Star Wars Fanon

Human Jedi[]



Drun Cairnwick Year 3 Year 104 Guardian Warden Shadday Potkin Padawans
Born on Adarlon, Drun Cairnwick began his training on Coruscant during the Separatist Crisis. As the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, Cairnwick grew interested in military strategy and the means through which governments encouraged their citizens to follow a particular ideology. A philosopher as well as a warrior, Cairnwick served only a single year on the front lines as the Padawan of Jedi Knight Shadday Potkin before the conflict came to an abrupt end with the death of the Dark Lord of the Sith. Assisting in the transition from a galaxy at war to an era of peace, Cairnwick and his master traveled to Ossus where they focused their efforts on finding Balance in the Force and shifting the Order's focus away from the military and towards their mandate as peacekeepers. On assignments, Cairnwick strove to end conflict before it began, using thoughtful discourse, rather then his lightsaber, to resolve issues. Traveling to Tython at the end of his apprenticeship, Cairnwick journeyed across the planet for three years and studied at each of the nine Great Temples before being knighted at Padawan Kesh. Departing the world as a full-fledged Jedi Knight, Cairnwick took assignments from the High Council as a Warden of the Order, seeking out wrong-doers and setting them on a path of success and self-reliance.


Seraph Alde 3,653 BrS 3,608 BrS Guardian Watchman Master Padawans
Born into the noble House Alde, Seraph Alde was given over to the Jedi Order for training in the ways of the Force. As a youngling, Alde saw his prominent family name as a means to do the most good, and was proud to align himself with his family on Alderaan for political purposes. Appointed as the Watchman of Alderaan, Alde served with distinction as a Guardian, holding up the virtues espoused by the Order while treasuring the family's love of literature and history. Exceptionally well-read, Alde spent most of his days on Alderaan reading, running through a strict regimen of exercises, and combat practice. When the Cold War between the Republic and the Empire began to crumble, Alde took a more active role in Alderaan's protection. When the Sith became involved with the civil war between the Great Houses, Alde took to the streets to defend his family name and his homeworld. A year before the Cold War ended, Alde died in the streets defending the gates of his family's ancestral home.
Tash Arranda Year 48 Year 132 Consular Librarian Rurruka Carlon Padawans
Turned over to the Jedi Order as required by law, Tash Arranda entered into the Grand Academy on Ossus at the same time her younger brother Zak was born. Highly empathetic and prone to uncontrolled bursts of telepathy, Arranda had a habit of finishing others' sentences. Highly interested in Jedi lore, Arranda was selected for training by Master Rurruka Carlon to train as a Padawan. Under Master Carlon, Arranda gained access to the Great Library where she assisted the staff on and off between missions. Working with the Exploration Corps on assignment to ancient worlds, Arranda and Carlon sought out Jedi relics across the galaxy. As the High Council became more interested with the western border of the galaxy, Arranda and Carlon began to search for clues as to the strange Force-anomalies blocking travel in the western galaxy. Before these answers materialized, Arranda was deemed ready to travel to Tython as a Journeyer and move across the planet exploring its mysteries. On Tython, Arranda felt at home within the halls of Kaleth where she would lose herself in the stacks for days searching out long lost lore. Upon achieving the rank of Knight, Arranda took up the role of librarian and was assigned to serve at the Great Library on Ossus.
Zak Arranda Year 49 Year 130 Guardian Ace Anakin Skywalker Ciri Ruellis; Darg Bombassa; Desda Kelen; Relm Kenor
Zak Arranda followed in his sister's footsteps as he moved through the Grand Academy on Ossus, pursuing a more martial career then his studies sibling. Upon being selected as a Padawan by Master Anakin Skywalker, Arranda traveled with the ExploCorps and his master on missions requiring space expedition. An avid pilot, Arranda's innate skill at flying flourished under Skywalker's tutelage and his apprenticeship gave him the skill he needed to pass through his Great Journey. Upon becoming a Knight, Arranda took on the Mirialan girl Ciri Ruellis as his first Padawan, encouraging her in their mutual service with the Starfighter Corps. Staying on as a pilot, Arranda worked closely with the Great Temple of Vur Tepe where he served as a test pilot for the Temple's experimental craft. Serving in both the Hutt Offensive and Golem War, Master Arranda died in his eighty-first year after training four Padawans to knighthood.
Darsha Assant 22 BrS Year 3 Guardian Peacekeeper Anoon Bondara N/A
A student of Temple Battlemaster Anoon Bondara, Darsha Assant was raised on Coruscant after being orphaned at the age of four. Under Bondara's tutelage Assant strove to meet expectations, especially in the field of lightsaber combat. After years of careful training at her master's side, Assant was deemed ready to face her Trials of Knighthood and was assigned a challenging task by the Council of First Knowledge. Sent into the underworld of Coruscant, Assant was to retrieve a member of the Black Sun crime syndicate and escort him back to the Temple for questioning. After getting involved with a gang war, Assant's target was killed accidentally as she attempted to return to the Temple. Reaching out to her master, Assant and Bondara returned to the scene to attempt to breathe life into her failing mission. As they began their investigation, the Master-Padawan team were attacked by a tattooed Zabrak with Jedi skills, filled with hatred. Sending Assant back to the Temple, Bondara attempted to kill the Zabrak through a suicide attack, but only succeeded in ending his own life. Chased by the Zabrak across the city, Assant was cornered by the assassin in a warehouse where she hoped to destroy him in a suicide attack that would envelope the warehouse and the Zabrak. Assant, like her master, died at her own hand and the Sith Lord continued to escape Jedi detection for several months.
Skall Delos 22 BrS Year 54 Guardian Ace Miko Doiae N/A
Overlooked by Jedi recruiters as an infant, Skall Delos spent his childhood exploring his homeworld's vast open expanses, marveling at its natural beauty. After discovering a passion for podracing, Delos strove to become a racer himself, relying on his Force-enhanced reflexes to become a skilled pilot. Without access to a podracer, Delos opted to join the Alderaanian military in order to gain access to starfighters. Receiving a formal education in piloting, Delos served through his tour of duty before leaving the military to seek out his new career. While most racing teams refused to take on Humans due to their general lack of ability to pilot the fast craft, Delos was discovered by the Bothan Von Questa who took him on as a teammate. After a short tour of the Outer Rim, Delos became one of the top ten pilots on the podracing circuit. After his friend Barrit Bosch was murdered by political assassins, Delos traveled to the planet Cularin to avenge his friend. Entering into the Cularin Swamp Run, the political powers on the planet discovered that Delos has useful information given to him by Bosch before his murdered friend. When his podracer was sabotaged and crashed along the course, Delos fled capture by the thugs sent to retrieve him and fled into the Cularin wilderness. Delos was able to avoid capture, seeking help from a local cartel to smuggle him out of danger. To this end, Delos was taken to the planet Almas where he hoped to find transport offworld and out of the system. While searching for transport out of the city of Forrad, Delos met Jedi Master Rassad Cospicitis. Sensing his Forcefulness, Cospicitis offered to allow Delos to enter the Jedi Order and train at the Almas Academy at the heart of the city. Agreeing, Delos entered the Academy only for the event known as the Blink to send the entire Cularin system eight years into the future. Finding the galaxy to be at war, Delos remained at the Academy where he put his flying skills to good use, working missions that assisted the local planetary defense forces in protecting the planet from attack. When the war ended, Delos hoped that his four years at the academy would earn him the rank of Knight. Instead, the Council decided that Delos would continue his training at the newly constructed Acolyte Academy on Ossus. For four more years Delos worked with a variety of Jedi Masters during a modified apprenticeship with Master Miko Doiae, before Doiae approved Delos' request to undergo his Great Journey on Tython. Traveling across the Jedi planet and coming to deeper understanding in the Force, Delos was taken with the beauty of Tython's dense jungles, towering monoliths, and roaring rivers. After attaining the rank of Knight, Delos joined the Order's Starfighter Corps and was based out of the academy on Kamparas. Flying both in war and peacetime over the next several years, Delos fell in battle during the Golem War after being shot down over Shili.


