Your powers are weak, old man.
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What's there to say about this guy? He's stubborn, strong-willed, and refuses to listen to anyone's opinion but his own. The kinda guy I like. Ichi Go embodies what it is to be a Potentium user and I am proud to know that I helped to train him into the man he has become today.
—Nathaniel Kenobi Solo on Ichi Go
Ichi Go was a male Human/Arkanian hybrid and a Jedi Master. He was also one of five people that the Rutsenafo scientist, Crie Krobos, had experimented on at an early age. He was one of the most long-lived Jedi Knights the Galaxy had ever known, living for hundreds of years.
Born into a scandal, Ichi Go was quietly brought to Nar Shaddaa to live away from his family, who were ashamed and afraid of his existence. Thanks to the intervention of a visiting Jedi Master, he and another hybrid—who later became his best friend, Renton Thur'ston—were saved and brought to Novus Kamino Prime.
Being Force-sensitive, he was taught along with Renton by the Jedi Masters there, until the Great Schism, where several of their Masters died in the first of many attacks in the war. Deciding that the way the leaders of Novus Kamino Prime were carrying the war were wrong, they hooked up with the Kelakan resistance and stayed there until they were delivered by the true savior, Nathaniel Kenobi Solo.
He would later meet his greatest foe, and half-brother, the dreaded Darth Gloed when the latter wished to extract revenge for the pain he had suffered from the scandal. Several meetings and battles proved ineffective between the two, until the Sith Order of Decreto came and took Novus Kamino Prime.
Forced to flee, Ichi and the remaining Jedi joined with Nathan to form the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People. Over the next few years, they would cripple and scuttle several Sith operations. Eventually, Ichi fell into trouble with Gloed again, but emerged victorious. He would eventually join the Galactic Commonwealth and the Jedi Autocracy as well, due to his ability to remain practically immortal.
After several years of living his life looking eternally young, he sought the help of his old friends who were also suffering from the same thing and set out to find what he truly was. Investigations found that he had been tampered on at birth and that he would soon have to enter a state of hibernation for untold centuries, awaiting the day he would be needed next.
Waking up in the Dark Age, he met a new member of the Five, a redeemed Dark Jedi, a pirate crew, three new Force organizations, and a descendant of his former mentor. All of these helped to give Ichi and the other members of the Five, their true purpose in life.
Early Life[]
Whilst I was born into a pack of vicious murderers, poor Ichi was born into a family that saw him as a mark of shame. I would give anything to get that changed, because the more he learns about his past, the more he begins to hate himself.
—Renton Thur'ston on Ichi Go's past
In 15 ABY, Ichi Go was born to the Arkanian politician Lilb Go and his secretary/mistress Noor Conaim. The scandal that followed would leave him the object of much hate and desire. Many wanted to find him so that he could be proven as the son of Lilb, while others wanted to kill him. The Go family, unsure as to what they wanted to do next, sought the advice of a family friend, an old, mysterious Arkanian named Regy Orfec. Regy advised them to take Ichi to Nar Shaddaa, where he would be found by someone else and raised properly. In actuality, Regy was a Jedi Purge survivor, a Potentium advocate, and had foreseen what would happen to Ichi Go in the future. The family grudgingly took his advice and left their son on Nar Shaddaa, where they expected him to die.

Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta
Ichi was then sent to a flophouse and brought into a native crimelord's group. He, along with another child, Renton Thur'ston, were to be reared until they were three and then they were to be enslaved to the highest bidder. Luckily for the two young children, an elderly Ho'Din named Plett had come to buy them before that could happen. In actuality, Plett had gone to Nar Shaddaa because he had felt a disturbance in the Force and had received a vision that he needed to save the lives of two small children. He quickly bought the two and left Nar Shaddaa for his home: the secluded and virtually untouchable Novus Kamino Prime. He planned to train the two and see if they were somehow going to affect the growing Great Schism that was going on.
Seven years into their training, Ichi and Renton began to feel that something was not right. When they were queried on why they had begun to distance themselves from their Master, they could only say that something bad was going to happen. Their prediction soon became true when the Traitors had covertly entered Novus Kamino Prime and began a massacre.
In the mass confusion, the two were almost killed by one of Nat-ahn Mandrex's Dark Acolytes, Sōs-uke Aizen, who would become an even greater threat later on in their lives. Luckily for them, Plett arrived and bought them some time to escape. Unfortunately, Plett had to sacrifice himself to do so, and Ichi Go swore to avenge his Master's death. But before that could happen, the clonetroopers of Novus Kamino Prime had come to reinforce the Jedi and the Dark Acolytes were forced to flee. At the end of the day, six of the twelve Jedi Masters were dead and their murderers were still at large. The total figure was never released due to the government's wishes to keep morale up, but it was told that over twenty Jedi had died, and that the enemy had lost only two. Furious at the way that the Traitors had defeated them, Ichi told Renton that they needed to fight, but Renton tried to dissuade his impetuous friend, saying that they were only children, and that the adults would finish this fight, not them.

Ichi Go spars against another Jedi apprentice
Ichi, however, wouldn't listen to reason and was about to leave when Renton gave him a compromise. If Ichi could wait until they were twelve, then the two of them would avenge their Master. Ichi thought about that for a minute and wondered its meaning. Renton explained that they could learn, study, train, and fight for five more years nonstop, and then they would leave. If all went right, then they would be much stronger than they were now. Liking the idea of being stronger, Ichi decided to listen to Renton's advice and remained on Novus Kamino Prime for five more years. After that, he and Renton stowed away on a cargo vessel and went to Kelakus, because they had heard that Sōs-uke had been reassigned there to reinforce the Traitors' presence. Joining up with the Kelakan resistance, the two would begin a fight that would either doom or save them.
Resistance is Anything But Futile[]
It's finally over, Nathan. I killed the man responsible for the death of my Master. Yet, for some strange reason, I can't help but feel that something worse is going to come.
—Ichi Go to Nathaniel Kenobi Solo during private conversation

The planet Kelakus
The first day that Ichi and Renton reached Kelakus, they almost instantly knew that the task they had set before them was impossible. Nat-ahn Mandrex's loyal troops roamed everywhere across the planet and the native Kelakans had been pressed into slave labor and were making the Traitors' massive fleet against their will. Without a good guerrilla force to fight the invaders, then the entire plan they had was fruitless, so they decided to liberate some slaves from right under their master's noses.
While Renton planned to distract the Ottiumigon guards, Ichi was to use his lightsaber to cut through the chains the slaves were held with. Renton's part of the job went without a hitch, and Ichi was about to complete his, when another lightsaber lit up right beside him. Unsure of what to do next, he spun around and waited for his assailant to attack. Unexpectedly, the other man did not, and instead threw a long vibroblade towards Ichi, to which he caught.
Great One, why do you bother with the oppressed when you know of the things you must do?
—The unknown man
Puzzled even more, Ichi demanded the man to explain himself, but, instead of giving him a straight answer, the man replied that all was not as it seemed.
Take the vibroblade and use it well, Great One. Its name is Zangetsu, and it is yours to use as you please. It has been fitted with cortosis ore and is imbued with the Force, so that it will be useful when the time comes. Farewell, Great One, I hope that I have done my part well and that I will be humbly rewarded when that day comes.
—The mysterious man
Without another word, Ichi's mysterious benefactor left him to free the slaves. He quickly mobilized them and provided armaments to help secure their escape. He asked if any of them had experience in the military and one stepped forward. She announced herself as Can Cer and told him the location of a local resistance group they could join up with. Noting that Renton had finished his job as well, Ichi followed Can Cer to their new headquarters.

Renton Thur'ston
For the next two years, the two Jedi and the Kelakans began a resistance that would cripple vital shipments, rescue countless slaves from death, and become a constant thorn in the side of Sōs-uke's plans to annihilate them. Their guerrilla tactics were so effective, a large bounty was placed on their heads, but it was never claimed by anyone, as the residents of Kelakus were loyal to them. Eventually, though, their luck began to wither away, and they became more careless. However, reports of the true savior arriving in the Colonies to reclaim that which was rightfully his enthralled them to work harder. Using secure communications, they were able to reveal that Nat-ahn Mandrex had come to Kelakus and was planning something big.
The warning was given to the true savior, whose real name was Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, and he planned a two-way attack to end the Traitors' hold over the Ottiumigos Centrality. First, a small clone fleet would head to Ottiumigos Prime, where they would engage the majority of Nat-ahn's forces, while the other, much larger fleet would attack Kelakus. Ichi and Renton prepared the way by transmitting a signal to all of the collars that the slaves kept on the planet had. It was a shutdown code that helped to free the remaining slaves and caused a full rebellion against the Traitors' rule. The true prize during the battle was the appearance of Sōs-uke, who challenged Ichi and Renton to a duel.

Sōs-uke Aizen
The two were outclassed by the much more experience Sōs-uke, but Ichi had something that would end the battle very quickly, that was, if he used it instead of his lightsaber. Cursing himself for not realizing it earlier, he drew out Zangetsu and swung at Sōs-uke's lightsaber, and watched as it faded away, the victim of the cortosis ore. Stating that he didn't need his lightsaber to kill the two, Sōs-uke began to fling Force lightning towards them. Ichi was able to dodge it, but Renton was hit in the chest by the majority of it. Realizing he was the only one who could stop Aizen from escaping, Ichi prepared to die. That was when one of the Traitors' Super-Acclamators came into the planet's atmosphere and went towards the two combatants, ablaze, the result of clone gunners finding their mark.
The derelict vessel came straight into the path of the duel, and Ichi was forced to carry Renton's limp body away from the future crash site. Looking back, he saw that Aizen had been caught under a stray beam that had fallen from the ship. Knowing that there was nothing he could do for him, he ignored the dying man's pleas and went on to escape the coming destruction. Unknown to Ichi Go, a mysterious figure materialized before Aizen and offered him a second chance at life, if he would only join him. Aizen, seeing that this was his only way to survive, made a deal with the devil, and left with his mysterious benefactor, unscathed.

Nathaniel Kenobi Solo
He kept holding Renton's body, until the latter regained consciousness and could run. He knew that Nathan was somewhere in Kelakus' capital city, fighting off his father and a being Ichi couldn't feel through the Force. Arriving just in time to watch the ending, Ichi was awed at the sheer power and ferocity Nathan showed in battle, but watched as he tried to reason with his father. Apparently, Nathan still could feel the good in Nat-ahn Mandrex, and wanted him to realize it himself. Nat-ahn, so immersed in his own dark side, refused to hear his son's pleas, and threatened to kill his newborn son, Dal-tone Mandrex. Nathan, enraged at the unnecessary addition to the battle, sent forth a bolt of energy that crippled Ichi and Renton's vision for a moment, but, when they regained their sight, saw the once mighty Nat-ahn Mandrex fall to the ground, devoid of any signs that he had ever lived.
Ichi quickly went to save Dal-tone from falling from his treacherous father's hands and gained the respect of Nathan for doing so. The battle for control of Kelakus was gone, but the beings Ichi couldn't feel in the Force— of whom he later learned were called the Yuuzhan Vong—still needed to be dealt with. However, seeing that their leader was dead, they retreated from the Ottiumigos Centrality and fled to Coruscant, to give a report of what they had seen.
With the remaining Traitors taken into custody, the Colonies were finally free from the endless tyranny and fighting that had plagued them since 7 ABY. Nathan was awarded with the title Defender of the Colonies, while Renton and Ichi were given the Stupid Idea that Only Worked by the Grace of the Force Medal, which had just been invented by Nathan, who wished to express his gratitude for what they had done. Before they could truly be free, though, Nathan would ask several of the Colonies' Jedi and clonetroopers to accompany him to go to Coruscant, where another war needed to be ended. Ichi, eager to impress Nathan further, agreed to join, while Renton followed suit. They successfully helped the Galactic Alliance's forces during the battle, and were awarded several medals of honor for what they had done to protect them.
With the two major threats the Galaxy faced out of the way, Ichi could finally rest, but even then, several major factors began to haunt him. Such as why he and Renton had been taken to Nar Shaddaa, why he hadn't felt Aizen die, and why he felt a certain sense of foreboding. Brushing those aside for another day, he remained on the Colonies, and awaited the next time the Galaxy would need his services.
And You Thought Your Family Had Troubles[]
GAH!! How could I have been so naive and foolish? That kriffin', no good son of a*static*! He'll pay for this, I swear...he will pay!
—Ichi Go talking to Renton via the HoloNet after the disastrous attempts to find his family.
Several years after the conclusion of the war between the Galactic Alliance and Confederation, Ichi began to look into his past, to see if he had any relatives. He desperately needed answers to his past, and was willing to do anything to get them.

Czerka Corporation's Hotel for the Privileged, where the Senator stayed at.
Luckily for him, a shady informant codenamed Unforgiving One was able to contact Ichi, and told that he knew the name of Ichi's father. But, before Ichi could meet him, he had to do a job for the informant. A rogue Senator from Arkania was trying to cover his tracks and attempting to deny that he had ties to the Confederation. If Ichi killed the man, then Unforgiving One would give him the information he needed to find his father. Suspicious, Ichi asked for the man's name. The informant, however, would not release it, saying that Ichi would know at the appropriate time, and the informant discouraged looking into the man's personal life, as he would end their deal if Ichi did so. Seeing no other alternative, Ichi went along with the informant's assassination plans, and proceeded to leave to Arkania, where he would end the life of the Senator no matter what it took.
However, in the back of his head, his conscience began to talk to him in the form of Nathan and Renton. The "Renton" began to inquire as to how far Ichi would actually go to find his family. Would killing the Senator be good enough for the informant...or would he only give partial information and task Ichi with another assignment? Ichi replied that he didn't care, and that he would do whatever it took to find his family.
The "Nathan" began to mock him, saying that sometimes, the ends didn't justify the means. Astonished, Ichi implored the "Nathan" to explain itself, as he knew the real Nathan would never say that. The "Nathan" replied that even the real Nathan knew where the lines between dark and light were, and that grey wasn't always the answer, it was just a very good idea. Furious, Ichi forcibly removed the thoughts from his mind and focused on getting to Arkania. Reaching the planet, he quickly began to go to the suite that the Senator supposedly lived in with his wife of thirty years. Apparently, the suite was a part of an elderly building that had ties with the long-forgotten Mandalorian Wars. Knowing that the time was right to strike—it was nightfall on Arkania and the Senator was a heavy sleeper—Ichi went to the suite, and prepared to kill the corrupt Senator.
Stealthily gaining access to the hotel's cameras, Ichi shut them off, but made it look like a natural occurrence, rather than an intentional one. Finding the room where the Senator was staying in, Ichi ignited his lightsaber, and was about to strike, when the man's Human wife gave out a shriek, which made him rethink what he was doing and he fell back. The Senator, waking up, told his wife to get behind him, while he dealt with the intruder.
My name is Ichi Go, Jedi Knight for the Galactic Alliance and the Ottiumigos Centrality. For your crimes with dealing with the Confederation, you are to be given the death penalty.
—Ichi Go
The Senator stopped, clearly confused at what Ichi was saying. He adamantly denied the charges given against him, saying that his son had joined the Confederation and taken a large sum of his inheritance with him. He implored Ichi to not kill him, as he couldn't bear the thought of his other son doing so. Curious, Ichi asked what he meant. The Senator replied that his name was Lilb Go, and that his wife was Noor Conaim, and they were both his parents. Surprised at the revelation, Ichi asked for proof. Lilb explained that a family friend had told them to leave Ichi on Nar Shaddaa, where he would be safe from Lilb's political enemies and would be taken away to learn his true path away from his family.
Astonished, as he was one of only four people who knew his full story—the other three being Nathan, Plett, and Renton. Breaking down into tears, he hugged his father and mother and asked their forgiveness, for he had almost been tricked into killing his own parents. Lilb replied that they already had forgiven him, and all they wanted was their son back. In the background, Ichi began to feel a dark presence in the Force, and the wailing of a young child. Seeking to find the source, he backed down when it presented itself to him. An Arkanian male, a few years older than him, was holding a small child hostage.

Darth Gloed, otherwise known as the Unforgiving One
Oh, how I loathe happy endings...unless they involve me.
—The Arkanian
Lilb cried out: Nehoi, let your brother go!. To which the Arkanian, Nehoi Lrowln Go, exclaimed that he didn't care about his half-breed family. He was a true Arkanian and would be treated as such. Ichi began to try and find the young child's aura in the Force, and began to slowly localize on its DNA. Nehoi, perplexed, asked Ichi what he was doing. His answer was the ethereal form of the young child in his hands, and the same exact form in Noor's hands. Thanks to Nathan, Ichi had finally been able to get the basics of ghosting down.
Well, well. It appears that you are indeed a Jedi, little brother. Well...this just makes the irony that much sweeter. For I am a Sith, trained in the dark side by Darth Mutatos himself. Tragic how he died, really. A shame that his true apprentice, I, Darth Gloed, couldn't have done it for him!
—Darth Gloed
Ichi Go, furious, demanded Gloed to explain himself, as he knew from conversations with survivors of the Mission to Korriban, that the only Sith involved were Mutatos and Sacul Vao. Gloed replied that Mutatos had found several Yuuzhan Vong prisoners that were Force-sensitive and had begun training them before the Jedi strike team had ruined everything. Gloed proclaimed that he had been one of those prisoners and had killed the rest of them following Mutatos' death. He then had spent the next couple years learning ancient Sith alchemy from Mutatos' holocron. He then patiently awaited his half-brother's arrival in the known Galaxy, so that he could extract his revenge on his father for bringing about scandal and ridicule for his family, his stepmother for using her charm to seduce his father, and to kill Ichi for being the offspring of the two.
Trying to console Gloed, Ichi began to tell him of how he could come back to the light and that there was nothing that could prevent that. Gloed chuckled and said that Ichi was a fool to think that he would ever turn back to a fool's belief, the dark presented oh so many fringe benefits. Ichi rebutted Gloed's statement by replying that all the dark side ever provided was an excuse for idiots to pretend that they were worth more than they were. Gloed angered, ignited his lightsaber, while Ichi unsheathed his as well.

Ichi Go is sent flying by Gloed's Force push.
The two fell upon each other with the fury of two rival gundarks, both wanting supremacy over the other. During the duel, Ichi instructed his family to flee, while he dealt with Gloed. Gloed merely smiled and drained the life from his family. Ichi despondent over the death of his family, was unable to counter a blow from Gloed, which struck him in the side. To finish him off, Gloed pushed him flying out of the suite. Ichi then fell into the building next to the hotel, and was about to fall into unconsciousness, when he remembered that he could still beat Gloed, and that he had "won" the duel only because he had cheated, not because he was superior. Returning to the hotel to find and identify his family's remains, he swore that he would avenge them and that Gloed would pay for what he had done.
Freaky Vampires[]
The next couple of years, Ichi began to hunt down Gloed but was never able to find him. No amount of evidence, clues, or help from other Jedi could locate the elusive Sith. However, in 51 ABY, Ichi was able to trace a rare HoloNet message to the remote world of Tianascalve. As far as the Galactic Alliance knew, there wasn't even a HoloNet node anywhere near the system, so the very message was curious enough, but became more of a find, when it was revealed that the sender was Gloed under an alias. With Renton and Mariz Kenobi Solo by his side, Ichi went to Tianascalve to investigate the recipient of the transmission, the Rutsenafo Director of Science Crie Krobos.

Crie Krobos in his director's suit
Arriving on the planet covertly, they soon found that the planet's reputation for being one of the darkest worlds in the Galaxy was well-deserved. The planet's native inhabitants weren't overly worried or scared, as they knew that the three weren't there to harm them, and there would most likely not be any physical confrontations between them anyways. After Mariz questioned one of the Rutsenafo about the location of Krobos, they found that they had already passed him, as he was located very near the planet's only spaceport. When they arrived at the director's house, they were welcomed with open arms. Crie declared that he had always wanted to meet the fabled Ichi Go and Renton Thur'ston, as well as the daughter of one of the Galaxy's most famous heroes. Ichi began to grow suspicious of him, as he felt that he had met the Rutsenafo once before.
Ichi then bluntly asked the Rutsenafo if he knew Gloed or not, to which Crie replied that he did, albeit Gloed had tried to trick him by assuming a false name, but he knew better. How could he not, he was the Seeker after all. Before any of the Jedi could ask what he meant by that, they were interrupted by Gloed, who had barged into the house and demanded to know why Crie had sold him out to the Jedi. Laughing slyly, Crie said that he had no wish to see any of them sold out to anyone. Ichi, before Renton or Mariz could hold him back, lunged forth with his lightsaber and attacked Gloed, who was able to save himself by igniting his before Ichi delivered a fatal blow.
The two then crashed out of the house, while Renton and Mariz rushed to see if they could do anything, but they were rebuffed by several vile looking creatures, some of Gloed's Sithspawn. Knowing that the both of them were evenly matched in lightsaber combat, Ichi decided to bring out his vibroblade, Zangetsu, as he knew it could cause other lightsabers to quit functioning. Gloed, surprised by the appearance of the blade, was unable to counter it fully and his lightsaber fell into a temporary state of non-existence. Seeking to find an opportunity to gain either Ichi's sword or lightsaber, he flung several rocks towards him and was about to grab Zangetsu, when he felt a sharp pain in his side. Falling to the ground, he was barely able to look up and see the same happen to Ichi Go.
Such terrible times to see members of the five attack another, much more terrible that they be brothers.
—Crie Krobos

Mariz Kenobi Solo
Ichi lifted his head up and saw that Crie had stabbed both himself and Gloed with a tridentlike device. Crie announced that they both had been hit with a mild sedative and that when they awoke, both would be far away from the other. True to his word, Ichi awoke on the ship he had come on with Renton and Mariz. The other two were suffering from the same affects as him. After all had recovered, they found that they were headed towards Dathomir. Gaining control of the ship, they went to Coruscant to report their findings to the Jedi Council.
Over the next couple of years, Mariz and Ichi began to grow closer, and ended up marrying on Novus Kamino Prime two years later. However, the marriage did not last long, and by the Battle of Dathomir, the two had decided to divorce. But, during their time together, Ichi and Mariz had a son named Ahlex Kenobi Solo, and, by mutual choice, Ahlex was left under the care of Mariz. Although Ichi's father-in-law, Nathan, had been unhappy to see the two part, he knew that the relationship wouldn't have lasted much longer anyways, and was content in the fact that they still remained friends.
The Fall of the Ottiumigos Centrality[]
Following his divorce from Mariz, Ichi went back to the Ottiumigos Centrality to serve there. Renton soon followed and the two discussed the their various family troubles. At the same time Ichi Go had fought Gloed on Arkania, Renton had gone to Teevan to find his family. What he found was his entire clan decimated and the cause of it was a young woman who called herself Darth Divat. She proclaimed that Renton was next on her list, but he had been able to fight her off and forced her to flee.

Nathaniel Kenobi Solo following the Battle of Dathomir
Now, unsubstantiated rumors had both of the Sith as members of the Sith Order of Decreto, a menace led by a former Jedi Knight, Darth Abeonis. Ichi had met Abeonis—when he was still known by his given name, Jasca Ducato—during the last battle of the Yuuzhan Vong War. He was sorry to hear that the man who was once a proud Jedi, had turned to the dark side so easily and was very close to destroying the Galactic Alliance.
Even more remorse was felt when Nathan came to the Centrality with news of his wife's death at the Battle of Dathomir. With him were several Dathomiri witches who had survived the battle; his children Mariz, Jacen, and Ani Kenobi Solo; and Ahlex. To see such a great man so down-spirited, broke Ichi's heart, as he knew that there were very few things that could do that to Nathan, defeat one of them. Swearing to fight the Sith in the name of the Jedi who had died, Ichi prepared Novus Kamino Prime for the inevitable assault. The Sith would arrive in full force two years after Nathan had come to the Colonies. The Colonies would have fell if it were not for the heroism of a Ottiumigon Jedi, who alerted the rest of the Centrality to the fact that the Sith were attacking from behind. Quickly mobilizing their forces, the Jedi were ready to die, as their only route of escape had been blocked off by Interdictors.

Novus Kamino Prime
While Ichi Go was preparing to join Slag Squadron on an attack run, he suddenly felt the dark presence of Gloed inviting him to come aboard one of the Sith flagships. Knowing it was a trap, he brought along Renton, who had received a similar summons from Divat. Safely reaching Gloed's personal vessel, the Pure, Renton and Ichi split up to find their respective summoners.
Reaching the bridge of the Pure, Ichi found that the ship's crew barely reacted to his presence, and seemed to be more wary of something other than a potential fight between a Jedi and a Sith Knight. Feeling a animal's presence in the Force, he brought out Zangetsu and called for it to appear. As if in answer to his call, a large, grotesque behemoth entered the bridge.
Looking like a cross between a crazed Human, a Dachsaur, and a Hollow beast, the creature lumbered towards Ichi Go. Sensing its primal urges to kill him, Ichi attacked with his vibroblade, but found that the creature was largely resistant to it and found himself thrown by it towards one of the fragile windows. By sending a cushioning air behind him, he was able to avoid smashing through the windows. Igniting his lightsaber, he was about to attack again, when he heard the voice of Gloed coming from the shadows.
Do you like it, brother? Hollow is my latest and greatest creation. Stronger, faster, and more durable than any will be your doom.
Ichi Go, defiant, said that Gloed had better watch out before his creation decided to turn on him. Gloed laughed at the thought, stating that through Sith alchemy, the beast would obey only him and would never harm its Master. But before Ichi could attack again, he felt the voice of Renton calling out to him, proclaiming that the Jedi were finally able to escape, because Nathan had personally blown up the Interdictors that prevented their escape. Angry that he would have to leave to fight another day again, Ichi issued a warning to Gloed. He said that if he ever saw him again, then he would be killed. Gloed asked whether or not Ichi knew that such actions were of the dark side, but, in reply, Ichi ghosted on board his and Renton's personal ship the Hybrid Idiots and escaped the battle unscathed.
An Unfortunate Predicament[]
In this duel that followed, Nathan, I was finally able to get rid of the past. My family and its past woes and worries were forever destroyed and I was finally free. I could begin my life anew.
—Private conversation between Nathaniel Kenobi Solo and Ichi Go following the Battle of Almania
Following their daring escape from the battle, Ichi Go and Renton met up with Nathan and the other survivors on Reecee. Deciding that the Galactic Alliance was going to lose, even if they were going to help them out, the survivors came up with a plan to strike back with hit-and-run maneuvers. Uncertain as to what they should refer to their organization as, they went about asking others for ideas. When Nathan overheard a conversation between Mariz, Ichi, and Ahlex, where the latter forgot the name of the very people that they were fighting against, he petitioned for the organization to be named the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People. Taking an instant liking to it, a majority vote sealed the name into history.

One of the many battles fought by the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People
Over the next couple of years, the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People brought about the destruction of several Sith trading vessels, the liberations of worlds without a strong Sith presence, and the fear that the organization could actually harm the Sith. It was during this time that Ichi and Mariz tried to reconcile their relationship, however, it was doomed to failure yet again. After successfully liberating the planet Almania from its Sith occupiers, the grateful people offered it to be a base of operations for the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People. After conferring with the rest of the group, Nathan agreed. Within the next couple of weeks, the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People made Almania their base.
However, Ichi and Renton began to witness horrible apparitions and suffered from terrible visions where they saw themselves killed by Gloed and Divat respectively and witnessed the destruction of the planet's surface by Sith bombardment. Knowing that the future was not set in stone, they told Nathan about it and he decided to evacuate the populace before the Sith arrived. However, it was too late, as Darth Abeonis himself had come on The Soiyo to exact his revenge on Nathan for crippling several Sith operations. Accompanying Nathan along with other notable Jedi Knights to The Soiyo, Ichi began to feel as if the coming battle was unavoidable. After witnessing the duel between Abeonis and Nathan, Ichi fled with the others to get away from the Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire.
Following the escape from The Soiyo, Ichi Go went back to his and Renton's personal vessel, the Hybrid Idiots. He found Renton meditating in his quarters instead of fighting. Puzzled and angered at the same time, Ichi asked why he wasn't helping Nathan and the rest of them fight. Renton replied that he had been calling their enemies, Gloed and Divat to come and end their feud, as he, for one, was tired of the fight over things that happened years ago.
Angry that Renton had actually invited them over, Ichi said that the only reason he wanted them here was because Renton wanted to fight, beat, and then own Divat as his wife. Surprised at his friend's accusations over his character, Renton replied that he was indeed in love with Divat, but that would have no bearing if she could not be turned; Renton would kill her if need be. Still unconvinced, Ichi went to the cockpit, and then to the escape pod, if Renton was dumb enough to have asked them to come to their ship, then he was stupid enough to ask Gloed to come to Almania's surface to fight. Seeking his adversary through the Force, Ichi presented his proposition, to which Gloed accepted a bit too eagerly.
As soon as he landed on Almania, Ichi knew that all was not as it had seemed, and not because the people had all fled and there was barely any life on the planet's surface. There was definitely something more sinister in the making. Searching through the Force, Ichi found that he was not as alone as he had originally thought, something very powerful was drawing near him and it wasn't Gloed.

Hollow, one of Gloed's Sithspawn
Sensing it again, Ichi went to investigate, and soon found that he had been confronted with one of Gloed's most fiercest creations: Hollow, an attempt at making an all-powerful, mindless Sithspawn that followed only him. The attempt had been successful, although, as far as Ichi knew, he hadn't had success the second time he had attempted it. Raising his specially-made vibroblade, Zangetsu, Ichi told the creature that it was going to die. The creature merely grunted and attacked, causing Ichi to move back and rethink his next move. Ichi Go sheathed Zangetsu for a moment and ignited his lightsaber, as he knew the Sithspawn was resistant to his vibroblade from past experiences. His dark red blade shining brightly in Almania's light, Ichi Go made the first move and swiped at Hollow's feet, but missed, as the beast's agility and stamina were far better than his.
Ichi began examining the beast's movements as he fought it. More often than not, it left its left leg exposed in the fight, but that was always a feint, as it could attempt to bite Ichi if ever tried to exploit that. Fortunately, what the creature didn't know, was that its mouth was always left open when it moved its left foot, leaving it open to an attack. Smilingly smugly, Ichi pretended to aim for Hollow's left leg, but as soon as the Sithspawn had noticed that and attacked, he had pulled back and stabbed the creature through the mouth, reaching its brain and effectively killing the monstrosity.
Come on! Is that all you've got, Gloed? Come here and fight m—
—Ichi Go attempting to goad Gloed into a fight, and getting more than he bargained for

Gloed attacks Ichi Go
Ichi Go, brash after defeating Hollow, sheathed his lightsaber and yelled in defiance at Gloed, attempting to get him to come out and fight him. While he was yelling, he was barely able to react in time and get out Zangetsu to counter Gloed's stealth attack. Announcing that he was there to finally end his family's shame, Gloed sheathed his lightsaber and brought out his own vibroblade, a dark and twisted version of Zangetsu. Ichi's self-control lost at the sight of the desecration before him, he lost all of his thought processes and attacked Gloed with a blind rage. Laughing the entire time, Gloed goaded Ichi on and on, attempting to make him fall to the dark, and then intending to kill him when he did so. Ichi, however, informed Gloed that he had no intention of falling, as his true Master, Nathan, had always shown him ways to use his anger for the betterment of all. He didn't see things in shades of black or white, he saw them in grey, and planned to make sure Gloed would know this as well, because he was going to turn him to the light.
Chuckling at the idea that Ichi could turn him to the light, Gloed Force pushed Ichi into a nearby butte and slashed after him. Remaining stubborn, Ichi said that no one person was beyond redemption, no matter how much he hated himself for saying that after what Gloed had done to Ichi's mother, father, and brother years ago. Beaming with pride, Gloed said he would have done it a thousand times over, just to see the look on Ichi's face when he ended her life.

Darth Gloed stabs Ichi Go
Refusing to let that coerce him to join the dark side, Ichi Go fought on. Noting that Gloed usually left his head open to attack every now and then, Ichi planned to swipe at it at the appropriate time. Slathering him with Force lightning, Ichi then used the momentary pause to his advantage and attacked—aiming for Gloed's head. But, instead of the quick and easy victory he had foreseen, Ichi was stabbed by Gloed, who had cast an illusion over himself, so that Ichi would go for it. Surrounded by his own blood, Ichi began to heal himself as fast as possible, but, instead of the attack he thought Gloed would bring, he saw that Gloed had brought more of his failed attempts to create another Hollow. Finding himself surrounded, outmanned, and outgunned, Ichi prepared to die. However, he felt the spirit of his mother calling out to him, offering him her strength and devotion and became heartened.

The Sithspawn that attacked Ichi Go
Knowing that the spirit of his mother was with him, Ichi Go began to seal his wound and awaited the Sithspawn's next move. The tall, masked, horrible creatures soon swarmed every possible escape route he had and awaited his next move.
Bring it on!
—Ichi Go yelling his defiance to the Sithspawn
The Sithspawn took his command to heart and swarmed him and began to suck away his life force with their dark side energies. Ichi Go, however, began to ignite his lightsaber and brought out Zangetsu again, intending to use them as his Master would use two lightsabers in Jar'Kai. The Sithspawn closest to him became his first victim, with ten more falling suit, until the other ones began to flee. Hearing the raging voice of Gloed forcing them back to fight, Ichi Go smiled. Ichi simply waited in the same spot he had remained in since they had first appeared, except this time, he was sitting on the ground and meditating. Apparently, Renton was in need of help, but he was in no condition to do so. He also felt the anguish of Ada Karr and despaired, the woman deserved better.
The Sithspawn finally returned, and Ichi still remained sitting, as if he could have cared less about what was about to happen. Dauntless, the Sithspawn attacked, but the first assault wave soon found itself in no less than twenty neatly sliced pieces. By using the Force, Ichi had taken large chunks of the ground beneath him and thrown them towards his opponents. Screaming to his creations to continue their attack, Gloed was getting a little bit frightened. Where was the bleeding profusely, almost dead, Ichi Go he had left to be finished off? What had happened in such a short time for him to have regained his strength and composure? Questions better left for later, as Ichi Go had just defeated the last of the Sithspawn Gloed had brought with him. Cursing him to Chaos, Gloed brought out his twisted Zangetsu and jumped from the hill he had been standing on to get to Ichi, if his minions could not end this, then he would.
Smiling, Ichi once again sheathed his lightsaber in favor of his vibroblade, and told Gloed that he had better prepare to die. Gloed revealed that he would stop holding back; if he stabbed Ichi again, it was to kill, not to wound. Ichi replied that he would show Gloed the same courtesy he had received in the brawl, except he would look better doing it. Moving the conversation to Gloed's vanity proved to be fortuitous for Ichi Go, as it was Gloed's one and only weakness: his pride in himself and his Arkanian heritage.

Ichi Go skewers Darth Gloed
After thirty minutes had passed of continuous and almost tedious fighting, Ichi began to press his advantage and skewered Darth Gloed through the stomach during midjump and the Sith Knight fell to the ground. Content with just stabbing him, Ichi moved towards Gloed's dying body and started to ask a question.
Gloed, could you ever find it inside of yourself to forgive me for my actions today?
—Ichi Go
I will never forgive you for what you have done to my family, monstrosity! I will have my revenge! As long as I live, you shall have no forgiveness from me or an acceptance that we are brothers!
—Darth Gloed
With those last, horrible words of arrogance, Darth Gloed finally succumbed to the darkness within him and died. His body was surrounded and engulfed by the dark side energies that had been almost omnipresent when he was near. Chaos would have a new visitor soon.
But I have forgiven you...
—Ichi Go
Helpless to prevent his half-brother's death, Ichi walked to the escape pod he had come to Almania on and noticed it had been destroyed by a stray laser shot from one of the Sith vessels. Seeing Gloed's vessel nearby, unscathed, he went to it and departed the planet, but kept the burden with him. He wondered how Renton had done against Divat. His pensive thoughts were answered when he was commed by Renton, who explained that he and Divat had reconciled and they were awaiting for him to extract them on the planet's surface. Asking them for a precise location, Renton replied that it was the only spot on the planet with a huge robot. Quickly saving them, they departed from the battle and regrouped with the other survivors. All in all, the battle had been a success, albeit a costly one for both sides.
Commonwealth & Autocracy Woes[]
Forming a Government[]
The next couple of years after the Battle of Almania, Ichi Go and the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People did what they did best: annoying the kriff out of the Sith by scuttling several operations. However, all of their hard work was nothing compared to the ferocity of the Sith, who conquered Coruscant, all but ending the Sith Crusade. The Jedi were almost wiped out as a combatant and the Galactic Alliance was basically defunct.

Ichi Go at this point in his life
Fortunately for the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People, an old friend of Nathan's, Tenel Ka, had taken in Jedi survivors and had asked for them to help her form a new government, the Galactic Commonwealth. Nathan, feeling that this was what he was meant to do, asked the others for their opinions. Ichi was in leader of the opposition, who wondered if the Commonwealth would be strong enough to even stand up to the Sith.
To salve their fears, Nathan replied that not only was the entire Hapan fleet a part of the Commonwealth—the capital of the Commonwealth was Hapes—but one of the first actions they had been asked to do was to attack Ruusan. The opposition was immediately won-over and they applied for membership into the Galactic Commonwealth. The battle was a success and the Jedi emerged victorious, causing the Sith to blockade the Commonwealth's borders. However, several Jedi, Ichi and Renton among them, were able to get past the blockade several times and it was eventually called off by Abeonis, who viewed the operation as futile.
Over the next couple of years, Ichi would become a part of the many liberations that the Commonwealth used to take away worlds from the Sith. Some of the most well-known are the attack of Thyferra, the mission to find Jacen Solo, and the liberation of Kashyyyk. It is told that he almost never stopped fighting, and was always the first to sign up for an assignment if the need arose. However, he did miss out on a very important mission that would have a major impact on his life for hundreds of years: the mission that Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, his children, and the mercenary Faustus Van Nolmbet undertook—the capture and or death of Crie Krobos. The cryptic Rutsenafo knew more about Ichi Go than he knew about himself. He had hinted that Ichi was important to the Galaxy somehow, and Ichi felt that the he was the same being who had delivered Zangetsu to him were one and the same. Since he died, however, it looked as if all the clues to Ichi's past were forever denied to him yet again.
Seeking answers that they couldn't find elsewhere, Ichi, Eureka, and Renton consulted one of the most famous minds in the field of Humans: an old, disgruntled clone named Doc. Doc had been one of the first clones ever produced by the Kaminoans, and he was also the last of his brothers remaining, as the rest had died, and the other clones were based on new genetic templates. If anyone could find out why the three of them never aged, and why they looked almost eternally young, it was him. After running some tests, Doc informed them that he couldn't tell them anything that they didn't know already, elaborating that it looked as if their very biological structures had been changed sometime during birth. He replied that this was a Jedi thing and would require the knowledge of either a healer, or someone who knew a lot about a Force power that could manipulate people to change their bodies to appear as they did. (Doc later died of old age after this incident, at the ripe old age of one hundred and forty-six years-old.)

Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, now a senile, old man
After conferring with several of the Jedi healers that resided in the Commonwealth, the trio were no closer to finding out their true origins than before, as the healers were just as astounded as they were to find out what had occurred to them. So their only option left was a senile, one hundred and seven year-old man named Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, who happened to know of a Force power that could have resulted in their changes. Nathan recounted that several powerful Force users in the past had been known to manipulate midichlorians to shape other sapients to become something else. Among them were such notables as Darth Infineus, Darth Monarchist, and Reven.) The power was known to them as the Midi-Chlorian Mix. If Nathan's suspicions were correct, then they had been genetically-altered by a powerful person who had done this seemingly at random for no possible reason. Nathan, however, smelled a conspiracy, and told them that they had better hurry up, before the trail ended up becoming colder than before.
Unfortunately, before they could amount an investigation, several reports of rumored Sith activity were widespread. Apparently, several factors within the Sith were awaiting the death of Abeonis, who wasn't in the best of physical conditions. Among them were Darth Proditor and Darth Debello, both accomplished Sith Lords and very dangerous. If the Jedi did not scout them out before the death of Abeonis, the Commonwealth would be in danger of not knowing what to expect of the next Sith Lord to take power. For the next six years, the trio watched the possible successors to Abeonis and reported back to the Commonwealth. Their reports came back with the following information. Proditor was a powerful man, but nothing to be feared, as many in the Empire despised him. Debello, on the other hand, was to be feared, as he was very charismatic and patient, and could be a danger to the entire Galaxy if he succeeded. Even worse, his apprentice, the former Jedi Knight—now Sith Knight—Darth Krayt was every bit as ruthless as his Master. There truly was a no-win situation for the Commonwealth.
However, unknown to the trio at the time, the Avenger of the Jedi, Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, was seemingly killed by Krayt alongside his son Jacen. When they returned with news of the Sith Lords, they were informed of the tragedy and it was said that the landing pad on Hapes was never the same after Ichi Go let out his fury on hearing the bad news. Nathan, his friend and mentor, had died at the hand of the very thing he wanted to protect the entire Galaxy from. Ichi Go swore that Krayt would pay.

Kol Skywalker, a friend of Ichi Go's
But before he could begin his wanton acts of vengeance, the Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire, Darth Abeonis, died of unknown causes on Korriban. A civil war had begun, with the Commonwealth as the clear loser. Over the next couple of years, the Jedi would secretly sabotage ships on both sides, leading to much more in-fighting, and less attention to the Jedi, as they attempted to rebuild the Jedi fortressworld of Ossus. Ichi Go was one of the project leaders who oversaw the reconstruction effort. Carefully working with Yuuzhan Vong shapers, he tried to reshape the planet to its former glory and it was successful, so, along with his partner, Kol Skywalker, he petitioned the Commonwealth to use other shapers to terraform Commonwealth worlds. While the idea was good, many citizens still held a grudge against the Yuuzhan Vong for what they had done nearly a hundred years ago, and when terraforming operations failed horribly, memberworlds began to write articles of intent to leave the Commonwealth.
It seemed that the Sith had turned the table's on the Commonwealth and sabotaged one of their projects. However, no one could offer any conclusive proof that the Sith had indeed sabotaged it, so many member worlds had a perfect excuse to leave. Ossus, meanwhile was then attacked by the Sith, and was conquered, millions of Commonwealth credits—wasted. Ichi Go was furious at the outcome of the whole thing and began to experience weird headaches and pains. Seeking medical advice, he was told that Renton and Eureka were suffering from the same ailment. Before a proper prognosis could be given, all three of them fell into a state of hibernation, where they would remain for the next fifty years.
In 189 ABY, the trio found themselves in a large hospital room with coma patients. Disoriented from sleeping so long, Ichi Go quickly arose from his hospital bed and demanded an explanation. (Somewhat comically—as it was later recounted— as he moved around like a man who had taken one too many sips of some Whyren's Reserve.) One of the healers, a female Guineo named Jebupa arrived to explain the situation to Ichi Go.

The symbol of the Jedi Autocracy
She replied that she had been their personal nurse for over fifty years, attending to their every need and awaiting the day they would awake from their slumber. In the years since their hibernation, they had deduced that the three of them were required to rest for extended periods of time to compensate for their not aging. Bluntly saying that he didn't care about the medical information, Ichi demanded to know the state of the Commonwealth. Keeping her tranquility, Jebupa explained that as of the last week, the Commonwealth had folded and had been replaced with the Jedi Autocracy. It was being led by the Grand Master Zeferi, who was the last of the original New Jedi Order, besides the present company, of course. She explained that the Sith were virtually the same as before, except they were a little powerful, but they kept them in check and neither side sought out conflict anymore.
Absorbing the information, Ichi Go realized that any chance they had of discovering the person who had performed the Midi-Chlorian Mix on them was practically nil. However, he asked if they still held an official rank within the new Autocracy. Jebupa replied that they hadn't been given the best care in the Galaxy other than to just keep them alive. The Commonwealth had known that the three of them were very important to their very survival as a government and had spared no expense to search new ways to revive them. They were still considered to be some of the highest ranked Masters in the government and the positions they had held previously were basically "on loan" to the present owners of the titles.
Happy that they were still respected among the Order, the trio began to refill their old positions and got quick updates of the technologies developed since their hibernation. In the following years, they sought out more clues to their origins, but met with the same fate as they had expected: failure. New alliances were made and new enemies were found, but the three remained the same in appearance and age. Investigations were once again postponed when a new threat arrived: the Zao tenj. At first the Autocracy avoided fighting them, but once they realized that the Sith were losing the war, the Jedi agreed to join the fight. Foremost among them were Ichi, Renton, Eureka, Tai painj, Urai Fen, and Jehn Rhin. Near the middle of the war, circa 250 ABY, the three began to experience the same symptoms as before, and once again fell into a state of hibernation.
The Search Ends[]
About fifty years later, around 300 ABY, the trio once again were awakened from their slumber. Even more changes than before had occurred, as the Galaxy was in a state of almost total anarchy. Several governments had arisen to take over from the fleeing Sith and the Autocracy, which was now formally a part of the Third Republic. Everyone's allegiance was up for sale and the Jedi were looked down upon because of their actions during several pacification operations. It was truly a dismal hour for the three Jedi Masters. However, they decided that they couldn't do anything at all to prevent more atrocities—as all sides were guilty in some way, shape, or form, so they couldn't help any of them—so they decided to finally renew their search into their distinctive, mysterious past. This time, unlike the previous attempts, their investigations bore fruit.

Nathan's holocron
Even after almost two hundred and seventy-five years of searching, there were still routes that they could follow to find their quarry. Seeking the help of Nathan, they went to Coruscant, where they knew his holocron was being kept safe from raiders and pillagers. Covertly, they were able to take the holocron out and replace it with a fake. But before they could activate it, the Force ghost of Nathan appeared before them, wishing to help them solve their problems. Surprised at his sudden appearance, Ichi questioned him about how he knew that the three were going to contact him through his gatekeeper. Nathan's Force ghost replied that there were very few things he didn't know these days, including information that could lead them to find their past.
Death wasn't good for you, was it, Nathan? You never used to be so cryptic.
—Ichi Go in reply to Nathan's remarks.
In response, Nathan's Force ghost laughed, stating that he hadn't meant to sound that way. Growing serious, he then divulged all he knew of the man named Crie Krobos, of whom, he had reason to believe was the man who had experimented on the three of them along with two other young children when they were newly-born. After he and the dhampir Faust had gone to Tianascalve to apprehend and/or kill Krobos, they had found a diary, which only contained a few writings, as the rest had been ripped out by another sentient sometime previously.
In the remaining papers, Nathan had discovered references to something referred to as the Destroyer of All, the deathworld, and the Five Who Would Save. Further attempts to investigate had come up short, but thanks to another source, he had been able to unearth DNA from the ripped pages, and found, to his horror, that the DNA was from Sōs-uke Aizen, who apparently was far from dead. Other than that, all he could reveal was that there was a young woman who appeared to "suffer" from the same symptoms as the three of them and that she was known to frequent a secluded patch of land on Novus Kamino Prime for some unknown reason.
With nothing left to offer, he told the three to leave the holocron where it was, stating that someone would arrive later to pick it up and place it back in its original spot. Thanking him, Ichi watched as the Force ghost faded into non-existence. But before they left, Eureka said that she felt as if that hadn't been Nathan's Force ghost, elaborating by saying that she felt that it seemed almost to be like she had felt Nathan before, when he was in either his astral projection or ghosting form. Shrugging off the explanation, Ichi said that they had better hurry to get to Novus Kamino Prime, so that the fresh clues they had been given wouldn't stale with age.
Arriving in the Novus Kamino Prime system the following day, they sought out the woman who Nathan had sent them to find. But before they could reach her, they were beset by some of the planet's native flora and fauna, more notably the semi-sentient Loup-garous. When they soon became surrounded by the pack animals, they began to lose hope, however, a sharp shrill arose from the air and the Loup-garous raced away to avoid the sound. The source of the shrill became noticeably clear, when a Hutt soon lumbered next to them. Stating that her name was Pibbe, she brought the threesome to her pirate's den, where her trusted men were: the dreaded Krayt Killers. Descended from members of the Octom Coalition, they were some of the best pirates in the business. Many a Sith shipment had fallen into their claws in the past hundred years.
Recollecting why they were there for Pibbe's entertainment, they asked whether or not if the Krayt Killers cared if they were Jedi. Pibbe replied that the Jedi were just as bad as the scum they were supposed to put away nowadays, and that it hardly mattered if an upstanding Jedi Knight consorted with criminal organizations. However, Pibbe had little or no information about the mysterious woman, claiming only one sighting of her. Just as the threesome were about to leave the pirate's den to locate her, a massive explosion came from outside. Going out to investigate, they found that a rival pirate group, the Returners, had found their rival's base and were planning to eliminate the competition. Hurrying to some of the snubfighters that were in the hangar bay, the trio and the Krayt Killers went to the air to fight them back.
After a short fight of about five or so standard minutes, the Returners' forces were driven back. But the fighters only landed as far away as possible from the pirate's den, so that they could unload and let their ground soldiers begin the attack anew, and the Krayt Killers had no idea they were going to do so. Ichi Go and the other two felt a disturbance in the Force, but they were too late to warn the others, as the Returners' nuclear device was already loaded and was heading straight towards them. Just before doomsday, though, a young woman's voice was heard crying out an incantation.
Hinagiku, Lily, Baigon! Santen Kesshun! I reject!
—The young woman

Ori Hi-Me
Opening his eyes to see what had happened, Ichi Go witnessed a large, orange triangular shield hovering over the pirate's den, and it was absorbing the entire brunt of the nuclear device's assault. Looking around for the woman who had uttered the incantation, he saw that she was indeed the person they had come for. Force jumping up to the cliff she was standing on, he introduced himself and told her that he and his friends had been looking for her. As if she didn't care, the woman addressed herself as Ori Hi-Me, and that she had been looking for them for a very long time. She gave a quick story of living in isolation for hundreds of years since she had been experimented on by a man known only to her as the Day-Walker. Noting that Day-Walker had been a moniker given to Krobos by his own people, Ichi asked how she had escaped and why she had come here.
Ori Hi-Me replied that at sometime during the aftermath of the Sith Crusade, an elder man, his children, and a being who looked similar to the Day-Walker had come to the world she was living on and had freed her unknowingly. Before she left, though, a Human male had come to her and asked her to do something for him, in the memory of the person who had been a surrogate father to her for so many years. He asked if she would seek out the other three that were needed and to bring them to him on Korriban, so that everything could be right.
Ichi Go asked if the man's surname was Aizen, but Ori Hi-Me replied that she didn't know, only that the Day-Walker had regarded him with much interest and that he was a man to be respected. However, in the many years after that, she tried to find the other three that the Human had asked her to find, but to no avail, as she had no idea what they would be like. After years of despairing for information concerning them, she had found absolutely nothing. But, while she was looking for information on Toola, she was found by two hooded figures, and they had instructed her to go to Novus Kamino Prime, saying that arrangements would be made to bring the other three to her, so that the end does not arrive.
Puzzled, he asked what she meant by that, but she answered that she didn't know, and when she tried to ask the Day-Walker whilst she was still with him, he would always rebuke her and beat her for daring to ask to know the things that she must find out on her own. Even more confused, Ichi asked why they must meet on Korriban, and Ori Hi-Me said that she knew that there was an ancient tablet that was secured in one of the terraformed jungles in the southern continent that she and the others must read before continuing to the deathworld. Before he could ask for an even bigger headache, Renton said that they should use their new "friends" to gain access to Korriban, so that they could figure it out on the way there. Thinking it sound advice, Ichi queried Pibbe to see if they could get shipped to Korriban, to which Pibbe replied that it was feasible, that was, if the price was right. Muttering under his breath, Ichi Go paid the Hutt in advance and they departed for Korriban, unsure of what was going to happen next.
Tablet of Truth[]
In transit, the four began to debate on their next course of action. Ichi Go wanted to see what the tablet said and rush to wherever it said to go, while Renton and Eureka preached caution. Ori said nothing, stating that she knew little in the ways of helping them. After much debate, they decided to adopt a wait-and-see approach. After the meeting, Ichi went to Ori Hi-Me, so that he could learn more about her unique abilities. She relayed a story about how the Day-Walker had given them to her when she was still in his possession. He had always said that the uniqueness of the device was because it had been created by the ancient Sith, and was an artifact of immense power and strength.
The Shun-Shun-Rikka, as it was known to the Day-Walker, was a mechanism that could only be activated by a Force-sensitive with immense power. It could be used for defense, attack, and even healing should the need arise. Besides that, all she knew was that the Day-Walker was especially happy with himself for finding it, saying that its location hadn't been an easy one to find and had been a treacherous journey. Ichi then asked where she kept it, as he hadn't seen her carrying anything with her when he had first seen her using it. She replied that her hairpin was the Shun-Shun-Rikka. At first believing that she was teasing him, Ichi began to play along, but discovered that she was absolutely true, and the hairpin she had was indeed the device she claimed it to be when he tested it out.

