Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The Human Imperium was established by Darth Absoltus Macht in the year 17 BBY. After overthrowing the Republic he and his apprentice Darth Nemis took over the galaxy. He became the Head of State and his apprentice became 2nd-in-Command. The Imperium oppressed and, at times, separated the non-humanoid alien species from the humanoid species. His actions were supported by his Sith followers and enforced by his droid armed forces.

Rebellions and riots broke out throughout Imperium space and supported the Republic effort to take back the galaxy by attacking Imperium emplacements. Corporations, like Kuat Drive Yards and Rothana Heavy Engineering, built ships as secret side projects. Planets such as Corellia, Alderaan, Kuat, and Bespin all initiated riots and coups; while Chandor Prime, Borel III and Sicemon remained in the control of the diminutive Republic because of their erasure in the Jedi Archives. It was the Imperium's aggressive policies and discrimination that had caused it slowly to crumble from the beginning of its reign.



The Imperium was founded directly after Macht and Nemis overran Coruscant and forced the Supreme Chancellor and a few surviving Jedi to flea. Immediately after taking control of the galaxy, they declared martial law and placed a large bounty on all the remaining Jedi. The two Sith Lords cracked down on the freedoms of the galaxy minus the Human population.


The Sith started to limit the rights and freedoms of non-Human civilians of the Imperium. Believing that humans, because of cultural and societal dominance, were best suited to be the custodians of the public and its government, they began by removing all aliens from political and judicial offices and replacing them with Human counterparts. Macht assured the planets under his control that this was done to ensure the safety of the galaxy and to suppress conflicts of interest in the command structure. A curfew and revocation of the right to carry arms was put into law.

Non-Humans were free in most cases with the exception being that they could not attain a position of power or influence.


Many riots and revolts occurred throughout Imperium space due to the new policies, many of them were started by non-humanoid species, while those instigated closer to the Core worlds were created by alien sympathizers.

Behind the scenes[]

The Imperium was based on the Nazi regime and principles in Germany, as well as Japanese culture and the archetypal Empire. The rewrite of Human Imperium strove to minimize clichéd use of the WWII Axis powers. As a result, most of the information that was drawn from Nazi Germany was removed or replaced. A great deal of influence came from the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars saga.

The Human Imperium was nominated and voted "Best Government" at the Fifth Wiki Awards. It received a total of seven votes, three more than its closest competitor. The current version of the Human Imperium is radically different from the 5WA-winning version.
