I saw an Intel report on this. I think they are Grievous's personal bodyguard droids. Prototypes built to his specifications. To fight Jedi.
—Anakin Skywalker, to Obi-Wan Kenobi
The IG-100 MagnaGuard, or Self-Motivating Heuristically Programmed Combat Droid, was an advanced type of battle droid that was manufactured by Holowan Mechanicals and used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Ordered by Count Dooku, the MagnaGuards were designed to be General Grievous's personal bodyguards, although they were sometimes seen serving Dooku himself.
The MagnaGuards were commissioned after the InterGalactic Banking Clan refused to hire Grievous's Kaleesh elite after securing his own services as an enforcer, and he demanded a cadre of "more intelligent battle droids" to serve him.
Remember what you were saying about 'worse than destroyers?' I think we're looking at them.
—Skywalker, to Kenobi
The two-meter tall MagnaGuards carried electrostaffs made from lightsaber-resistant phrik metal, and wore cloaks similar to those of Grievous's old Izvoshra elite during the general's time as a Kaleesh warlord. Most MagnaGuards carried an electrostaff, but ranged models were also utilized, often specializing in dedicated weapons such as grenades, Bulldog rifles, and anti-vehicle missile launchers. Other devices and equipment were occasionally used, such as a built-in tow-cable in its arm or a personal cloaking device. At least one MagnaGuard was known to have the ability to extend its arm many times its usual length, but it is unknown if other MagnaGuards had this feature as well.
The color of the droid denoted the particular model—black, alabaster, blue, and the rare gray were all spotted throughout the war. The droids were remarkably resilient, compared to other CIS droids. They were capable of surviving decapitation and were able to fight effectively even after such extensive damage, due to a backup photoreceptor in their chests.
They were also capable of speech, and often taunted their opponents
What in the galaxy was that?
—RC-1262, upon first sighting an IG-100
The MagnaGuards were first introduced to Grievous shortly after his transformation into a cyborg. Upon activation, Grievous killed all the MagnaGuards present, venting his frustration at being treated as a droid. MagnaGuards were first used in combat during the Battle of Parein II 4, where one of Grievous's MagnaGuards killed the Jedi Sannen by thrusting its electrostaff through his throat. The MagnaGuards proved to be formidable, being able to take on Jedi and clone troopers with ease, and were regarded as being even worse than droidekas by some.
During the Second Battle of Xagobah, the young bounty hunter Boba Fett encountered two MagnaGuards in the Mazariyan fortress, accompanying Grievous during the conflict. Fett, disguised as Durge with the help of a holo-shroud, engaged the droids in battle, and was able to momentarily incapacitate one with an ion stunner, though he was ultimately defeated and left for dead by Grievous himself.
During the Battle of Boz Pity, MagnaGuards were used in the service of Dooku. During the battle, two of them distracted Mace Windu long enough for the Count to make his escape, and one of them almost killed Asajj Ventress with a DC-15A blaster rifle under Dooku's orders.
Delta Squad was forced to fight several MagnaGuards on Kashyyyk during their rescue of the Wookiee chieftain Tarfful. The clone commandos managed to destroy the MagnaGuards with great difficulty.
MagnaGuards assisted Grievous in the kidnapping of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the Battle of Coruscant. Shaak Ti faced off dozens of MagnaGuards with difficulty before they retreated, alerting her to the Chancellor's danger.
Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi fought IG-101 and IG-102 on the bridge of General Grievous's command ship, the Invisible Hand, shortly afterwards. Kenobi beheaded his opponent, only to discover that the MagnaGuard was able to fight even without a head. Skywalker cut the droid he was fighting in half, and Kenobi finished destroying his.
Kenobi also faced four MagnaGuards on Utapau. He destroyed three of them immediately when he used the Force to crash a large block of metal upon them. The fourth was partly pinned under the block; it attempted to reach his electrostaff but was decapitated by Kenobi before it could reach its weapon.
Following the massacre of the Separatist Council by Darth Vader, under Darth Sidious's orders, the IG-100 MagnaGuards were deactivated. However, the Geonosian Gizor Dellso would later use IG-100 MagnaGuards as a part of his personal army. Two MagnaGuards were reactivated by the Galactic Empire for use as N-K Necrosis's bodyguards, and redesignated as NK-3s. Another pair, IG-153 and IG-182 were employed by Grand Moff 4-8C. Another one, IG-179, was Iron Knight Luxum's chief lieutenant. IG-822 was used by the Empire to guard Emperor Palpatine's secret storehouse on Utapau. The MagnaGuard was part of the same series as the later IG-88 line. Later in 9 ABY IG-100 MagnaGuards were used by the New Galactic Empire.
The age of the Jedi is over.
—An unknown MagnaGuard
Originally, the MagnaGuards were programmed with the optimum in combat techniques. As a result, Grievous had their minds wiped and trained them all individually in the seven classic styles of lightsaber combat. Once they were put to use, Grievous would not allow any repairs to be made to the droids, believing that their numerous scrapes and battle scars made them look more intimidating to opponents. Grievous would often engage his bodyguards in practice fights as part of training, and would often damage them in such fights.
Use during the Grand Sith Purge[]
The MangaGuards were also used by the Sith Lord Darth Prone during the conflict after the Grand Sith Purge. During this time, they were manufactured at the droid manufacturing facility on Hav'dak's smallest moon.