Korriban, world of the Sith
Amazed, he asked why Krobos would have given such a powerful weapon to a subordinate he didn't even seem to care about. After a short pause, Ori suggested that he had always been preparing her for some event of tremendous importance to the Galaxy and had stated such when he had presented the Shun-Shun-Rikka to her. While Ichi was wondering the meaning of it all, he began to think of how beautiful she was, and his face began to turn red at the thought of the two of them together. He had been smitten the moment he had seen her rescue them. But before he could relive his fantasy again, Ori asked him why his face had turned so red, leaving Ichi to create an awkward defense as to why his face was red, but, thankfully, Pibbe came into the corridor they were in and announced that they had just reached Korriban.
The foursome then set out to the planet's surface with Pibbe, and two of her most trusted men, a Weequay named Jrol Nuy and a Makurth named Ensin Riky. (She claimed that they would destroy any Sith artifacts that they encountered on the way to their location, stating that the more they annihilated, the less chance some punk with a lightsaber would turn to the dark side because of them.) Begrudgingly, they let them come and started their travels to the jungle where the tablet was rumored to be located.
However, the planet's dark energies began to wear them down, causing Ori and Renton to stop to catch their breath, as the strain had caused that much damage to them. The planet's native creatures proved to be their worst adversary, besetting them at every opportunity that they presented. Among them were wraids, tuk'ata, and shyracks, but the most surprising ones were the mutated, carnivorous nerfs that were remnants of some of Mutatos' Sith alchemy experiments.
Eventually reaching a river, they stopped to rest and were greeted by violent terentateks. The creature's immunity to the Force presented a dangerous problem to the group's fighting strategy. But, when all seemed lost, a myriad of plants were driven from their roots and brought to attack the terentateks. Most forced themselves inside the creature's stomachs and made them explode from the sheer ferocity of the attacks. With the terentateks dead, the group looked to find their saviors, who turned out to be a group of primitive looking aliens.

Aizen, very much changed since his last encounter with Ichi Go
Greeting them, Ichi tried to ask them if they knew anything about something called the Tablet of Truth, the name Krobos had given to the tablet. The primitives jabbered to each other in their unintelligible language and then stated, in near-perfect Basic, that the Sixth Out of Five needed to speak with them concerning the Tablet. Astonished, the group then noticed that they were completely at the mercy of the aliens, as they had surrounded them from all sides. Seeking to figure out who the Sixth Out of Five was, Ichi ordered the rest of his group to back down and go with the aliens.
Marching into the jungle, they were brought to an ancient temple, where, seated on a throne, was Sōs-uke Aizen, beaming down at them. Drawing out Zangetsu, Ichi began to lunge towards Aizen, who made no move to prevent him from doing so. Expecting a trap, Ichi moved back, but saw that Aizen remained planted on his throne. Demanding an explanation, Ichi's rage grew to the boiling point. Aizen, remaining calm, explained that he had been waiting there ever since Krobos' untimely death several years ago. He elaborated further by saying that he was waiting specifically for them to arrive. Ichi then asked him why he was waiting for them. Aizen replied that they needed to fulfill the prophecy. When he saw the quizzical looks on their faces, he began to tell the real story of Crie Krobos.
In 57 BBY, Crie was born to two Rutsenafo parents, and then began a regular life—regular for a Rutsenafo, that is—for the next fifteen years of his life. During this time, his parents would tell a bedtime story designed to scare him into listening to them, the saga of the Five Who Would Save. Then his parents sent him to fulfill his Bloodrite, to which he completed in four years, instead of the regular five, as he had found a way to integrate a Tiani sapphire into his body before he was supposed to. Deciding that he wanted to begin his studies in the field of science, he experimented on the few travelers that came to his homeworld, finding out more about their various anatomies and the like.

A young Crie Krobos, about to take off his cloak to bathe in the sunlight of Tianasclave's sun
Unlike other Rutsenafo who had to go into their caves during the day because of their abhorrence of sunlight, Crie was remarkably gifted with the ability to withstand the sun's light. Many Rutsenafo were amazed at his uniqueness and he was immediately sent to work in the laboratory of a famous Rutsenafo scientist, Dlav Urladac, who wished the young man to become his test subject. Once Crie found out, though, he began to slowly take away his master's health and Force over the period of six days, which eventually lead to the man's death.
Crie was not implicated in his murder, as no one would have believed a mere nineteen year-old could have mastered the dreaded Force power that all experienced Rutsenafo learned. He then proclaimed himself the Director of Science, a boast not held lightly by the other higher-ranking Rutsenafo. Such a thing was unheard of, but he soon proved his worth—and one of his better known attributes of buying others off to get what he wanted—to them by creating a vast army of Tianascalve zombies to be used at the expense of the Counts will. For the first time Crie had killed a member of his own species in the matter of self-preservation, and it would not be the last.
Several years later, Crie would remember the bedtime story his parents had once told to him. Something about it seemed to suggest that the story was not just a story, but an ancient prophecy that revealed the actual end of the universe. Fearing death, he began to validate his hypothesis, seeking to find out if he was indeed right. His travels led him to the polar regions of Tianascalve, where rumors told of an ancient complex that housed the secret to uncovering the mystery behind the prophecy. After a day of searching, he found what he was looking for: an ancient holocronlike device that was the last gift the ancient Count Iroggri Partisun, or the man who had delivered the End Times Prophecy. Curiosity got the better of him, and Crie unlocked the device before he checked it for any booby traps. The specter of Iroggri slowly came out of the device and told Crie that he must go to the world of the Sith, and find an eons old tablet that held the entirety of his prophecy. Thanking the specter, Crie made ready to leave, but the complex's walls began to close in on him, effectively trapping him in the building, that was, if he hadn't sped away to the exit in time.
Immediately, he secured transport to the planet Korriban, much like the Ichi Go and the others had done, and, after he had landed, sought out the Tablet of Truth. Meeting resistance from some of the planet's native inhabitants—Original Sith, Massassi, Korribanites, and their slaves—he soon killed the majority of them by removing their life forces from them. Leaving a trail of blood behind him, Crie marched forward to the rumored location of the Tablet of Truth, and struck gold. Aizen then paused for a moment, and then Ichi began to grow tired of waiting for him to continue and bluntly asked him to start up the "wonderful" story again. Smiling, Aizen said that he couldn't do the rest of it justice, and instead walked them towards what could be considered the "basement" of the temple. Pointing to a large stone tablet in the center of the room, he said that this was the Tablet of Truth and it contained the long-forgotten End Times Prophecy.
Growing impatient again, Ichi charged forward to read the tablet, but found that it was written in some foreign language and ended up getting a headache from trying to translate it. With a small chuckle, Aizen moved forward and asked if he could translate the tablet for Ichi Go, to which the other did nothing but grunt, clearly not amused. Aizen then read from the tablet, and, for the first time ever, the other four would find the truth they had been searching for.
Following the years of rebellion, there will be a seeker who finds truth in the spoken words of I.
He will find the traditions are wrong and that the end is near.
Using his knowledge, he will find the Five Who Would Save.
He will experiment on them, so that they will find their true path.
The seeker will also provide the five with gifts of power
Two of the Five will be given a machine of immense power.
Another shall receive a weapon imbued with the Force.
Whilst another will be given a strange artifact of unknown origin.
And the last of the Five will receive the knowledge to destroy that which they must destroy.
However, one of the Five will die at the hand of another, but a replacement will be made.
After seeing what he did was good, the seeker will be killed by two separate rivals, but his legacy will live on.
There will be a time following the era of unity, where the age of the dark will follow.
The Five will then be reunited on the planet of the Sith.
The Destroyer of All shall arise on the deathworld, but the Five will overcome it and enforce it to rest again.
However, if the Five should fail, all will be lost.
When the crisis is over, the Five will agree to remain behind on the deathworld in hibernation based on the advice of a friend thought dead.
A turncoat shall arrive in a new era of darkness, seeking refuge from a once faithful friend and he will find power beyond his wildest dreams.
One of the Five will come and meet their end to him, and the turncoat will unleash the Destroyer of All.
The Five, now four, shall help the turncoat sacrifice himself to end the monster once and for all.
After that, all will be well.
—The End Times Prophecy
A moment of silence swept into the room after Aizen finished the translation. Realization began to creep into Ichi's mind. It was all beginning to make sense. Beginning in 14 ABY, Crie Krobos had finally found the five people he knew were the ones the prophecy spoke of. Experimenting on Gloed and Eureka first, he had awaited the next three, which turned out to be himself, Ori, and Renton. Over the years, all five were granted with amazing success in battle and were given strange implements to win them. Renton and Eureka had the Nihr'Vash, while Ori had been given the Shun-Shun-Rikka. He had been given Zangetsu, while Gloed had begun knowledge in the arts of the ancient Sith alchemists, having power that no one could ever dream of. He had also been the one who was foretold to kill another member of the Five, as Gloed had died because of him on Almania. However, the idea of a replacement began to bother him. Who could it have been?

Part of the Tablet of Truth
His question was answered when Renton asked Aizen if he had been the replacement, stating that he should have died on Kelakus, but had obviously been saved by someone, Crie, perhaps. Aizen applauded Renton on his ingenuity, and admitted that he was the replacement for Gloed and had since harbored no feeling of ill will towards Renton or Ichi for their attempt on his life, he had deserved no less for what he had done.
After the revelation of Aizen's true nature, Ichi began to grow more pensive and began connecting more of the dots. The seeker was obviously Krobos, and his two "rivals" had been Nathan and Faust. There had indeed been an "age of unity", better known as the Unity era. People were beginning to refer to the era they were in now as the Dark Age, which seemed to make perfect sense. All five of them had met on the world of the Sith. But this Destroyer of All and the deathworld made him cringe, because he had no idea what they could represent. Asking Aizen what was next on their agenda, he was told that Tianascalve was to be visited by them once again, before they could begin their search for the deathworld. Meeting up with Pibbe, who had waited outside, they began to send in the coordinates to Tianascalve, not knowing what was in store for them.
Diary of a Madman[]
The diary was never important. Finding out why we were needed was. I don't care that he manipulated us into doing this without our was needed for the safety of the Galaxy and that's good enough for me.
—Ichi on the diary of Crie Krobos
While the rest of the crew and Aizen were busy working out ways to get to Tianascalve sooner, Ichi Go and the other three were discussing whether or not if they could trust Aizen. Ichi still felt the deep scars that had been left behind ever since Plett's death and wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. Ori told of how he had always been nice to her while she was still a "guest" of Crie's and that he was a good man. Renton was willing to forgive and forget, but still remained a little skeptical about the matter and Eureka, who had never met Aizen before, could only offer the advice that time could change people, as it certainly had for her. Through consensus, they agreed to accept Aizen for the moment.
The planet Tianascalve
None of them—besides Ori, who had lived with him for a while and apparently could read him well—truly trusted him, or his motivations. Ichi went to interrogate Aizen before they continued to Tianascalve, which they had just reached. Ichi then asked him why he had gone to Korriban just to tell them they needed to go to Tianascalve, to which Aizen replied, Dramatic effect. His temper rising from the comment, Ichi was about to utter a few choice words, but Aizen calmed him down by stating that they had needed to see the Tablet of Truth before they could continue on, as it was very important to their quest.
Still confused, Ichi asked whether or not Crie had written the prophecy in its entirety in his diary. Aizen replied that it was indeed written in the diary, but, he noted, it was far better to read from the original text, as it could help to assuage fears that not all things created by the dark were bad. He knew, that even after all these years of listening to him, that Ichi Go had never truly listened to what Nathan had said regarding both "sides" of the Force being used for the betterment of all. Aizen said that Nathan would have joined him immediately after learning the entire story, as he was a true Jedi, something Ichi and the others could never attain in the states of mind they had.
Before Ichi Go could mount a defense, the others became impatient and forced the two to debark the ship. Being that it was midday, there was little or no chance that one of the planet's inhabitants would attack them. However, there was still cause to worry over the fact that the minions of the Rutsenafo Cihls, the dreaded Skatons and Tianascalve zombies, were able to act in their place. Luckily, though—as far as they knew—no one they could think of one being on the planet that held a grudge against them, so the threat of a attack diminished further. Aizen, closely followed by Pibbe and Ichi Go, led them to Crie's old mansion, which had not been repaired since the attack on it many years ago by Nathan and Faust. Going through the mansion's vast catacombs, Ichi and the rest were awaiting any possible trap, but one never came, it seemed that, in death, Crie was finally wanting to give up his knowledge of what had happened to them freely.
In the middle of the march, a young Anzati named Pliko Mar—who, like the majority of the Krayt Killers, was mildly Force-sensitive—felt a disturbance in the Force. His proclamation was soon given value when the others felt it as well. Eureka then asked Aizen if he knew what they had felt. Aizen said that they were near Crie's old cloning room, where all of his clones had been brutally slaughtered by Nathan and Faust. It was now a nexus of dark side energies.
Bypassing that route, they came across an old bedchamber, but something eerie was amidst. Aizen tried to calm everyone's fears by stating that nothing was left that could harm them in the house, he had made sure of that several years ago. Searching through a pile of discarded papers from what seemed centuries ago, Aizen finally found what he wanted in-between the bed springs: the diary of Crie Krobos. Aizen then handed it to Ichi Go, who was surprised that it was actually written in Basic, rather than the Rutsenafo's modified form of Anzat. Ichi then asked what Aizen wanted him to do with it. Aizen then told him to read it, so that the others could finally learn the entire truth of their origins.

