The satellite of the gas giant Iktotchon, Iktotch was the rocky moon upon which the hardy Iktotchi evolved and developed a rugged society. The moon itself was considered inhospitable by galactic standards, due to the strong sand-and-gravel windstorms that buffeted the barren landscape. Establishing settlements within the jagged rock formations that thrust up from the moon's surface, the Iktotchi were visited early during their stone age by the Kwa, representatives of the Enlightened Dominion. Introducing the Iktotchi to higher technologies and the Force, the Kwa helped the Iktotchi learn to predict the movement of the fierce storms of their moon and avoid its destructive forces. During their time as members of the Dominion, the Iktotchi learned new construction techniques that helped their structures endure the winds while protecting the Iktotchi and their possessions. Studying the winds and the storms allowed the Iktotchi to develop airships and gliders with the guidance of the Kwa, who aided the moon's people without giving them all the answers. Flying through the skies long before they sailed Iktotch's seas or developed ground vehicles, the industrial era of the moon was marked by the invention of wind-generated energy and solar collection fields that spanned kilometers of desert land.
Circa 35,000 BrS, a Tho Yor visited the moon and hid itself in the deepest wastes. Days after a group of Iktotchi arrived at the site, having beheld its location in a vision. Boarding the great pyramid ship, Seh-kohlah, the Iktotchi entered into a realm of the Force where time stood still and their skills were tested by the mysterious Ainur that presided over the Tho Yor. When the Iktotchi awoke, they found themselves among a group of strange aliens on a jungle world rich in the Force. Tho Yor had deposited its passengers on the planet Tython and left them the memories of their voyage as nothing more than a hazy dream. Forging a new life for themselves on the mysterious world, the Iktotchi and the others over time came to call themselves members of the Je'daii Order.
Life continued on Iktotch long after the Kwa stopped visiting and the Tho Yor departure became a seldom spoke of myth. Predicting the rise of the Galactic Republic, ancient Iktotchi carved the emblem of the Republic into a mountainside where they predicted scouts would land. Arriving on the planet to an expectant crowd circa 3,500 BrS, the Republic scouts were extremely surprised to see that these beings had already prepared for their arrival and set up public events several weeks prior. Alerted to the discovery of Iktotch by the Republic, the Jedi Order sought out the moon to behold it and its people. The Order had already a great number of Iktotchi in its ranks, descendants of the ancient Iktotchi that boarded the Tho Yor; their homecoming was met with wonder and worship. In a collective effort, the Order established a Temple as one of the first offworld establishments on the world. The Jedi began inducting powerful Iktotchi into the Order and conducting studies on the world. Some Jedi and scholars speculated that the moon itself was a massive vergence the Force, though admitted that the phenomenon rarely encompassed an entire moon. The Jedi also found it peculiar that the farther from Iktotch an Iktotchi traveled, the weaker their connection to the Force grew.
Darth Cognus Eshkar Niin-Darth Havok Unidentified Iktotchi Sith Lord Haniwa FukuwajusshiRenij Jaa | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Nonia Daal | 15 GrS | Death | Mystic | Seer | Master | Apprentices |
Born during the Clone Wars, Nonia Gaal was recognized as a powerful Force-sensitive by her clan mother within the Iktotchi community on Trulalis. Sent to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Daal thrived in the the Order's care, learning to find Balance in the Force under the teachings of the Grand Academy's instructors. Like many Iktotchi, Daal was naturally inclined towards precognitive skills, and after receiving a basic training in the ways of the Force on Ossus, she was transferred to Tython. Arriving at Isengard, Daal was inducted into the prestigious Nataph school of prophets, due to the nature of her visions. Donning the white robes of the Nataph, Daal underwent the rigorous training required of Seers. Daal spent her days amid the cells of Orthanc staring into the flames to concentrate her vision, or alternately wandering the gardens, forests, and waterfalls that surrounded the monolithic tower. Following her successful journey across Tython, Daal was elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight and dispatched to Ossus to serve as a consultant to Master Tavari at the Grand Academy. | ||||||
Sardoth Drrn | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Saesee Tiin | Birth | Year 16 | Guardian | Ace | Master | Apprentices |
Alni Ni | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Among the first Tythans | ||||||
File:Sith Furies.JPGName | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Veni Praa | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Je'daii Seer | ||||||
Tiali Vermetter | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
After Master Tokani passed, the Almas Council requested that another Master be sent from Coruscant to serve as his replacement. When Master Tiali Vermetter arrived she was welcomed by all 27 students and the nine instructors of the Academy. Vermetter was an exception to the generalization that Iktotchi were somber, introspective individuals. A vibrant personality, Vermetter had a loud, barking laugh and was highly mischievous; she would often play jokes on her colleagues and on the younger students using her talents in the Force. This ranged from using her ability to masquerade as others through illusions or manipulating light to make herself invisible. An unusual Jedi, the other faculty members did not know what to make of her at first, but slowly grew to respect her unique talents and appreciate her wisdom on the Council. Never one to suffer formalities or traditions, Vermetter gained the ire of the more sober minds on the Council, and was considered to be a fool by Master Danodel. After Headmaster Corsh's death, Vermetter instantly connected with Master Nerra Ziveri and was reluctant to retire from the Council only four years after his arrival. However, Vermetter was recalled to Coruscant in 82 BrS to serve as Watchman on her homeworld as part of a way to ease tensions between the Iktotchi people and trade interests in the system. | ||||||
Melkor Belegûr | 25,804 BrS | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Ainur | ||||||
Mairon Gorthaur | 25,800 BrS | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Ainur | ||||||
Irmo Fëanturi | 25,800 BrS | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Ainur | ||||||
Syrena Reukli | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Baku Roosh |
Almas Academy | ||||||
Sehrin Dolros | Birth | Death | Consular | Seer | Master | Apprentices |
Council of Five | ||||||
Tolas Zaniah | Birth | Death | Consular | Seer | Master | Apprentices |
Council of Five | ||||||
Kel Kruger | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Julan Lithal |
Name | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |