The Icarites, also known as the Astrals, were an ancient and extinct species that inhabited the galaxy hundreds of thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Republic. The Icarites were one of the five founding species of the Dawnstar Pact.
According to the Kathol Soulkeeper Epizon, the Icarites were a highly spiritual people, placing enlightenment and self-discovery over personal achievements of the secular or materialistic nature. Naturally empathic, the Icarites were unable to participate in the practice of dishonesty, and thus their society was forced to develop without the methodical habit of deception or misleading others. Consequently, the Icarites were often looked to as mediators, truth-seekers and adjudicators; the role of the Icarites gradually evolved to the preservation and maintenance of honest dealings amongst others.
Technologically, the Icarites were very advanced, although were significantly behind the others of the Dawnstar Pact. Instead, the Icarites utilized the Force to supplement the activities of their lives where technology had for others, such as their formation of a "telepathic network" to enable them to communicate without technological means, and Force-enabled teleportation and speed to traverse worlds or long distances. The Icarites were considered to be the most devout and attuned species with the Force among the Covenant of the Five, although did not participate in the polarizing of the Dark and Light sides of the Force, which was carried out by the Celestials.
The Icarites were biologically immortal and could rapidly repair damage to their bodies on the cellular level, although were still capable of being slain by violent means, should the injury be severe enough. However, their most famous trait was their ability to project their essence to virtually any location within the galaxy, earning their moniker as "Astrals". The Icarites eventually fell into extinction, either at some point prior to, or during, the rise of the Rakatan Infinite Empire.