claimed that if he were granted emergency powers, the Sith would be defeated within a year, or he would return them. At the end of one year, the Sith were as powerful as ever. But Ilyria did not give up his hold on the Republic. At this, the senators reacted. They left their seats in the senate and marched on Ilyria. Then, in front of all the Senate, they shot him, before being executed themselves by the Senate Guard.


He was quite brilliant, and charismatic too.
Carth Onasi, on Ilyria Martix

Early life[]

If you were hoping for something different, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Like almost all politicians, I come from money.
—Ilyria Martix on his background

Ilyria Martix was born to a wealthy merchant family on Kuat in 4,001 BBY. His parents were both ship designers and had earned millions from their preliminary drawings of what would eventually become the Hammerhead-class cruiser. Because of his parents' success before his birth, Ilyria was raised surrounded by wealth.

At school, he was bullied for his first name, Ilyria being uncommon, even on Kuat. This gave Ilyria a sense of determination to be able to control the fates of others that stayed with him his whole life. After leaving school, Ilyria was expected to take over his parents' company. However, he gave his rights to his younger brother Epirus and instead went into politics, much to the surprise of his relatives and friends.

Councilor on Kuat[]

I'm a twenty year-old councilor. How many of those are there?
—Ilyria Martix

Shortly after turning twenty, Ilyria decided to stand for the council elections in his city. He launched a campaign five months in advance in the form of subliminal propaganda and incrimination of potentially dangerous political opponents. However, this was never traced back to him and Ilyria's reputation was not damaged.

With the removal of his most dangerous rivals and the whole of his city knowing his name, face and personality, Ilyria felt certain that he would succeed in the election. And indeed he did. Ilyria won the election by a landslide majority vote and became one of the youngest councilors ever to serve for a Kuat constituency.

Ilyria proved to be a highly effective councilor. He always stood up for the needs of his constituency in the Council, frequently making speeches that displayed his charisma. He founded the Workers First Party and won the support of Kuat's working class, while losing the respect of the upper class, including his own family.

Two years after first becoming a councilor, Ilyria married fellow councilor Artema Forn. They had met through Forn's membership of Ilyria's new political party and she was soon elevated to deputy of the party. This caused rumors to go around that she was sleeping her way to the top, a rumor that Ilyria later dispelled by giving an impassioned speech to the members of his party.

Five years after becoming a councilor, Ilyria stood for the elections to become Kuat's senator. He used blatant propaganda and public addresses that attracted hundreds of thousands of people to gain popularity. In secret, he had some of his most dangerous rivals killed or invented scandals about them, such as the financial scandal of Achille Hiel. Several months later, Ilyria was announced as Kuat's representative in the Galactic Senate.