The diary of Crie Krobos
The diary opened up much the same way Aizen had recollected earlier to them, however, Crie had been personally responsible for making the decisions the others had "made" in their lives. Such as forcing a prophecy into the mind of Regy Orfec, effectively giving him a fatal headache and ending his life; bending the mind of both Ichi Go's parents and the mother of Eureka to send Renton and Ichi to Nar Shaddaa; causing the ship malfunction that sent Gloed's personal vessel to Korriban, where he would be captured by Mutatos and converted to the dark side; "suggesting" Eureka should leave known space and find the fabled Sith Order of Decreto; and bringing about the "death" of Aizen, thereby making sure a suitable candidate was available should one of the Five fall.
The Five—minus Aizen—began to sink down into several of the chairs in the room, trying to gather all they had just learned. Although it wasn't news that they had been manipulated, they had never thought that one person could have done something of that magnitude. Aizen, who had been waiting patiently for the rest to finish their thoughts, asked Ichi Go to finish telling the rest. Ichi stood up and went back to the diary and resumed his reading. The diary seemed to skip a couple of years, and the next date Ichi found was one dealing with something that had been referred to in the prophecy: the Destroyer of All. Created by ancient Sith alchemists in the earliest stages of the Galaxy, sometime during the fabled Pius Dea Crusades, the Destroyer of All—actually referred to as the Jagare Av Samtliga—was the most fearsome weapon ever devised. A living being, it was imbued so much with the Force, that normal weaponry was essentially useless against it.
Sometime in the Crusades, a team of Jedi Knights had been able to locate and enforce the Jagare Av Samtliga to enter a state of hibernation. They then sealed it, along with many representatives of the Sith and Pius Dea, on the deathworld, better known as Dödsfallvärd. Apparently, Iroggri Partisun had been present at the altercation, and had received a Force vision concerning the reawakening of the terrible beast. Before Ichi could continue the reading, a large shudder went through the ground: Tianascalve was under attack.
Jedi? Sith? Does It Matter In This Day and Age?[]
What scared me the most about these dark ages was the fact that the Jedi had become mere thugs who used their powers for self-gain. The attack on Tianascalve was just one of many to come in that horrible period of time. Thankfully, everything turned around thanks to the real Jedi.
—Ichi Go in private conversation with an unknown person following the Dark Age
Confusion ran amongst the Krayt Killers and Jedi underneath Crie Krobos' mansion. Who or what would dare attack a planet full of very powerful Force-sensitives? As if to answer their collective question, a large boom echoed through the floors above them as the sounds of a struggled were taking place. Curious, the Five—accompanied by Pibbe and three other Krayt Killers—went upstairs to investigate the sources of the sounds. However, a large detonation forced them back into the room they had found Krobos' diary in. Recovering quickly, Ichi and Renton helped the others up, but a shot rang out and the glare of at least twenty lightsabers met them: the Jedi had come to Tianascalve.
Ichi Go, furious to know that it had been the Jedi attacking them, demanded an explanation. The clear leader of the group, a well-built Human named Kenial Flau announced that they were there to merely annihilate rivals to their cause, and he was sure members of the Avenging Sons could understand. Puzzled, Ichi asked who the Avenging Sons were, to which the man laughed, clearly amused at their confusion. The Human's lieutenant, a male Jenet named Mio Messaggero, stepped forward and asked how they couldn't know about the group that they were so obviously in. He pointed towards their Jedi robes and mocked them, saying that they couldn't play him for a fool: they were really members of the Avenging Sons, clearly there to stop the Followers of Bogan from achieving their goals.

One of the Followers of Bogan's Star Destroyers attacks Tianascalve's surface
Before Ichi or the others could warrant a response, another explosion sent shockwaves through the ground. After Kenial had contacted another member of the Followers of Bogan, they soon found out that the Avenging Sons had launched an attack to save the Rutsenafo from extinction. After that, Kenial stared down Ichi and the others, and then revealed that he was going to kill them, because he thought that they had been sent to spy on them. Igniting his lightsaber, Ichi prepared to attack Kenial, but was pushed backwards by Mio. Growing complacent, Kenial sent the other eighteen members of the Followers of Bogan topside, to assist in the attack on the Avenging Sons. Just as he was about to attack the group, Kenial was skewered in the back by Mio, who seemed to not enjoy any of what he had just done. Sighing, he addressed Ichi Go by name.
I'm sorry for the deception, Masters. I was tasked by my leader to infiltrate the Followers of Bogan and destroy them from within.
Just who the kriff are you and who do you work for?
I am the Second Knight of the Avenging Sons. My name is Mio Messaggero and I have been assigned by my...other leader to bring you five to the place you are destined to go to.
Who the kriff is this other leader of yours?
You'd know him if you saw him.
—Mio and Ichi Go
Mio then told Ichi Go that he would explain in further detail later on, but first they would have to escape the planet unscathed. Going back to Pibbe's cruiser, they were able to make good their escape. However, Mio told the five that their questions would have to wait, as they needed to find the only person who could possibly smuggle them into Dödsfallvärd safely: Imbel Kenobi Solo.
Troubled People[]
Over the next couple of days, the Five and their allies swept across the Galaxy in search of Imbel Kenobi Solo. During the search, Ichi asked Mio about Imbel and how a descendant of Nathan's could ever end up as a smuggler. Mio said that at an early age, she had been reviewed by several Jedi Masters to see if she was Force-sensitive. However, she was actually not and the discovery caused an uproar in the order. Many people expected a Kenobi Solo to have at least some Force-sensitivity, but Imbel had none. Unsure of what to do with her, her parents attempted to raise her as best as they could, but she was considered to be severely "crippled" by the Masters of Ossus, so they forced her parents to exile Imbel to Taris, where they planned to use her as a missionary worker.

Ichi Go
However, on the way there, she had been visited by the Force ghosts of her ancestors, Nathaniel Kenobi and Nathaniel Kenobi Solo. Both had revealed to her that there was a reason why she was born without the ability to use the Force and that, in time, she would understand it, but for now, they instructed her to leave the ship and group up with a smuggling ring—the Vindicator Squad—and to find a way to become the leader of the group and overthrow the present one, a Dolucian named Lerek Kiseret.
Having successfully infiltrated the Vindicator Squad, Imbel then allied with several like-minded people and killed Lerek in a bloody battle. In the battle, many of her main supporters had died, so she then began to run the smuggling ring, only hitting planets or ships that showed sympathy towards the rogue Jedi and Sith of the time. Over the years, Imbel grew more cold and didn't let her pro-Jedi feelings come out as much, and, in the process, many Jedi groups were severely weakened bu her actions, eventually leading to the war that was going on now. According to what Mio's mysterious "real" master had told him, finding Imbel would help the Five and future generations for years to come. Ichi Go, still skeptical, said he needed more information on Mio's master before they continued. Mio smirked and spoke in riddles.
He is the one who walks in the light and dark, and makes them grey. He is the one who saved generations because of his actions. He is the one who has never died. He is the one person in this whole Galaxy that remains from your past lives. He is the one whose descendants are powerful members of the order and they follow his teachings, even if they do not know they do.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was Nathan, because no one else I know would get this cryptic just to get on my nerves. But, he's dead, so who could it be?
—Mio and Ichi
Smiling to himself, Mio then told Ichi Go that it wasn't important now and that they needed to head towards Bespin, where Imbel and the Vindicator Squad had set their headquarters on the remnants of Cloud City. Furious that he knew the answer was staring him in the face and that he couldn't figure it out, Ichi stormed out of the room and told Pibbe to set a course for Bespin. Retreating to his quarters, he began to ponder Mio's words and ended up throwing a chair in frustration. A knock on the door calmed him down and he opened it to find that Ori wanted to talk about something.

The man who rescued Ori
Trying to control his anger, he asked her what she wanted. She replied that she was scared of all the new developments the Galaxy had gone through since the last time she had hibernated. She told that she was very insecure around others because of her isolation within Crie's mansion. Lack of contact with any other beings except Krobos and Aizen had made her development as a child and onwards horrible and that the first time she had ever gone anywhere else besides the mansion was to deliver supplies to a contemporary scientist "friend" of Crie's, who was working near the planet's spaceport.
In so doing, she was looked down upon by the other Rutsenafo and was about to deliver the supplies, when a couple of drunk Human miners had cornered her into a wall. Not knowing anything about society and what they planned to do with her, she had been unable to think of what to do next. When it became apparent that they had wished to rape her, she was transfixed and couldn't protect herself from the shock of so many new things happening at once. However, she heard the voice of a man who was around the age of eighty-five cry out to the miners to leave her alone or face his blade.
The miners, undeterred, proceeded to do the exact opposite of what the man had said. Before she could react, Ori witnessed the Human's appendages go flying off of them because of a brilliant white blade working in unison with a black one. Awestruck, she saw the remaining men fall on their knees and beg forgiveness. The old man then told them to leave the planet because it would soon become a battlefield, and gave them directions to the planet Hapes. Turning to Ori, he informed her that she was to lead them and that if they gave her any trouble at all, she should kill them with a lightsaber he handed to her. Unsure of what to do, Ori had asked why she needed a lightsaber, because she didn't know how to use one. The old man replied that he had provided her with an instruction holocron that would help her learn, as her Force-sensitivity would provide adequate protection from missteps she could suffer. Curious, she had asked him why he had done provided her with these things. He replied that it was the least he could do, because he felt that she was to have a larger role in the future.
After that, the old man left, but not before he told Ori to tell the dockworkers on Hapes that they had come with the approval of the Defender of the Colonies. Scared even more, Ori then told the men who could stand to join her on the ship and made one of the men, a Human named Jrek Pol, to pilot, because she could sense his ability to do so. Escaping Tianascalve for the first time, Ori was on her way to Hapes, but not before she had felt her master's death in the Force and Aizen had come to tell her to do something in the memory of Crie. Reaching Hapes, she made the men leave the ship and immediately went to find out what Aizen had wanted her to do, to no avail, spending the years seeking out the other four, until eventually finding them on Novus Kamino Prime.
Ichi, who had been listening and wondering the name of the master of Mio at the same time, then asked why that was important now that she knew how to interact with others. Ori then explained that she still couldn't do it, and that she feared distancing herself from the others in some way that greatly offended them. Ichi then replied that she had done nothing to deserve that and neither would she do so in the future. Then, without realizing what he was doing, he reached over and kissed her. Surprised and a little embarrassed, Ichi began to apologize when she gave him another. The moment was ruined, though, because of a proximity alert from the bridge: they had been followed by the Returners, and they wanted revenge.
Fun Times With Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy[]
I think it to be the ultimate irony that the descendant of a man as powerful and contradicting as Nathan could possibly be the leader of a bunch of Ysnaps.
—Ichi Go to himself about Sartat
Rushing to the bridge, Ichi and Ori found that the Heart of a Hutt was surrounded by over six enemy vessels. With no chance for backup—the other Krayt Killers were still recovering from the attack on Novus Kamino Prime and setting up a new base on Eclipse—the crew had become deeply demoralized and feared that there wasn't a hope for salvation. Ichi, thinking along the same lines, began to wonder why fate would be so cruel to them, when they were just within a moment's reach of Bespin. Renton and Eureka, however, were smiling, and Ichi asked them how they could smile at a time like then. Renton replied that they still had one trick up their sleeves. Before anyone else could react, the two ghosted off of the ship and the sensors began picking up an unknown object began to decloak off to port. Renton and Eureka had brought the Nihr'Vash to help them in the search.
The crew could only watch in amazement as the "outdated" robot took on six ships three times its size and vanquished them all in a battle lasting a fraction of twenty-five minutes. Noting that he would kill Renton for not revealing that he had the Nihr'Vash with him the whole time, Ichi let out a sigh of relief. Renton and Eureka ghosted back on board the Heart of a Hutt and Pibbe told the navigations manager to resume a course to Bespin.
Without further antagonists, the ship made the jump to Bespin without any problems. However, once they hit the planet's atmosphere, the ship was surrounded by several vessels that bore the marks of the Vindicator Squad. Receiving a transmission from the lead ship, they told the captain of the vessel, a female Neti named Pihn Oeakk, why they were there and that they needed to see Imbel as soon as possible. The Neti instructed them to head towards the remnants of Cloud City, where in the middle of it, Imbel's administrative office was located at.

The deteriorating administrative office of Imbel
Following Pihn's directions, they soon reached the office of Imbel, only to feel the presence of many Force-sensitives within it in a state of battle. Fearing the worst, the Five broke down the doors to find utter chaos. In the room, no less than fourteen Jedi Knights and Sith Lords were fighting amongst themselves, while Imbel was picking off any Sith dumb enough to let their guard down with her blaster. Sensing that the Jedi there did not have any evil intentions, the Five and Mio joined them in a fight against the Followers of Bogan. Ichi grabbed the back of one of the Sith, a Rodian, and flung him out of the window, causing the Jedi to stop in their assault and leaving three of them dead. The Sith then retreated, along with Imbel, who had just become a captive of the Followers of Bogan. Rushing to get to her before they could escape, Ichi was blocked from his target by the leader of the Jedi there. The man announced himself as Sartat Kenobi Solo and told Ichi Go and the others that they could not allow the Avenging Sons to interfere with the True Leaders of the Way.
Groaning that they had to deal with yet another splinter group of Force-sensitives, Ichi Go told Sartat that if he didn't move, then Ichi would do whatever it took to get him out of the way. Sartat replied that he saw the evil teachings of his ancestor within Ichi and that he couldn't let them go until they renounced the horrid learnings. Mio, after hearing this, laughed and said that only a Kenobi Solo could be this contradicting and get away with it. Sartat was not amused by his statement and told them that he would do whatever was within the light to protect his estranged sister, but he would not allow those who dared to say they had controlled the darkness within them.
To this, Aizen chuckled, and said that the "learnings" of Nathaniel Kenobi Solo were what had kept the order alive for as long as it did. Without his help, the Jedi who lived after he had died would surely have fallen to the Decreton Empire. Surprised to see Aizen coming to assist him, Ichi was gladdened and proceeded to tear down what Sartat had said. Then he remarked that the conversation was getting them nowhere, and that the Jedi couldn't prevent them from leaving if they weren't there. Locating Imbel in the Force, all six of them ghosted out of the room. Approaching the Followers of Bogan's ships, the six Jedi were almost forced off the platform because of the immense pressure resonating from the leader of the Sith. Darth Ambitieux, the leader, applauded their resolve and told them it was futile, because while he was a wannabe Sith Lord, they would never hope to be able to defeat him in combat. Ichi Go then told him to do his worst.
The six of them then ignited their lightsabers and launched themselves towards their opponents. Instead of fighting, Ambitieux merely watched, somewhat curious as to whether or not the six Jedi fighting his forces were the ones that had fought his people on Tianascalve. He also wondered if five of them had been the ones who were the legendary ones who lived their lives for fifty years and then slept. Closely noting that they did indeed have very similar characteristics to the stories he had heard of, Ambitieux called off his men. Surprised that the fighting had stopped abruptly yet again, Ichi and the others awaited to see if it was a ruse. Ambitieux, however, had no such ruse and instead, shockingly, he offered to give them Imbel back, stating that she was of no further use to him as she was now. Sensing that he was sincere, but cynically thinking that he was still a Sith, Ichi asked what he wanted in return. Ambitieux stated that all he wanted was for them to have a safe journey.
To show his goodwill, Ambitieux presented Imbel to the six Jedi and then told his men to leave Bespin behind. Watching them depart, Mio stated that they were after something and would not be likely to forget this day. Fearing that the Sith had somehow heard of the Jagare Av Samtliga, they decided that they would mask their ion trail on the journey to Dödsfallvärd. Imbel, meanwhile, was recovering from the wounds she had suffered and blatantly said that she would never help them out. Before a retort could be uttered, the six Jedi sensed the presence of the True Leaders of the Way coming to their location. Deciding that they weren't a threat, they remained on the platform and waited for them to come. Sartat was in the lead, and stopped only when his Jedi had reached Ichi and the others. Noticing his raving sister, he began to try to calm her, but was rebutted. He then insisted that the six Jedi leave and let him handle the issue at hand.
Ichi Go and Renton denied his request and stated that they needed Imbel and nothing he could do would stop them from their goal. Explicitly saying that he considered them to be as bad as the Sith, Sartat said that if it came to battle to save his sister, he would do so. However, all hostilities were ended when a sudden flash of white light had appeared next to Imbel: the Force ghost of Nathaniel Kenobi Solo. Instead of addressing either party that was involved, Nathan merely glared at Imbel, who was still denying that she needed to help the Five out. Ichi tried to talk to Nathan, but he felt a huge pressure prevent him from speaking out. He noticed that Sartat was also experiencing from the same problem as he was.
I won't! I won't! I won't!
'I won't! I won't! I won't!' Spare me. If people like myself ever did something like what you're doing right now, then the Galaxy would still be under the rule of Decreto. I gave you one simple task, Imbel. You do not want to see what happens if you fail. I am doing this for the good of all, despite what my "familiars" are saying to the contrary. Do not disappoint me.
—Imbel and Nathan's Force ghost on Imbel's unwillingness to follow through with his plans.
Nathan then turned around and addressed Sartat.
You there. Bane of my flesh. I have never appeared to you before now because I was ashamed that your parents couldn't help turn their little brat around. However, I can keep my silence no more! You are despicable and utterly worthless to the cause of the Galaxy, you son of a murglak. I have had it with this wishy-washy attitude of yours. Grow up and learn from my example. If I come back and you have not changed, then the consequences will be a thousandfold. You are needed as well, no matter how much I detest the fact. Do as you are told and things will turn out better.
—Nathan's Force ghost to Sartat
A moment's pause happened before Nathan's force ghost turned to face Ichi Go and the others. The apparition appeared to sigh for a second and stated meekly, Have the patience I have not. For you are the only hope left if the others fail you. Farewell. With that last, cryptic message, the remaining Jedi were left alone. Mutually agreeing to leave, the two sides backed down and departed the planet.
Sidetracked on Dubrillion[]
Even now the remains of Nathan's grandfather's influences are still here to shape the Galaxy as we know it. I highly doubt that this crystal is anything more than a lightsaber crystal, but, with that family, you just never can know.
—Ichi on the search for Abigaile's Heart.
Finally able to gain Imbel's allegiance, the Jedi and the Krayt Killers asked where the deathworld was located. Imbel said that a holocron with information on the planet was rumored to be on the planet Dubrillion. The group then proceeded to the long-forgotten world of Dubrillion. Reaching the planet in a couple of days, the group went down to the planet to conduct a survey of likely places to where the holocron could be. But before they could begin a true search, they found that a large organization of zealots was already there and were attempting to unearth another valuable object: the lightsaber crystal of Abigaile Jade Kenobi.
Ichi, trying to figure out why they were there, asked them. The leader, a Yerma named Hih Fol, explained to them that her organization was called the Exalted Few, as they called themselves, and they were a highly specialized group of people who were not Force-sensitive. They viewed the Force as something that should be given to everyone and Abigaile's Heart was rumored to do so. Ichi Go sarcastically wished them luck and left them alone, taking Mio, Ori, and Renton with him to look for the holocron. However, the Exalted Few would not let them leave, citing a prophecy that spoke of the ones who could show them the way to the crystal. Seeing that they were outmatched and outgunned, Ichi decided to cloak Eureka and Aizen and told them to continue searching for the holocron.
Eureka and Aizen then went to do so, because they wanted to reach their destination and not get embroiled in yet another conflict. They went towards the Vakavostok continents region, where they had detected high amounts of Force energies. Arriving at a huge temple that looked like it had only been built about ten years before they had arrived.

As soon as they reached the outer doors, they felt a disturbance in the Force and were met by the Followers of Bogan, who also sought the holocron. Surrounded and with no hope or prayer for survival, Eureka ghosted Aizen to a secluded room that was beneath their feet. Watching in awe as they slowly materialized in it, they found that it was a massive storage room that had been dedicated to someone known as the Tiornathil, which Aizen realized as being the language of the Vania. However, his translations failed, so he didn't recognize who it was referring to. Realizing that the Sith had located them, they rushed to find the holocron, which had been placed in the middle of the room. It activated and a tall Rutsenafo figure then recited the coordinates needed to find the deathworld. After that, the holocron was shut down and whisked away by Darth Ambitieux, who had been watching in the corner for an opportunity to strike.
Before Ambitieux could get away, he was met by Ichi Go and the rest of the Five and Imbel, who were followed by the Exalted Few and the Krayt Killers. Ichi then told Ambitieux that it was over and that he should hand over the holocron if he wanted to live. Cackling and stating that what Ichi had just proposed was of the Sith, Ambitieux called down his minions, who promptly attacked the Jedi. In the battle, Hih was able to escape and used the distraction as a way to locate Abigaile's Heart, which she felt was in there. Finding the place where the holocron once stood, she checked it for an inscription or some other clue as to where the crystal could be located. Finding an inscription, she noted that it was written in Bartokk and quickly deciphered it. It stated that only those who were worthy would use the crystal and that it was located in front of their faces.
Just then, a stirring was made inside the stone that housed the crystal and it was released from its hiding place. Grasping the stone with glee, Hih stated to all the Jedi, Sith, and others there that she was now the ruler of the Galaxy. The response was mixed, as Ichi and Renton began to chuckle, Pibbe began to laugh, and the Sith acted like she was the dumbest thing to ever exist. Annoyed, Hih then proclaimed that she would show them the true power of the crystal, as the inscription had said only the worthy would be able to use it. She then began to think of their destruction and was astonished when it didn't work. Dumbfounded, she was met with even more laughter.
'The crystal can only be used by those who are worthy.' Ha! You've got to be kidding me. That inscription's saying that only a Force-sensitive can use it. What an idiot. You wasted your entire lives just to find some stupid writing tell you that it was a waste.
—Ichi mocking the Exalted Few
Furious that her life had been a lie, Hih then activated a thermal detonator and said that none of them would get out of their alive. In response, Eureka ghosted the thermal detonator out, which caused much more laughter. Humiliated beyond all belief, Hih fell to the floor, while Ambitieux used the distraction to escape, leaving his men behind. After finishing off the Sith, the Jedi decided to leave the Exalted Ones there, so they could find a new path. However, the loss of the holocron to Ambitieux was a major blow, as he knew where the Destroyer of All was located, but they received Abigaile's Heart. Luckily, though, Eureka stated that she had eidetic memory and knew the exact coordinates they needed to use to get to the deathworld. Using the Force to increase their hyperspace speed, the Jedi were prepared to battle to the death.
An Answer to the Question[]
This is it, guys. The battle to end them all. If we fail, the Galaxy dies with us. Even though our lives have been manipulated by both Krobos and Nathan, we've got to do it, because it's our destiny.
—Ichi on the final battle.
Ichi and the others landed on Dödsfallvärd without incident, but they knew in their hearts that this would be the battle that would finally end them. They had survived over two hundred years together, and it was all coming to a halt. Ichi Go, defiant in the face of destiny, refused to accept that they would all die and cried out to Nathan to reveal himself, as he had finally figured everything out. In response, Nathan's ethereal form appeared next to Ichi Go and instructed him to sit down, saying that they had business to finish. Ichi then bluntly asked Nathan just to bring his entire body there, to which the others were shocked. Nathan then smiled and applauded Ichi on his discovery, but said that he could not leave his place of origin, for to do so would end his life. Nathan once again instructed Ichi and the others to sit down, so that he could explain his deceptions.
Nathan then went on a long, drawn out monologue, so that he could bring everything to light. He told of how he, after learning of the future from the Diary of Crie Krobos, had decided to help the madman's plans continue, as he felt that he had actually gotten things right for once. So, whenever Ichi or one of the others would ask him for his help in finding the truth out, he would resort to trickery and outright lies, so that they would discover it when the time was right—namely his terms.

