Your powers are weak, old man.
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Bar Patron: “I am probably a better shot than you, Imp.”
— Igar shortly before killing a drunk bar patron
Igar Drelosyn: “Oh, really? Want to see?”
Igar Drelosyn was a Kuati/Coruscanti human male scout trooper in the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire. Surviving the Galactic Civil War, he served the confederation of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Dark Empire of reborn Emperor Palpatine, and the Imperial Remnant. After a mission during the Yuuzhan Vong War, he became stranded on an uncharted planet that was occupied by the Yuuzhan Vong. Not being able to call help, he used a Vong stasis pod to keep himself alive in suspended animation. He was revived over a century later by Fel Empire troops, and decided to serve them in the Second Imperial Civil War.
Igar was a skilled swoop racer, something he did much of in his youth. Because of that, he became a scout trooper and was known to be a skilled speeder driver. Igar also was known to be a skilled marksman, another thing that scout troopers were trained in. He had a reputation for his lethal accuracy with a blaster. Along with a friend named Irol Elsek, he formulated new speeder tactics, and presented them to Stormtrooper Command.
As all scout troopers, Igar had a large ego. His skills as a speeder driver and sharpshooter made him think he was above stormtroopers and other soldiers, which occasionally caused arguments. Igar got into fights with others multiple times, though his friend Avarik Grond, another scout trooper, got him out of them, and tried to break them up. The two graduated the Carida Imperial Military Academy together, and were friends until Avarik's death on Endor. He eventually met and fell in love with an Imperial Intelligence agent named Mirith Wessiri. Igar did not entirely believe in the New Order's ideals, but strongly supported the Empire.