Jilst Bindalin 11 BrS Year 59 Guardian Hermit Stara Zagora N/A
Raised at the Coruscant Jedi Temple, Jilst Bindalin was selected for training as a Padawan by Jedi Master Stara Zagora in Year 1. Training across the galaxy as the Separatist Crisis morphed into the Clone Wars, Bindalin took up his lightsaber in defense of the Republic, eager to fight against the Confederacy's droid army. After coming face to face with living combatants and slaying them fell to the dark side. Drenched in the blood of his victims, Bindalin fell far from the Jedi path and desired to quench his thirst for more death. Returning to the Coruscnat Temple, Bindalin researched viable options for growing stronger in the dark side. While unable to gain access to the Sith holocrons stored within the Archives' Vaults, the Padawan uncovered trace accounts of a Sith tomb on the ancient planet Sarafur. With that in mind, Bindalin began his quest for a satisfying tribute to the Sith Lord buried on the planet with hope that he could awaken the ancient Sith Lord and learn at his side. When Bindalin was stationed on his homeworld, he discovered his parents were the curators of the Alsakan Planetary Museum of Ancient History. Attending a seminar there, Bindalin absconded with the ancient Alsakan Tessant, one of the world's most treasured artifacts. Smuggling the artifact offworld with the assistance of a Shistavanen smuggler, Bindalin landed on Sarafur and descended into the tomb of the ancient Sith Lord. Within the tomb, Bindalin discovered the ancient Sith was a member of the Killik species. After presenting the tribute within the treasure-filled tomb, Bindalin was disappointed when he came to the realization that the Killik was not a Sith Lord of the modern Sith Empire, but an ancient conqueror of the ancient Sith species. Angered, Bindalin collapsed the tomb and attempted to flee to the Shadow Collective but was arrested by his former master before he could get off of Sarafur. Sent to the Dawn Temple on Spintir, Bindalin was rehabilitated and returned to speak to the Council of Judgment after two years of healing and meditation. Reassigned to the Acolyte Academy on Ossus for reconditioning, Bindalin was permitted to undergo his Great Journey in Year 24. Crossing the planet over the course of three years, Bindalin failed his Trials at Padawan Kesh and was not permitted to retake them. Setting out into the wilderness of Tython, Bindalin settled on the continent of Thyr and sequestered himself within the ancient mazes of Lorath where he lived out the rest of his days in total isolation.


Darial Anglethorn Year 13 Year 69 Guardian Peacekeeper Evan Asani Tantema Morlev
Born to moisture farmers in the Bothehl Desert, Anglethorn was identified for training in the Jedi arts following the end of the Clone Wars and was inducted into the Jedi Order on Ossus. Training at the Grand Academy, Anglethorn was skilled with the Force and a powerful hand-to-hand combatant. Chosen for training by Jedi Master Evan Asani, Anglethorn saw her skills tested on several Outer Rim planets where she was forced to fight for her life during the Order's anti-slavery campaigns. During her Great Journey, Anglethorn found her study at Akar Kesh the most rewarding, finding Balance in the Force in profound ways. Attaining the rank of Jedi Knight, Anglethorn served the Order as a Ranger within the Cularin system after being assigned to work with the Almas Academy. For seventeen years Anglethorn served within the system, seldom making trips back to Ossus. During this time, Anglethorn took on the training of Padawan Tantema Morlev and saw her successfully elevated to the rank of Knight in Year 53. Serving the Order throughout the Golem War, Anglethorn was killed during the last year of the fighting by a member of the Peace Brigade.


Evan Asani 21 BrS Year 79 Guardian Peacekeeper Binn Ibes Yula Sarat; Darial Anglethorn
A student at the Jedi Temple before the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars, Evan Asani was knighted the year prior to the schism within the Senate. Having trained under the tutelage of the esteemed Jedi Master Binn Ibes, Asani was skilled with a lightsaber and an active Peacekeeper. When the Separatist Crisis spread across the galaxy, Asani was often out in the field attempting to quell anti-Republic propaganda by forming relationships with people on the ground. Wielding a green-bladed lightsaber, Asani wielded his weapon in extreme circumstances only, preferring Form Zero of lightsaber combat. When the Clone Wars finally erupted, Asani took on the rank of general within the Grand Army of the Republic, assigned to postings out on the Outer Rim. Taking on the training of Padawan Yula Sarat to ensure that the Order's numbers remained high, Asani and his student joined Master Mace Windu on the plains of Geonosis during one of the most bloody battles of the entire conflict. Surviving Geonosis, Asani made it through the next few years of war, losing his sword arm during a run-in with a member of the Shadow Collective. Replacing it with a prosthetic limb, Asani was stationed at the Ossan satellite Terra Venture in the post-war years to oversee the shipment of hazardous material down to the planet. Following his acceptance of Darial Anglethorn as his Padawan, Asani and Anglethorn took assignment on the fringes of the Hutt Empire to assist in the freeing of slaves. For years Asani fought for the rights of sentients, serving in the Hutt Offensive and the Golem War.


Jorus C'baoth 56 BrS Year 8 Consular Watchamn Varias Tyuth Lorana Jinzler
A student of the Jedi academy on Coruscant, Jorus C'baoth was a proud being and a studious one too. Taken as the Padawan of Master Varias Tyuth, the Elomin instilled within his student the grand responsibility of being a Jedi. Taking these teachings to heart, C'baoth grew to expect a great deal of respect from the civilians of the galaxy, believing that the Jedi should be venerated by all galactic citizens. Believing that C'baoth may not have taken the truth of his lessons to heart, Tyuth sent his student to the Planetary University on Mirnic to be humbled. Completing a four year course within a year and a half, C'baoth began to thoroughly believe that the Force gifted him with an innate superiority. Traveling to the academy on Kamparas for additionally scholarly learning, C'baoth spent two years amid the Jedi there before resuming his missions with Master Tyuth. Upon attaining the rank of Knight, C'baoth continued his work as a Consular and pursued the study of diplomacy. Not fond of wielding a lightsaber, C'baoth was extremely supportive of the philosophical foundation of the Republic, and a staunch opponent of the Humoncentric movement fomented on some of the Core Worlds. While serving as a member of the Senate Interspecies Advisory Comittee, C'baoth received visions of the dark side of the Force growing stronger; afterwards he became intent on searching for the sources of his premonitions and left the service of Palpatine. He was reassigned once again and began his inquiries, which led him to the Elrood sector, in the Outer Rim. In that remote area of the galaxy, C'baoth discovered a group of marauding dark side adepts, a prelude to the Silent War. With the help of a small strike team of fellow Knights and Jedi Shadows, C'baoth vanquished the rogue Force-users but were not permitted from sharing of their exploits among their colleagues or with the greater galaxy. Immediately after the event, C'baoth elevated himself to the rank of Master in observation of his own prowess during the Silent War. While the High Council disapproved, they assigned him to serve as part of the Demilitarization Observation Group stationed on the oceanic planet of Ando, where the native Aqualish sub-species endlessly feuded with each other over mineral rights. A primary observer within the group, the Jedi from Bortras encountered another member of the task force, the ambitious Senator Palpatine of the Chommell sector. The two got along, and when they returned to Coruscant, C'baoth and Palpatine established a long-standing friendship that helped shape the development of C'baoth's career. A few years after the events on Ando, the Council of Reassignment appointed Jorus C'baoth as Palpatine's personal adviser on Jedi-related matters. During his tenure as a member of the senator's staff, the Jedi discussed the Extragalactic Society, often referred to as ExGal, a community of scientists devoted to the search for life outside the galaxy. The two friends shared a mutual interest for the ExGal's ambitious project. In Year 2, Master C'baoth got involved in the Esseles droid starfighters affair, due to his privileged relationship with Palpatine—now a very influential senator. The High Council had received an anonymous datacard, alerting the Order that a factory named Trinkatta Starships had started building fifty experimental droid starfighters. Worried that these new ships were commissioned by an ally of the Republic plotting a civil war, the Council sent Adi Gallia to ascertain the identity of the one who paid for the starfighters. Master Jorus C'baoth was summoned by the Council, who asked him not to notify Palpatine or any other Senators of Galia's secret mission until they have solid evidence identifying the buyer. Thanks to his skill in the political realm, C'baoth was appointed as the ambassador-at-large to the Xappyh sector, and helped Jedi Master Tra's M'ins mediate the Duinuogwuin-Gotal conflict. Appointed as the Watchman of the Alderaan sector at the onset of the Separatist Crisis, C'baoth mediated the Ascendancy Contention that plagued planetary politics. Throughout this time, C'baoth had been training the Human girl Lorana Jinzler as his Padawan. Forming a tense relationship with his student, Jinzler was disturbed by C'baoth's superiority complex. Having been inspired by his work with ExGal, C'baoth hoped to lead a massive expedition beyond the Galactic Rim, in an attempt to search for life outside the known galaxy. Known as the "Outbound Flight Project", the project was maintained in secrecy and C'baoth had his own designs for the project — he envisioned it as being the catalyst for the discovery of other Force-sensitive species who might be taught the way of the Jedi. After much delay, C'baoth was one of the six Jedi Masters aboard the project when it departed from Yaga Minor in Year 8. Once the Outbound Flight was launched, C'baoth increasingly took control over all of the ship's aspects, even going so far as to take Force-sensitive children away from their parents in the middle of the night to be trained as Jedi. When the Outbound Flight entered the Unknown Regions, it was encountered by two local species, the Vagaari as well as the Chiss. Mitth'raw'nuruodo, the leader of the Chiss picket force, contacted C'baoth and boarded the Outbound Flight to meet with him, but C'baoth refused to comply with Thrawn's request to leave Chiss Space. As the Vagaari fleet stormed towards the Outbound Flight, C'baoth and his fellow Jedi failed to detect the Chiss forces that were sneaking in, and Thrawn managed to systematically destroy the weapon clusters of the Outbound Flight, killing almost every Jedi aboard. Enraged, the Jedi Master gave into his anger, succumbed to the dark side and Force choked Thrawn across space from Outbound Flight's bridge itself. His apprentice sensed his fall, and tried to reach her former master in time to help him, but it was too late as a radiation bomb tore through the ship and killed the Jedi Master.


Beel Acton 3 BrS Perpetual existence within Force anomaly Consular Historian N/A N/A
Beel Acton was a Force-sensitive Human with a tendency for cruelty. Fueled by hatred following the death of his mother after his third nameday, he used the Force to subtly control people so that they would still like him, no matter how cruel he was. In his teenage years at the height of the Separatist Crisis which plagued the Republic, a member of the Jedi Order attempted to recruit him, but he refused. When his father lay dying, Acton secretly finished him off so that he would obtain all of his families money. He then proceeded to roam the galaxy, causing others pain and suffering using the Force, searching for the Sith so that he might obtain power and wealth. Encountering agents of Darth Sidious, Acton was taken to the Deep Core planet Byss where he met with Darth Sidious and underwent training in the ways of the dark side. Not long into his training, Acton was horrified when Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Besher Dan raided the facilities and freed those Jedi imprisoned there, as well as arresting the Force Adepts in training in the dark side. Locked in binders and blindfolded by the Jedi, Acton was taken back to the Coruscant Jedi Temple and locked within a Force-negating cell deep within the detention center. Waiting for several days for an interview, Acton could do nothing but contemplate the fate which awaited him. Eating the meals provided and changing from his tattered robes into the simple prisoner robes provided, Acton was eventually visited by the newly appointed Grand Master Tomac Moorcé and Barsen'thor Coleman Kcaj. Sent to the Tythonian moon Bogan to contemplate the light side of the Force; for three years he sat among the ruins until he brought himself into Balance. Upon releasing his heart from the dark side, Acton was taken to Ossus and entered the Acolyte Academy under the supervision of Jedi Masters wise in the Force. A student of the academy for seven years, the Academy's Masters eventually approved Acton for his Great Journey across Tython. Preparing himself for the journey, Acton set out from the Grand Temple on Talss with high expectations for himself. As he crossed the Rift, Acton was set upon by ten viprasni serpents, and gave into his fear. Falling back on his old ways, Acton attacked the serpents and took pride in slicing them apart. Falling out of Balance, Acton struggled along the path to Anil Kesh but never seemed to move closer to the Great Temple. Trapped within a Force anomaly, Acton spent an eternity in a perpetual hike across the Rift out of Balance and lost.
Delcep Ardan 10 BrS Year 85 Guardian Weapons Specialist Pofl na-Mevrain Tam Cornish
Born to the wealthy Ardan military dynasty, Delcep Ardan was raised with a strict military discipline and sent to join the planetary defense force at the age of eighteen. Seeing battle during the Clone Wars as a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Ardan survived each battle he engaged in and was well respected by his clone and non-clone comrades. A veteran of countless battles, Ardan was approached by Jedi General Pofl na-Mevrain in the post-war clean-up efforts and notified of his Force-potential. Initially unconvinced, Ardan eventually decided to travel to the Coruscant Jedi Temple for testing. Ridiculed by his family for believing Jedi propaganda, Ardan was formally excommunicated from the family. With nothing left to lose, Ardan excepted the Order's invitation and the began his studies at the Acolyte Academy on Ossus. For years Ardan worked his way up through the Academy, studying the Force an finding Balance. Traveling to Tython, Ardan underwent his Great Journey across the planet before being knighted, attaining the rank of Jedi Knight. Working his skills learned in both the military and at Stav Kesh, Ardan strove to be a Weapons Specialist and master military-grade weaponry. Serving as a member of the Jedi Security Corps, Ardan worked as a weapons expert at Vur Tepe where other Jedi were developing new weapons technology.


Alora Brie Year 31 Year 115 MedCorps Healer N/A N/A
Presented to the Order by her mother, Alora Brie was transported to the Jedi fortress world of Ossus for training in the ways of the Force. An average student, Brie did not stand out among her classmates and many of her instructors believed that she would better serve the Order with the Service Corps. Failing her Initiate Trials, Brie was passed over to the Council of Reassignment, Brie was sent to serve the Medical Corps due to her latent healing powers. Training with the MedCorps on Ossus for three years, Brie was assigned to serve aboard the Eternal Truth, a praxeum ship assigned to Cerulean Spear Command out of Lantilles.


Nalia Adollu 975 BrS Death Class Special titles Anno Wen-Chii Padawans


Solimon Dambrizi Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Yasinda Bardak Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Bobby Phet Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Seha Dorvald Year 57 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Barrison Draay Birth 3,961 BrS Guardian Special titles Arca Jeth Padawans
Caeleb Jonos Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Coran Jonos Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Kylana Jonos Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Duala Aidu Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Suin Chalo Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Lenisla Diax Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Daye Azur-Jamin Birth Death Sentinel Tech specialist Master Padawans
Tam Azur-Jamin Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Vydel Dir'Nul 19 BrS Death Sentinel Investigator Jol Wortin Padawans


Taria Damsin Birth Death Sentinel Shadow Master Padawans


Olana Chion 10 BrS Death Guaridan Sniper Avan Post Padawans


Kira Carsen 3,628 BrS Death Consular Special titles Bela Kiwiiks; Padawans


CSL Danenberger [[17 BBY Year 19]] Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Name Year 17 Year 117 Consular Prophet Master Padawans


Nelani Dinn Birth Death Consular Watchman Master Padawans


Ezra Bridger Year 16 Year 62 Sentinel Tech specialist Dond Fedio Dralin Markyle
Born to political activists on the planet Lothal, Ezra Bridger was given over the Jedi Order shortly after his birth and raised at the Grand Academy on Ossus. A roguish youth, Bridger was creative and mischievous, with a knack for trouble-making around the Academy grounds. A competent fighter and a mediocre student, Bridger impressed his instructors with raw talent rather then his studiousness or commitment to completing assignments in a timely manner. Upon graduating the academy, Bridger came under the tutelage of the esteemed Master Dond Fedio, member of the Jedi Security Corps and former member of the Council of Reassignment. Under Iyra's tutelage, Bridger found an inner calm that allowed him to live up to Jedi ideals and enhance his innate talents for innovation, critical thinking, and team work. Growing into a compassionate Jedi, Bridger pressed on through his Great Journey across Tython and was knighted at Padawan Kesh. Assigned to the recently rebuilt Command Center on Ansion, Bridger served as a Ranger in the system where he worked closely with the other tech specialists at the Command Center to understand the ancient weapon designs perfected by the late Jedi Master Elriza Zordon. When the Golem War brought conflict back to the galaxy, Bridger flew in a starship of Zordon's design which he had been able to reconstruct using ancient holorecords. Despite the ship's advanced designs, Bridger was overtaken in a dogfight and the starfighter crashed into the surface of a larger meteor. He and his Padawan Dralin Markyle were killed in the ensuing explosion.


Daakman Barrek Birth Year 13 Class Special titles Master Sha'a Gi


Lom Brakiss Year 20 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Asha Sitau 23 BrS Year 75 Consular Librarian Acolyte Academy Eeth Rann; Lyzo Ivalice
Born to a lesser noble family on Naboo, Asha Sitau attended all of the specialty education courses in the city of Theed. Becoming a servant in service to the Royal House of Naboo during the reign of Queen Amidala, Sitau was present at the Theed Royal Palace during the invasion of the planet by the Trade Federation in Year 3. During the occupation of the planet, Sitau escaped the Palace and met with members of the Royal Security Forces who enabled her to join the resistance against the illegal occupation. Meeting Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi during his time on the world, the Jedi identified her as Forceful but declined to inform her due to her advanced age and the Order's restriction on inducting older members. After the liberation of Naboo, Sitau continued to serve the Royal House of Naboo throughout the Clone Wars. When the war ended, Jedi Master Kenobi reached out to Sitau and extended an invitation to join the Order, which had lifted its ban on older members. Traveling to the legendary world of Ossus with her family's blessing, Sitau spent years within the Acolyte Academy learning from esteemed Jedi all of the Order's ancient wisdom. While not a virtuoso with a lightsaber, Sitau's aptitude with the Force was considerable enough to see her sent to Tython to undertake her Great Journey. Finding a passion for learning while among the libraries of the Great Temples, Sitau was knighted after four years as a Journeyer and quickly pursued a career as a librarian. Assigned to tend the library of Stav Kesh by the Librarians' Assembly, Sitau worked within the Temple of Martial Arts high within the Ice Giants where she oversaw the collection of scrolls and holocrons that described the martial forms of combat of thousands of different schools. With a photographic memory, Madame Sitau was respected for her ability to reference any tome and quickly direct a studious Journeyer to the correct location of a difficult-to-find text.
Ren Auglu Year 1 Year 90 Guardian Peacekeeper Pax Falwase Ulseh Pekka Nadeau; Naz Sundar; Squint Cruz;
Following the death of his father during the invasion of Naboo, the infant Ren Auglu was turned over to the Jedi Order in appreciation for their hand in ending the conflict. Training at the Coruscant academy within an Initiate clan, Auglu passed his academy trials and was selected by Jedi Master Pax Falwase Ulseh to continue his training in the field as a Padawan. Taking up arms as the Clone Wars continued to be waged across the galaxy, Padawan Auglu was made a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic and assigned to several fronts throughout his service. In Year 13 Auglu followed Master Ulseh to the planet Argul where they would fight side by side in the battle against the Confederacy's droid armies. During the battle, the pair would oversee the evacuation of the injured Argullians, but after an Acclamator-class assault ship was shot down over the planet, Master Ulseh rushed to assist the crash victims. While Auglu survived the battle, Master Ulseh died from a droid attack on the ship's wreckage. Alone on the planet with several other Padawans, Auglu continued to lead troops against the forces of Commander Drogen Hosh unsuccessfully. As Hosh prepared for a final assault he sent Auglu and the other Padawans an offer in which he would accept their surrender. Before Hosh received a decision however, reinforcements arrived on the planet and defeated Hosh and rebuffed the Confederacy's attempts to claim the world. Victorious, Auglu and the other Padawans returned to the Jedi Temple, where Auglu was reassigned to Jedi Bultar Swan. Under Swan's gentle guidance, Auglu flourished and quickly recovered from the loss of his master. When the fighting ended, Auglu accompanied Swan to Ossus and assisted her as she set up an apothecary in Knossa as part of the effort to reestablish the planet as the headquarters of the Order. Having been raised during wartime, Auglu struggled to adjust to the ways of peacetime, but found patience in cultivating Master Swan's herbs. Once mastering his own emotions, Auglu underwent his Great Journey on Tython and was knighted by Master Zane. Seeking out the duties of a Jedi Ranger, Auglu settled within the academy on Taris where he served to protect the citizens and thwart criminals within the dense cities of the planet. Of even temperament and a quiet disposition, Auglu remembered Master Swan's teachings even in advanced age. From his arrival on Taris until his death, Master Auglu was fond of tending to the gardens of the academy during his spare time and encouraged his students to do the same.
Z'meer Bothu Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Denin Hashar Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Vila Hashar Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


T'chooka D'oon Birth Year 15 Class Special titles Master Flynn Kybo


Lune Oddo Year 8 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Zayne Carrick 3,947 BrS Death Class Special titles Lucien Draay Padawans


Orgus Din Birth 3,608 BrS Guardian Special titles Master Fortis Gall; Bengel Morr


Darovit 978 BrS 955 BrS Class Special titles Master Padawans
Hardin 977 BrS 965 BrS Class Special titles Master Padawans


Dace Diath Birth 3,961 BrS Guardian Peacekeeper Sidrona Diath; Vodo-Siosk Baas Padawans
Nico Diath Birth Year 14 Guardian Specialization Master Tae Diath
Sidrona Diath Birth 3,986 BrS Guardian Specialization Master Padawans
Tae Diath 3 BrS Year 14 Class Specialization Nico Diath Padawans


Bruck Chun 22 BrS 9 BrS Class Special titles N/A N/A


Jori Daragon Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Bren Derlin 8 BrS Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Spang Argor 6 BrS Death Consular Seer Master Padawans


Adalric Cessius Brandl 13 BrS Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jaalib Brandl 13 BrS Death Class Special titles Master Padawans


