Star Wars Fanon

Prince Ilo was the son of Algyd and Michari. He was born in Thelisae in 783 BBY. Ilo was known for his cheerful disposition. He was trained as a starfighter pilot by his father, and together they drove Alabri out of the Thisspias system in 770 BBY. At one point he was the personal pilot of Mr. Tunnels and saved his life from rabid rancors. He was one of Mr. Tunnels's heirs and a suspect in his murder. In 759 BBY he was elected Senator of Thisspias sector. He was in the Senate Rotunda during the 14th Battle of Coruscant. Surviving the Tabponian bombardment of the building, he led the defense of the damaged building against the invaders.

Ilo was a skilled handler of sailboats and could survive indefinite;y in the wilderness. His favored weapon was a vibrotrident.

Behind the scenes[]

This character was based of the characters Hylas and Iolaus from Greek myth.

