Star Wars Fanon
Legacy era

The Hutt Confederation, also known as the Besadii Kajidic Confederation, was an independent government within Hutt Space that broke off from the Confederation that had previously occupied the area during the Troodenite invasions. The founder of this government was a Hutt gangster-turned warlord named Zordo Besadii Diijaa, better known as "Zordo the Hutt". During the year 56 ABY, the Hutt Confederation came to support the battle of the Tripartite Powers against the Troodenite Empire. This catch was for the Hutts to gain even more power on the galactic political level and to regain status within the galaxy as an independent empire. As powerful as they were, the Hutts were wise enough not to take on the invading Troodenites alone.