Koffi Arana Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Cala Brin Birth 25,714 BrS Class Special titles Master Padawans
Dailen Brock 25,781 BrS 25,758 BrS Class Special titles Master Padawans
Lanoree Brock 25,7831 BrS Death Class Alchemist Master Padawans
Boz Addle 64 BrS Year 51 Service Corps Tech expert Service Corps Padawans
A student of the Coruscant academy, Boz Addle's Force-sensitivity diminished before his thirteenth birthday and was reassigned to the Service Corps. Assigned to the technical division of the Temple's staff, Addle worked within the Temple's docking facilities where he tended the Order's fleet of starfighters, landspeeders, speeder bikes, and other vehicles. Named Chief Technician by the time of the Clone Wars, Addle worked within the Temple's primary mooring tower located within the Temple Precinct. Retiring from the post two decades after the war, Addle traveled across the Mid Rim visiting the Order's many temples, academies, and chapter houses and meeting the Jedi that worked there. Within his ninetieth year, Addle settled in Ossus City where he lived out the rest of his days in quiet meditation.
Quillara Adeen Year 10 Year 110 Guardian Gatemaster Dak Geilvta Bhindi Dyarron; Zyyor
Discovered in the wake of the Clone Wars as an orphan of the conflict, Qillara Adeen was raised in the ways of the Jedi on Ossus at the Grand Academy on the city limits of Knossa. Passing through the Academy, Adeen was outmatched during the Academy's Apprentice Tournament but her potential was detected by Jedi Knight Dak Geilvta and taken as his apprentice. Traveling aboard the Grey Pilgrim as it patrolled the region of space overseen by the Red Tails Command, Adeen learned to walk the path of the Guardian and places others' needs before her own. Upon completion of her Great Journey across Tython, Adeen was knighted and served as a Ranger stationed at the Temple of Eedit for two decades. Training as a gatemaster, Adeen was appointed to serve as the head of security at the Eedit Temple and oversaw the other members of the SecurCorps defending the facility.
Tresten Agai'i 23 BrS Year 15 Guardian Peacekeeper Almas Academy N/A
Brought into the Jedi Order five years after her birth, Tresten Agai'i was trained under the experimental curriculum of the Almas Academy, which allowed older students into its ranks. Remaining on Almas during the first few years of her time as a Padawan where she learned alongside a mentor, Agai'i was not selected as an apprentice and instead studied at the academy except when engaging in Jedi quests. During these quests, students of the academy were required to leave the Cularin system at least three times. After being elevated to the rank of Knight, Agai'i wielded her lightsaber in defense of the Republic and was hailed as a courageous fighter. When the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, Agai'i was required by the High Council on Coruscant to report for assignment in the Grand Army of the Republic. Outraged by the demands, Agai'i refused the rank of General and remained in the Cularin system, performing missions solely from the Almas Council. Present in-system during the Blink, Agai'i and the rest of the residents of the star system were transported eight years into the future within a moment by a Sith artifact. Reappearing in a galaxy ravaged by war, Agai'i was given a hefty assignment when the Council ordered her to the abandoned fortress of Darth Rivan with a research team of fourteen Jedi. The fortress had been captured by the Jedi but had not been completely explored as the dark side was imbued in the very stones of the structure. The Jedi were not the only ones who wanted to explore the fortress, the dark side cultists known as the Believers wished to possess the ancient knowledge within the structure for their malevolent uses. Accompanied by five of her fellow Knights, Agai'i took to protect the structure from imminent attack. Taking up a defensive position on the southern entrance to the fortress, Agai'i and the other guards waited as the research team explored the edifice. While the team was inside, a sandstorm provided cover for Phylus Mon, his nine adepts, and their giant Force-sensitive Wampa. The ambush was successful, Agai'i and the other Jedi guarding the fortress were overwhelmed and slain, leaving the fortress and the research team vulnerable.
Alana Lirri Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Alec Kepporra Birth Death Sentinel Special titles Master Saren Valek
Nere Akekam Birth Death Warrior Combat instructor Master Padawans
Garen Algrunar Birth Death Guardian Armorer Master Padawans
Ali-Alann Morsi Birth Death Consular Docent Master Padawans
Allara Peoly Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Belth Allusis Birth 3,636 BrS Sentinel Special titles Master Padawans
Allya Misou Birth Death Guardian Special titles Master Padawans
Sim Aloo Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Turi Altamik Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jesper Altax Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Djinn Altis Birth Death Class Special titles Master Geith Eris
Tren Alvar Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Mari Amithest Year 9 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Ammon Blithe Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Anakin Skywalker Birth Death Guardian Special titles Master Padawans
Talena Ancia Birth Death General Warleader Master Padawans
Tiberus Anderlock Birth Death Guardian Ace Master Padawans
Ras Andromias Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Soara Antana Birth Death Guardian Lightsaber instructor Master Darra Thel-Tanis; Zesh-Zesh Kreeko
Jon Antilles Birth Year 13 Sentinel Shadow An'ya Kuro Padawans
Avinoam Arelis Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Tyn Arias Birth Death Consular Instructor Master Padawans
Noth Armin Birth 3,608 BrS Consular Special titles Master Padawans
Aryzah Spendo Birth Death Class Special titles Master Nyo Feara
Kani Asari Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Asha Sitau Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jao Assam Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Fable Astin Year 16 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Vierra Atris Birth Death Consular Archivist Master Padawans
Larnis Averon Birth 3,606 BrS Guardian Warden Master Padawans
Avitla Keteris Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Tavion Axmis Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Azrakel Flivven Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Sors Bandeam Year 12 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Kunor Bann Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Gatts Celtru Birth Death Class Special titles Bant Eerin Padawans
Vincenzo Banz Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Yush Baskalar Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Bay-Yon Siu Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Soon Bayts Birth Year 15:12 Class Special titles Master Padawans
Thraken Be Birth Death Class Healer Master Padawans
Belaya Arnjak Birth Death Class Special titles Zhar Lestin Padawans
Bene Athan Year 1 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Olimar Benn Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Wall Bennis Birth Death AgriCorps Jedi Special titles Master Padawans
