My father sought to destroy the entire Galaxy to gain Immortality, all life would have been his to have, sadly I put an end to his desires and his life when I took the throne for myself.
—Darth Hudor, to Darth Piras, revealing the source of his teachings and knowledge.
Darth Hudor, sometimes known as the Sith Emperor or the incarnation of Typhojem, was a Dark Lord of the Sith that was son and apprentice of Sith Emperor Vitiate who conspired with the Dark Council of the time to gain control over his Empire and to stop Vitiate's goal to absorb the life and Force energy of the entire Galaxy.
Darth Hudor fell in love with a Dark Jedi known as Darth Infernus who had followed Darth Revan during the Mandalorian Wars and had eventually arrived on Dromund Kaas seeking the Sith threat warned to them by Mandalore the Ultimate at the end of the war, instead they fell into a trap designed by the Sith Emperor to capture Revan and Malak to gain the Emperor two new weapons in which to use, the Sith Emperor had his immortalized son try and teach the Dark Jedi the ways of the Sith only to become attached to the new Sith to the extent that Hudor tried to bind Darth Infernus to him, when Vitiate learned this he executed Infernus and brought his son to heel although the consequences of the bond would have lasting re-precautions.
Darth Hudor hated his father and willingly took on the title of Emperor's Fist who could telepathically stand the Emperor's mind and understand his intentions, thereby acting with autonomy in the Sith Empire and being allowed to procure military Forces to complete the mission objectives that he found met the criteria that the Emperor's will followed, discreetly Acerbus used his rank to bolster his own power base to use against his father and his greatest chance appeared when the Hero of Tython defeated the Emperor's Voice in 3,641 BBY. He managed to free a great number of the Imperial Guard and a few of the Emperor's Hand from the Emperor's control, he met the Dark Council which he had recruited others to fill the missing gaps in the ranks and offered all of them to share of his Immortality, they accepted but learned that they had become part of a collective that Hudor's own power centered on with any of their death weakening the collective and that the death of Hudor would kill them all.
During the year 3,640 BBY the Dark Council and Hudor set out to hunt down the true body of the Emperor to destroy him and claim his powers for themselves, they ran into Lord Scourge and the Hero of Tython who was also seeking to finish off the Sith Emperor thereby allowing the two parties a brief alliance, Hudor helped with the defeat of his father before then turning on the Hero of Tython by Force draining his father to his death and allowing himself to empower his Immortality indefinitely. Shortly afterwards he allied with Abeloth whom had come to see him as a younger brother, learned that he had a time-limit on his body due to the amount of energy hen absorbed that had been contained within his father thus convincing him to rule from Pandora Fortress, using his Telepathy and his mouthpiece, the Voice of the Emperor, to communicate commands to the Dark Council and the rest of the Empire at large.
While adopted by Abeloth she called him the "Primordial Waters" and the "Sea of Chaos", revealing his position in the grand scheme when it comes to his position within the Fallen Ones
Pre-Returning Shadows[]
Darth Hudor was born on Dromund Kaas in approximated year of 4,000 BBY to an unnamed Chiss female that was part of the ruling Aristocra at the time and the Sith Emperor via a Human Male host that was used prior to the formation of the Emperor's Voice that acted as the Emperor's representative in the Chiss Ascendancy, Hudor was apprenticed under his father in the Dark side of the Force and the Sith arts but he also gained a number of tutors including skilled Sith Warriors and countless Sith Holocrons, when Hudor reached his late twenties he was given Immortality via a ritual that Vitiate had created that bound Hudor to him thus gifting both the capacity to share the benefits they had gained.
In 3,959 BBY which would had been a year that Hudor would have been Forty one had he lived a normal life, he came to meet a youth whom had followed the Fallen Jedi Revan and when the newly knighted Darth Revan and Darth Malak left this youth stayed behind, Vitiate commanded that Hudor take the youth as his apprentice and train him in the ways of the Dark side of the Force and of the Sith. Hudor trained the youth and soon he became named Lord Infernus and was well on his way to the title of "Darth", Hudor grew attacked to Infernus however and attempted to use a semi-successful Sith ritual to bind Infernus to him thus making his new partner just as Immortal as Hudor and the Emperor, Vitiate learned of his son's action and under the guise of believing that Infernus was a spy for the rebellious Darth Revan he had Infernus executed but the bond between Acerbus and Infernus would not be broken even then.
Seeking Vengeance[]
I inherited from my father and mother their greatest skills: a bottomless capacity to hate and near infinite patience. I believe that I am using, and have used, these skills where appropriate for the longest time.