Nathan appears to Ichi Go and reveals his treachery.
Nathan continued and went on about how he had discovered the still sleeping Jagare Av Samtliga several decades ago on Dödsfallvärd and had determined that he would be unable to prevent its coming and that the Five Who Would Save would be the only method of the creature's execution. Patiently, Nathan waited for a chance to make it look like he had died, which would inspire the Five to act quicker to find their goals, but would also form a sort of mental block on Ichi, who rarely did anything without Nathan's advice. Nathan knew that this would impede their progress and that they would spend their years in hibernation until he decided it was time to act.
Over the years, Nathan had started a secret organization whose sole purpose was to follow whatever he told them to do. Nathan paused for a moment, looked at Mio, and then asked if everything was in readiness. Mio smirked and said that it was. Ichi then demanded to know what was going on. Nathan chuckled and revealed that he had set them up with Mio specifically, because he knew Mio, being his Nonpareil Knight of the Secret Conversations with the Faraway, would help the Five to the Deathworld without as many problems. Further explaining himself, Nathan said that he had instructed Mio to get his agents out of the various factions that fought for control over the Galaxy and to send them to the Deathworld, so that they could help the Five complete their mission. Content that he had explained himself fully, Nathan then returned to his monologue, ready to get rid of the last portions of his grandiose plan.
Restarting where he left off, Nathan told of the Avenger's Knights and then went to his manipulations of Ori and Aizen, stating that the two he had just mentioned needed those years of isolation and soul-searching to finally become what he needed them to be. He also thanked Aizen for not giving up the story and that his part had been well-played. Ichi didn't offer a response, as he had figured that much out and instead elected to let Nathan continue. Nathan then went into detail of how Krobos had specifically given each of them a weapon to be used in the battle. To Ichi, he had given the Force-imbued Zangetsu, so that the Destroyer of All would face the power of the light striking against it. To Eureka and Renton, he had given them the Nihr'Vash, which could hit the Sithspawn from places it could not reach, giving them an advantage in battle. To Ori, he had given the Shun-Shun-Rikka, knowing that the device had tremendous power of the dark creations of the Sith. Finally, to Gloed and, eventually, Aizen, Krobos had arranged for them to find ways to learn Sith alchemy, from which the Jagare Av Samtliga was formed.
Those weapons combined, the creature would stand no chance, but only if the Five worked in unison and knew everything about themselves. However, if the Five were to cast the message Nathan had given to them aside and still confront the creature, the Galaxy was doomed to die in a horrible onslaught that would kill trillions of undeserving people. It was now their time to choose their path: whether they would listen and forgive Nathan for his actions, or they could choose to disregard it and hate him for what he had done. Ichi answered before anyone else, stating his opinion that if he knew where Nathan was hiding right now, he'd kill him, but he then apologized, saying that he knew that Nathan was only trying to help. Ori then gave hers, saying that Nathan had been right, but that she was still a little angry at what he had done to her. Before any of the others could respond, Nathan gave his apology to them, saying that it was his fault they had suffered from so much and that they were people he held most dear to his heart and he always hated how he had wronged them.
Before Nathan could shed a tear, Eureka and Renton answered his query in unison, saying they only wanted to end this threat now, before it was too late. Aizen then told Nathan that he already knew what he was going to say, as Nathan had specifically told him everything several years previously. The Five, unified, then banded together for the first true time in years, proclaiming death to the Destroyer of All. Nathan then chuckled, saying that they would need that strength to fight the creature, because Ambitieux had just activated it. As if to respond to his message, the ground shook and the most fearsome beast in existence came out of the ground, ready to begin its reign of terror.
The Destroyer of All[]
Rising from the ground came forth a large creature of unimaginable size. It let out a large, horrifying roar as it came into the light for the first time in centuries. In its teeth was Darth Ambitieux, who had fallen victim to the Sithspawn he had unearthed in his crazed attempt to rule the Galaxy. When Ichi and the others got a good look at it, they saw that the Jagare Av Samtliga had taken the form of a Leviathan.

The Jagare Av Samtliga
Ichi then told the others to get their gear ready, because the battle was about to begin. Eureka and Renton quickly ghosted on board the Nihr'Vash and Ori began to recite incantations that activated the Shun-Shun-Rikka. Aizen stood and meditated, focusing his efforts on trying to destabilize the beast. Ichi brought out Zangetsu and prepared for the worst. Mio, the Krayt Killers, and Imbel stood aside in horror, as they had never imagined that they would find something of this magnitude. Pibbe quickly called for an aerial assault, but she found out that the Returners had joined up with the Followers of Bogan and that the Sith had been overtaken by a new master: Darth Novusorsa. Without support from above, it looked bleak for the Five, but several new ships began to pour into the Dödsfallvärd system: those that bore the markings of the Avenging Sons. The new ships began to attack the Returners and Followers of Bogan, allowing Nihr'Vash and Heart of a Hutt to reach the besieged Jedi. Leading the charge was Sartat, who had had a change of heart and decided to actually listen to his ancestor's words.
After an assault by the Nihr'Vash and Heart of a Hutt, the Five discovered that the creature was nearly invulnerable and that the strafes were basically useless. The creature then began to emit high dark side energies and shot a high concentration of it at the Jedi. Mio was able to get them away in time, but the place they had stood just moments before was totally annihilated. Helpless, Ichi asked Nathan to come out and help them. Nathan replied that he would come only as a last resort and that they were nowhere near that yet. Nathan then dropped a subtle hint about the Jagare Av Samtliga, saying that it was just a shell for something else. Puzzled, Ichi asked Aizen what he could mean, to which Aizen replied that he didn't know. Aizen then remarked that the creature could be a vessel for holding a much smaller creation. Nathan seemed to smile at this and offered another hint.
—Nathan on the identity of the Jagare Av Samtliga.
In response to the answer, Aizen began to tell Ichi Go to bring out Zangetsu, as it was the only way they could stop the monstrosity. Curious, Ichi asked what he meant. Aizen explained that the Derriphan was a Sithspawn that was used by the ancient Sith to devour their enemy's memories, thoughts, and lives. Obviously, thanks to many years of work by a Sith alchemist, the Derriphan that inhabited the body of a Leviathan had grown to allow itself to consume entire worlds of beings. If they let the creature go, then every being in the Galaxy would be consumed by its insatiable hunger.
Zangetsu, Aizen explained, had been built by Krobos to store vast amounts of Force energies and could contain them to heighten the power of the user. Ichi had unknowingly used this power over the years to strengthen himself and those around him. If they could penetrate the creature's hide, then Ichi could jump in and absorb the Derriphan into Zangetsu, permanently containing it inside the sword. Quickly, they gathered around to formulate a plan. Ichi hopped onto the Nihr'Vash and waited for Aizen to coordinate the others in attacking the creature. Ori and Aizen then combined his knowledge of alchemy and the Shun-Shun-Rikka to form a large concentration of deadly energy, while Eureka and Renton moved the Nihr'Vash to fire at the exact spot. Both let loose a fury that rocked the ground beneath them. Their intended target had been hit and a large hole was now a part of the Leviathan.
Rushing, Eureka and Renton moved the Nihr'Vash towards the wounded creature, while Ichi leaped from the robot and fell inside the beast. He made his way towards the center, which would be where the Derriphan was located. The beast's internal defenses began to attack him, but he was one with the Force and they did not harm him. His trek found him in the belly of the beast, where a large black starlike orb stared back at him.

The Derriphan
Ichi began to strike at the orb, but he was thrown back by the orb's Force energies. It seemed that even though he had become one with the Force, he still could not overcome the Sithspawn. The beast gave a message, saying that the fight was futile and that Ichi would become its first meal in a long time. However, a bearded Human figure soon showed up by Ichi Go's side. He told the beast that what he had tried to finish years ago would end now with the power that he lacked. Acting as a barrier, the Human specter told Ichi to use Zangetsu before it was too late and his powers dwindled. Ichi then impaled the orb, causing a massive chain reaction, and he blacked out.
A New Future[]
Ichi Go woke up an hour later to find that he was being attended to by Ori and several healers in the Avenging Sons. He asked what had happened, but he was told to rest by Ori, who said that he had suffered a concussion from his exploits. She revealed that Nathan was to come and set things straight for them, but he was talking to Imbel and Sartat for now. The other three came into the makeshift hospital and patiently waited for Nathan's "ghost" to come inside. True to his word, Nathan came into the room and sat down in a chair. Ichi noticed that he seemed to be relieved, yet tired at the same time.
Nathan spoke and said that he could never be prouder of what any of them had accomplished. Beaming, he praised them on their ingenuity and resolve, but then he sank down in the chair, clearly unhappy with what he was to say next. Nathan revealed that it wasn't over for them and that he had prepared for several technicians to come to Dödsfallvärd to build a cryostasis station similar to the one he inhabited. When asked why, Nathan said that although the Jagare Av Samtliga was contained within Zangetsu, it was still alive and could one day escape and they were the only ones who could make it remain in the sword.
With a sigh, Nathan asked one more favor from the Five. He asked if they would remain on Dödsfallvärd to watch over the Derriphan, so that it could never get free and no one would use it for their own ends ever again. After an awkward silence, Ichi stepped forward and said that his life didn't matter anymore and that he would do whatever Nathan asked of him. The others soon followed suit, and, in response, Nathan wept, happy that even now, they would listen to him and protect the Galaxy.
After saying goodbye to the Krayt Killers, Avenging Sons, and Nathan's mysterious group, the Five then departed with Nathan to the chamber that he had just built to contain them in. Eureka and Renton kissed and entered cryostasis pods next to each other, while Aizen followed suit. Ichi then hugged Ori and said that he would come out periodically to check on everyone. As Ori went into her pod, while Ichi looked back at Nathan. Ichi thanked him for everything and told him that he shouldn't worry about anything with them on guard. After that, he entered his pod and went into stasis.
If only I could, Ichi Go. If only I could.
—Nathan as he departs Dödsfallvärd
Over the many years of his life, Ichi Go had forged many relationships with a vast amount of beings. Some he affected merely by doing what he did best: being a Jedi. Others he impacted on a more personal level.
Thanks to his son, Ahlex, Ichi was able to help forge the great Kenobi Solo bloodline. As Jacen and Ani had no known children, the responsibility to carry on the legacy passed onto Ahlex. Ahlex never forgot his father after his "death" and continued to live by his example, helping many beings in the Galactic Commonwealth before he passed away.
His exploits during his membership in the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People and the Galactic Commonwealth earned him many a friendship. Through his efforts, he was able to stall the advance of several Sith Lords of the Decreton Empire and saved the Commonwealth and eventually the Autocracy from extinction.
His impact on the Jedi he met preserved his name in history for a long time. By helping Imbel find her true path, the Avenging Sons eventually allied with the True Leaders of the Way and crushed the Followers of Bogan, helping to pave the way for a new Republic. His acquaintanceship with Pibbe earned her a new spot in the Avenging Sons' navy and she won many battles for them.
The greatest legacy he left behind though, were clues to the location of Dödsfallvärd, which would become mired in myth yet again. It also became sought after by many powerful men, including the dread Darth Verraeter and Finster der Alchimist. They were enamored by the story and attempted to unleash the beast yet again, much to Ichi's dismay.
Personality and Traits[]
Ichi Go was a take charge kinda guy and rarely listened to another's advice. It was always the way he wanted to do or it was the wrong way, which was one of the many reasons why he liked Nathan. This personality often placed him in the position of a leader, to which he was very good at. He was also noted for his orange hair, which was highly unusual for a Human—even a hybrid—to have. He was constantly ridiculed by his peers over this and that only helped to sharpen his personality. Thankfully, after learning control and meditation from Masters such as Nathan, he was able to calm himself down and could resolve conflicts more effectively.
Ichi was also one of the more cynical Jedi and rarely let his true feelings out. One notable exception was during the several duels he had fought with his half-brother. Ichi fought with Gloed different than any other Sith, as he actually tried to redeem him, a very odd occurrence for him, as he was noted more for his fighting prowess than his diplomacy. He was very durable and survived many great falls and terrible battles by drawing on his ability to heal himself at such a fast rate. He was nicknamed the Durable Fool by Renton early in their lives and it became a moniker for him in later life. Several jokes were even made, all making fun of his ability to be able to stay in a fight, but not win it, which breached even his newfound calmness.
Physically speaking, Ichi Go was very fit and this was mostly due to his intense training methods. Another constant developer of this was his monthly duels with Nathan, who would keep him from growing complacent. Renton also participated in these, but he was more Ichi's tutor, than his fighting partner. Due to this, Ichi was able to up his muscle tone and was often included in the Galactic Commonwealth's most risque magazines for his appearance.
He, Ori, Renton, Eureka, and Gloed were also noted for their ability to stay almost forever young in appearance. This was due to an experiment that had been performed on the five of them at birth. The seemingly insane Rutsenafo scientist Crie Krobos had done so because of a vision foreseen by an old Rutsenafo Count that was about the end of the Galaxy. He was an excellent swordsman and duelist and was noted for his unique fighting style. At times he would only use a lightsaber, others his personalized vibroblade, and finally, he was known to have combined the two unique combat blades into his own unorthodox version of Jar'Kai. The only people who could ever best him in combat were Luke Skywalker and Nathaniel Kenobi Solo.
Ichi was also an expert planner and was responsible for the coordination of many attacks that the Scourges of Those Bad Guy People participated in. This was in stark contrast to his personality, which usually portrayed him as impatient and foolhardy. Nathan would later joke that only a Kenobi Solo could be that contradicting and get away with it. (There was a rumor that his mother had been a distant relative of the Kenobis, but this was never proven, however, he later became one when he married Mariz.) Ichi was also able to solve complex equations and other higher level mathematics, which very few people knew about. This came from his intense studying method, which he used to make himself a better fighter and scholar.
Behind the scenes[]
Ichi Go is based upon and portrayed by the character Ichigo Kurosaki off of the anime/manga Bleach. Ichi Go's name means 1 and 5 (or 15) in Japanese. Together the word Ichigo means strawberry, or "first guardian" in Japanese.
The idea of Ichi, Renton, and Eureka requiring hibernation for long periods of time is an homage to a similar situation that is portrayed on the anime/manga Blood+, of which, has no relation at all to the previously mentioned Bleach.