Cale Berkona Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Eryl Besa Year 42 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jolee Bindo Birth Death Consular Special titles Master Nayama
Gajakur Biul Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Annabel Blaine Year 9 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Bobcho Bozhidar Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Aidan Bok Birth Death Guardian Aggressor Master Padawans
Bon Starfire Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Arlis Boudyn Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Brianna Nwython Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Alin Brohmer Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
J.K. Burtola Year 9 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Rallcema Bylissura Birth Year 14 Class Special titles Master Padawans
Lens Cabaril Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Cal Gella Birth Year 14 Guardian Special titles Tyffix N/A
Callef Mol Birth 3,608 BrS Class Special titles Bengel Morr N/A
Dalnus Cam Birth Year 14 Class Special titles Master Padawans
Iri Camas Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Alysun Celz Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Mars Cerik Birth 3,607 BrS Class Special titles Master Padawans
Morrit Ch'gally Birth Death Sentinel Investigator; Recruiter Master Padawans
Yral Chael Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Hogrum Chalk Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Kiel Charny Birth 965 BrS Class Special titles Handa Padawans
Pax Chizzik Year 4 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Shen-Ji Collun Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Cora Belas Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jhorag Corconnan Birth Death Sentinel Investigator Master Padawans
Amar Cros Birth Death Consular Diplomat Master Padawans
Jax Cryle Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Sa Cuis Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Vima-Da-Boda 155 BrS Death Consular Special titles Olik Send Neema-Da-Boda
Neema-Da-Boda Birth Death Class Special titles Vima-Da-Boda Padawans
Crovan Dane Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Burr Danid Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Joclad Danva Birth Year 13 Guardian Weapons Specialist Master Padawans
Sigel Dare Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Sidirri Brons Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Noa-Jek Darillian Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Caleb Dume Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Finn Darktrin Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Roblio Darté Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Ameesa Darys Birth Death Class Special titles J'Soryn Jerec Padawans
Aldren Dayos Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
J'rek de Mahdav Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Delcep Reyal Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jarid DeBell Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Nial Declann Birth Death Guardian Ace Master Padawans
Ivixa Delbaeth Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Lorin Delsa Birth Death Class Special titles Master Yashu-Vo
Demtri Von Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Dendro Mathis Birth Death Class Special titles Ulimar Hylon Padawans
Denia Mindar Birth Death Consular Diplomat Master Valin Draco
Liam Dentiri Birth 3,605 BrS Guardian Combat instructor Master Padawans
Lenora Dician Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Kir-Tja Dilsn Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jib Djalla Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Iann Doaba Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Ako Domi Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Yars Dorak Birth 3,917 BrS Consular Historian Master Deesra Luur Jada
Quorian Dorjis Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Krynda Draay Birth 3,938 BrS Consular Seer Arca Jeth; Vodo-Siosk Baas Raana Tey
Lucien Draay 3,965 BrS Death Guardian Special titles Haazen Zayne Carrick
Antares Draco Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Valin Draco Birth Death Class Special titles Denia Mindar Padawans
Cin Drallig Birth Death Guardian Combat instructor Master Serra Keto
Dray Losneian Birth Death Class Special titles Mizen Salmara Padawans
Clar Drayneen 4 BrS Death EduCorps Jedi Instructor Master Padawans
Tho-Mes Drei Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jeng Droga Year 15 Death Warrior Weapons Master Master Padawans
Fenella Druce Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Relin Druur Birth Death Class Special titles Imar Deez Saes Rrogon; Drev Hassin
Ur-Sema Du Birth Year 13 Consular Researcher Master Padawans
Gruu Dunrik Birth Death MedCorps Doctor Master Padawans
Nobu Durrei Year 22 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Kyp Durron Year 28 Death Guardian Special titles Master Padawans
Imono Durshana Birth Death MedCorps Jedi Psychiatrist Master Padawans
Byrch Dyshkava Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Aurei Eadon Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Eelysa Fluzhi Year 39 Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jeswi Ele Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Eliya Merkell Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Zez-Kai Ell Birth 3,916 BrS Class Special titles Master Habria Dalledos
Elmel Bakish Birth Death Guardian Combat instructor Master Padawans
Niles Emmert Birth Death AgriCorps Jedi Special titles Master Padawans
Rii'ke En Birth Year 15 Class Special titles Master Padawans
Neth Enasteri Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy Year 1 Death Guardian Special titles Chankar Kim; Jai Maruk Padawans
Geith Eris Birth Death Class Special titles Djinn Altis Padawans
Erstin Deez Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Chik Apla Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Talvon Esan Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Lumas Etima Birth Year 13 Guardian Special titles Ekim Ryelli N/A
Leia Ezeraline Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Maison Quorr Birth Death Class Special titles Marisna Astin Padawans
Marisna Astin Birth Death Class Special titles Master Maison Quorr
Duras Fain Birth Death Class Special titles Master Laranna Fain
Laranna Fain Birth Death Class Special titles Duras Fain Padawans
Fala Cren Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Keyan Farlander Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Feemor Alris Birth Death Class Special titles Qui-Gon Jinn Padawans
Jonas Fel'Kona Birth Death Sentinel Special titles Master Padawans
Minos Fel'Kona Birth Death Sentinel Special titles Master Padawans
Elliah Fel Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Jaina Solo 1,754 BrS Death Guardian Ace Master Padawans
Marasiah Fel Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Mohrgan Fel Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Roan Fel Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Allende Linaki Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Miko Doiae Birth Death Class Special titles Master Skall Delos
Name Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Name Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
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Name Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans
Name Birth Death Class Special titles Master Padawans

