Star Wars Fanon

Yes, master!

Igor was an Imperial Sentinel who served Emperor Palpatine and his Sith associates. Created in the cloning complex of Mount Tantiss on the planet of Wayland during the Clone Wars, he was one of the earliest sentinels created secretly by Palpatine. Because of that, Igor had intelligence and a free mind, something that was considered dangerous by Palpatine and was eliminated from the main batches of clones. He served the Emperor for many years, one of the oldest Sentinels, and discovered as he lived on that Sentinels had a long life span as a result of the many chemicals and mutations they are put through.

He also had something else that early clones had exclusively from the majority, a slight connection to the Force. Though it was not strong enough for him to become a Sith or Jedi, Igor was able to preform basic moves such as Force Push, Force lightning, and Force Choke. Igor made up for his Force weakness by being skilled with his Vibro axe.
