Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

I am among the first of my kind to venture out into the greater galaxy. I should make sure to make the most of it.

Ikalik was a male Rakatan who managed to secure passage off his home world of Makata by stealing his tribe's first hyperspace-capable starship. Born in 41 BBY, Ikalik was born into one of the two most advanced Rakata tribes after the collapse of the Infinite Empire. He had the idea of venturing out into the galaxy since his youth. After escaping his home planet, Ikalik was found by Palpatine's agents, around 23 BBY (the sight of a Rakatan in the greater galaxy was not something that stayed unnoticed for too long), who delivered him to the Supreme Chancellor. With a mix of intimidation and coercion, Palpatine got Ikalik to serve him as one of his agents. During the Clone Wars that ensued, Ikalik carried out special assignments for the Chancellor, and was official an operative of Republic Intelligence. So, naturally, following the conflict, he continued serving as the Galactic Republic became the Galactic Empire and the Chancellor became the Emperor.

Continuing to serve Imperial Intelligence, Ikalik became an agent of a department known as Adjustments—a special division of Intelligence. Over the past years, Ikalik grew a sense of loyalty to Palpatine, and seemed to be more loyal to the man himself the government he headed. During the early Imperial period, Ikalik worked to tackle various resistance movements in the Outer Rim Territories, rogue officers of the Imperial Military, and others who would form a threat to the Emperor's rule. As the Galactic Civil War began, Ikalik attempted to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance and assassinate their important leaders. After the death of Palpatine at Endor in 4 ABY, Ikalik was devastated. Rather than remain loyal to the Imperial government of Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, Ikalik went rogue, becoming a warlord. His faction was small, but took control of sparsely populated sectors in the Outer Rim. The faction became known as the Infinite Kingdom, which Ikalik named. However, in 8 ABY, the faction was destroyed during a campaign by the New Republic. The Rakatan managed to escape.


Early life and escape[]

Ikalik on Makatak

Ikalik during his youth, on Makatak.

Ikalik was a male Rakata born in 41 BBY, on the planet of Makatak in the Unknown Regions. He was a part of the Makatak tribe, which was one of the two most advanced tribes of the post-Infinite Empire Rakata. Ikalik was raised as a warrior, and had nostalgia for his species' ancient empire. He was also one of the few Force-sensitives in the tribe. However, he did not like the idea of remaining on his home planet and struggling to survive. Ikalik decided to leave, wanting to see the greater galaxy, and possibly return and help his species progress out of the stage of constantly warring each other. His tribe was able to create a hyperspace-capable spacecraft, being one of the most advanced tribes. Ikalik made plans to steal it and escape into the galaxy. Though he felt some guilt for leaving his tribesmen, he believed that his time in the greater galaxy would teach him much about civilization and leadership, and he would be able to return to lead his people out of their primitive state. That was his honest belief at the time, though he realized that this was going to be nearly impossible to do by himself shortly after he left.

Around 23 BBY, Ikalik made his move—he hijacked the starship and left the planet, packing some supplies with him that would last him for several days. As he travelled through the Outer Rim, the Rakatan tried not to stop, until eventually reaching a major population center—Nar Shaddaa. There, Ikalik loaded up on more supplies by killing thugs he found in alley ways and stealing their credits. However, a Rakatan going around and killing people brought up the attention of the local authorities, and the Hutts. Soon, news of a Rakatan on Nar Shaddaa began spreading, as Rakatans have not visited the galaxy for a long time by that point. This went far, and attracted the attention of the Galactic Republic's sectorial authority, which monitored Ikalik's presence on Nar Shaddaa. The Rakatan simply prepared to leave after getting the necessary supplies, for the most part oblivious to this increased attention.

Attention from the Top[]

You see, I think we can both help each other.
Palpatine to Ikalik

However, before the Rakatan could leave the planet, he was stopped by several Force-using individuals. They captured Ikalik, managing to overpower him using the Force and took him the an unknown location. There, he met with Palpatine—at the time, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. They began having a discussion, in which Palpatine questioned why Ikalik was in the greater galaxy in the first place. Ikalik informed him that he wished to see and experience the galaxy, and apply what he learned about civilization to help his own kind. The Chancellor then offered to him the help that he was looking for. Palpatine asked Ikalik to work for him as one of his agents. At the same time, he would be learning from both his work and from Palpatine himself. He also sensed the Rakatan's Force-sensitivity, and offered to teach him to use his powers (as the tribe did not train Ikalik, since their knowledge was very limited). Not having much of a choice, he agreed to work with the Sith Lord, though stated he did not know how long he would be willing to work for him. The Chancellor said it would not be a problem.

Praetor shuttle

The Praetor, his assigned ship.

As Palpatine proposed, after some minor training in skills with the Force, piloting starships, using blasters and other weapons that Ikalik previously had little or no access to, and basic galactic history and knowledge, the Rakatan would go to work with equipment provided by Palpatine. Officially, he would be working as an agent of Republic intelligence. However, this would not be the actual case, and simply be used for background when needed, as Ikalik would be working for Palpatine directly and would not be affiliating with the intelligence and not directly working for the Republic government. He was provided with a starship, the Praetor, a Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttle. Along with it, Ikalik was issued with food, medical, and mechanical supplies, as well as a wide variety of weapons. Though he was given blasters, being raised as a Rakata, he preferred bladed weaponry.

Nova Cabal crisis[]

In late 23 BBY, Palpatine's spies kept track of a movement known as the Nova Cabal—a shady organization that was thought to be working to undermine the Republic, but was not under Palpatine's control. For this reason, he had them kept track of. It appeared by that point that the Nova Cabal was working to remove both the Republic and the emerging Separatist movement (which were both secretly controlled by Palpatine), and allowing the people of the galaxy to run their worlds the way they saw fit. This would appear to not be a threat to someone with as much power as Palpatine, though the group had shown in it's existence (he did not know how long it had been in operation up to that point) that it was capable of using clever methods. Ikalik was told that the Cabal, at one point, instigated a coup against a major planetary government, which brought one of it's own agents into power. Palpatine said he was able to take care of the issue quietly, that time, but he did not want to risk having the Cabal pull something unexpected in the future. He tasked the Rakata with infiltrating the organization and bringing it down from the inside.

Ikalik did so, leaving Coruscant in the Praetor. He flew to the last place that the Cabal was known to have an operation going (at least, as far as Palpatine was aware), a planet in the Inner Rim TerritoriesMantarran. After arriving on the busy spaceport world, Ikalik visited the cantinas and shady back rooms where all sorts of deals were made. He asked around, and found out that the Nova Cabal was recruiting at a certain warehouse in the lesser visited parts of the spaceport. There, he was accepted into the Nova Cabal after an extensive background check—which was not revealing, as hardly anything was available to the Cabal members on Ikalik. They were not able to pin him to Palpatine, at least. As an initiate of the organization, Ikalik mainly worked on that planet. During the next few days, he learned that the organization was working to overthrow both the Sith and the Jedi in the galaxy. Coming from the Unknown Regions, the Rakata did not have much knowledge on either of those factions. However, he understood enough to know what they were after. It did not make a difference to him—it never affected Ikalik. However, he was on a mission for his employer, and began planning on how to take down the Cabal.

Personality and traits[]

Skills and abilities[]

Behind the scenes[]