Human Sith[]



Sith name Elgar Cunha Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices


Sith name Archria Amanoa 4,035 BrS 3,965 BrS Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices


Shadowspawn Perek Cronal Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices


Darth Tyranus Atha Dooku 67 BrS Year 16 Banite Sith Class Specialization Thame Cerulian; Darth Sidious Qui-Gon Jinn; Keelyvine Reus; Komari Vosa; Asajj Ventress


Sith name Sharack Breev Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Darth Baras Apprentices

Other Human Force-sensitives[]


Darth Acharon Birth name Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Warrior Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Achelon Birth name Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Acina Birth name Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Adraas Birth 3,618 BrS Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Ajaan Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Warrior Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Akaste'vel Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Alaric Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Kel Algwinn Birth 3,921 BrS Revan's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Alif Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Kal Anathemos Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Assassin Master Apprentices
Darth Andru Birth name Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Ar'al Anec Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Angral Birth name Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Anyarah Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Pharshol Apprentices
Possessed Master Azah Solvan
Azah Solvan Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Anyul Blaith Year 55 Death Lost Tribe of the Sith Saber Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Lan Ardran Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Overseer Master Apprentices
Sith name Lani Argos Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Arho Birth name Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Rant Loyat; Ebren Lychosik
Sith name Elimor Arnth Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Larx Arrax Birth 3,607 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Simme Kyrus Apprentices
Sith name Arzanon|Bren Arzanon Birth 3,605 BrS Vitiate's Empire Inquisitor Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Korbis Atren Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Eldon Ax Cinzia Xandret 3,565 BrS Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Darth Chratis; Darth Howl Apprentices
Sith name Krims Zin Birth Death Lost Tribe of the Sith Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Dri'kill Ba'al Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Darth Baras Apprentices
Sith name Balek Kron Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Wydr Kron Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Bandon Deel Navarr Birth 3,921 BrS Revan's Empire Class Specialization ; Darth Malak Apprentices
Darth Bane Dessel 991 BrS 945 BrS Brotherhood of Darkness Class Specialization Master Darth Zannah; Darth Cognus
Sith name Lopir Bannos Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Halsia Banso Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Inquisitor Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Baras Raltharan Callipso 3,663 BrS 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Darth Vengean Dri'kill Ba'al;
Sith name Shornivar Beldiss Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Inquisitor Ambassador Master Apprentices
Sith name Lana Beniko Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Inquisitor Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Korsin Bentado Birth 2,940 BrS Lost Tribe of the Sith Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Eumana Berow Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Lorn Bessiker Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Hiran Bessiker Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Bestia Shaneeka Reidia Birth 3,605 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Augin Blaesus Birth 3,607 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Reki Caltrel Birth Death Revan's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Borm Lanimore Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Warrior Combat instructor Master Apprentices
Sith name Nino Brakar Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Brezwalt Mecetii III Birth Death Mecrosa Order Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Gren Brontes Birth 3,605 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Brutann Birth 3,607 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Beast Lord Master Apprentices
Sith name Dhar Bullwin 20 BrS Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Caedus Jacen Solo 1,754 BrS 1,722 BrS Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Jon Calaverous Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Arkadia Calimondra Birth Death Aradianate Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Vilia Calimondra 1,070 BrS Death Calimondra Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Elmin Calphayus Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Onicris Calypho Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Darth Thanaton
Sith name Deke Lendix Birth name Birth Death Exar Kun's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Kira Carsen's father|Menin Carsen]] Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Kira Carsen's mother|Morgana Carsen]] Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Melo Centris Birth Death Shadow Collective Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Mon Cestus Birth 3,605 BrS Vitiate's Empire Inquisitor Overseer Master Apprentices
Sith name Namman Cha Birth Death Shadow Collective Warrior Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Chagras Calimondra Birth 1,005 BrS Chagras Hegemony Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Lomin Charnoq Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Charnus Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Darth Decimus Emic Sandor; Lox Tinray
Sith name Ardric Chayloss Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Chratis Skrat Eberle Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Eldon Ax
Cineratus Jevan Olandi Birth 3,607 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Clenched Fist of Hate Maxim Feara Birth Death Exar Kun's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Coris Alen Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Corrin Klada Birth 3,607 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Darth Zash; Darth Nox
Sith name Daiman Calimondra 1,022 BrS Death Daimanate Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Dakron Cassus Fitzim Birth 3,607 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Gav Daragon Birth 4,965 BrS Korriban Sith Empire Class Specialization Naga Sadow N/A
Sith name Daresha Bain Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire; Order of Revan Class Specialization Master Morrun Dokaas
Sith name Tari Darkspanner Birth 3,605 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Darrok Derek Vans Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Malus Darsin Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Darth Rivan N/A
Darth Synn Let Synnoran Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Synnoran Edmure Synnoran Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Dashar Siri Artis Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Warrior Warden Master Apprentices
Darth Decimus Andyr Fremlin Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Darth Charnus
Sith name Fardan Dei Birth Death Lost Tribe of the Sith Class Specialization Querdan Dei Apprentices
Sith name Querdan Dei Year 39 Death Lost Tribe of the Sith Class Specialization Master Fardan Dei
Darth Vax Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Vax, a prominent member of the Dark Council. After her death, she was unable to let go of the power and influence she enjoyed during life. When her son took her vacant seat on the Council and assumed the title of Darth Arrid, she began manipulating him behind the scenes, making him a puppet for her own agenda. Four years passed before the Council realized the young Darth Arrid was only a mouthpiece for the spirit of his mother.
Darth Arrid Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Lons Derish Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Warrior Combat instructor Master Apprentices
Sith name Orik Dernas Birth Death Lost Tribe of the Sith Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Devotek Devon Bristian Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Dhaiv Elopsin Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Lord Shalath N/A
Sith name Dolgis Bin Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Darth Baras; Darth Vengean Apprentices
Lord Draahg Delcep Reyal Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Remulus Dreypa Birth 2,939 BrS First Sith Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Dromika Calimondra Birth Death Calimondra Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Drowl Crix Aschansa Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Dryzen Wellis Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Warrior Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Duen Singate Duval Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Arkis Dumat Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Darth Skotia N/A
Sith name Dzoun Linomore Birth Death Vitiate's Empire; Order of Revan Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Eddon Wile Lerann Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Inquisitor Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Ekkage Kayle Qui-Xot Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Marauder Assassin Master Apprentices
Sith name Elizhis Mert Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Lord Renning Apprentices
Embraced Chaos Gorg Armande Birth Death Cult of Exar Kun Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Darth Enraj Rast Ceryss Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Lord Razer
Lord Ergast Gonni Plutan Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Jonas Escalus Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Estus Innoruuk Dimodan Birth 3,607 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Exar Kun Wordbearer Brandon Laurent Birth Death Cult of Exar Kun Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Garth Ezzar Birth Year 16 Shadow Collective Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Lord Mahish Otzz Logan Birth 3,608 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Fannatex
Sith name Krls Fannatex Birth Death Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Lord Mahish Apprentices
Sith name Sophia Farash Birth 3,606 BrS Vitiate's Empire Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Kayala Fei Birth Death Lost Tribe of the Sith Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
Sith name Birth name Birth Death Allegiance Class Specialization Master Apprentices
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