—Darth Hudor, to Darth Nox, shortly before he and the Dark Council set off to overthrow the Emperor.
Many years passed and Vitiate kept a tight watch on his son as the young Dark Lord of the Sith gained familiarity with his Empire and during the outbreak of the First Great Galactic War in 3,681 BBY gave Acerbus the title of "Emperor's Fist", despite the trust that the Sith Emperor placed in his apparently willing servant there was just as much hatred in Acerbus as there was trust in Acerbus's skills which the Sith Emperor overlooked for the longest time, by the end of the First Great Galactic War and the duration of the Cold War Acerbus had been busy gathering allies and military Forces to himself while weeding out the weak and the disloyal from his ranks.
Hudor had been unable up to that point however to influence those within his father's power base which would be crucial in causing the Coup against the Emperor, however his opportunity eventually did come when the Emperor had to go to sleep after being injured by the Hero of Tython and Hudor then approached a large gathering of the Imperial Guard and a handful of the Emperor's Hand before dominating their minds to his control and breaking the hold that the Emperor had on them, using them as vital resources and gaining an abundance of knowledge from the working of the Sith Emperor's power base and the Sith Emperor's goals he managed to convince the members of the Dark Council individually that not only was the Emperor still alive but loyalty to the Emperor was highly unhealthy for themselves and the Sith Empire.
Personality and traits[]
Hudor was a visibly cold and calculating individual who always seemed to hold his punches comparable to pacifying ways of a Jedi however this was due to the fact that his emotions burned in Cold fusion - cold and deadly, he would voice silent threats and leave them hanging in the air and use his immense powers of the Dark side of the Force to get his attention across, his control over his emotions allowed him to use the Force while perfectly disguising his Sith nature to all those around him. Darth Hudor was evidently cruel, malicious and had a hunger for chaos and destruction should he slip into his Sith persona.
His hunger was such that he would knock around Jedi Masters while standing there and smirking at the chaos he was creating, but reacting with near blinding reaction speed to block a Jedi that had jumped behind him to blindside him with close combat, he had spent four thousand years mastering his power over the Force and lightsaber combat that he had assurance in his stance against whatever enemy he fought against, his was assured of victory that Ben Skywalker came to claim that he was a Beast of Power and Pride.
Hudor additionally had a brother-sister relationship with Abeloth who considered him her brother and the father of her children, head of her family and the one to bring untold Chaos that The Fallen Ones strived towards through the Dark side of the Force, Abeloth also respected Hudor as early as their first meeting as he was the first one since the Father to resist her mental powers and the first non-Force wielder to do so. There were many premonitions and prophecies about Hudor, a long time ago a Kissai Priest had unintentionally Force walked into the Future and witnessed Hudor which he claimed was the moment he had come into contact with Typhojem - the Sith God, indeed that since the point of his birth and his unprecedented power in the Force the Sith did consider him the true incarnation of Typhojem.
During the rise of Darth Bane, Hudor managed to gain an amount of Darth Bane's spiritual essence when he failed his transfer essence ability due to the esteem that Bane had shown him and when he revealed that the Rule of Two was an act that would allow Acerbus and his Empire to return to the known Galaxy, ironically Bane's essence would be lost to Hudor during a ritual to create the Dark Lord of the Sith but ironically would make its way into a newly born Valin Horn - who Hudor would later dub as a "Devious Little Imp". Hudor was incredibly patient and could wait thousands of years for his plans to reach fruition, using research - including Alchemical research and Sorcery, or Lightsaber combat routines to pass the immense amount of time. When his temper flared, he could easily cool it, making the agitating factor seem irrelevant when in truth it was quite the opposite.
Physical Appearance[]

Hudor's physical appearance, c.100 BBY - 45 ABY.
Hudor was revealed to have once been more Chiss-like thousands of years ago and that the changes started to happen shortly after he absorbed his father's power and spiritual energy into himself, setting forth a chain of events that would lead to the present day apex of an ancient prophecy between Darth Hudor and Darth Piras, the reincarnation of Darth Infernus.
Hudor currently had long stringy brown hair, brown eyes that glowed Red when using the Dark side which showed his Chiss ancestry, he was tall and had a fit physical body which he had worked on for three thousand years. Hudor usually wore a businessman shirt and trousers, with a leather jacket-like Robe.
His appearance in the Force however was a lot different compared to that of his current physical form, he appeared as a youth with neck long black hair and with clear blue eyes but continued to retain his pale skin, he was also decreased in height to being smaller in contrast to his younger state and ironically this would be the base form he would have been forced to take upon becoming a Force wielder after drinking from the Font of Power and Bathing in the Pool of Knowledge.