House Aberforth of Benefictus was a Kolkan of Gargan's Empire and a member of its governing Landsmeet. They governed the planet Benefictus from its capital city of Eiroda, having taken the fief from House Osnor when they moved to Osnoraan during the New Sith Wars.
The Aberforths were noted for breeding Strigos and for its famous cavalry units. They supplemented most of the Gargan Army with its cavalry and often lent their cavalry trainers to Garganath. The Aberforths originally were a minor commoner's family of Strigo breeders, rising to prominence because of their service to House Osnor. When the Osnors moved to Osnoraan, the Landsmeet elected the Aberforths to take charge of their fief - elevating them to a position of nobility. In the Landsmeet, the Aberforths were seen as crass, brutish, ill-educated, but hardworking.
Members of House Aberforth had dark hair, dark lilac eyes, and a swarthy skin. They were shorter than the average Tyrrhan, though most members were powerfully-built and well-suited for manual labor.
The Aberforths did not hail from nobility. Their early members were Strigo breeders in service to House Osnor, who were the varkhans of Benefictus at the time. Traditionally, the Aberforths rarely involved themselves in the politics of the Landsmeet and most preferred a simple lifestyle. The Aberforths did not live in lavish palaces and were known to dress simple and plainly. They were not a powerful House and only had one standing garrison on Benefictus. The Aberforth strength lay in their Strigos, who were seen as exceptionally well-bred. Most of the Gargan Army's cavalry units were trained by House Aberforth.
The Aberforths carried a hatred for House Ahlcain but respected House Astardi. They viewed House Vestrad as close friends and allies. The Aberforths were generally not seen as particularly bright or smart and most noblemen barely saw them as nobility. However, Gargan the Great - who served under Varkhan Samson Aberforth - noted that the family were very extroverted, generally friendly, and took great care of Benefictus' citizens. The Aberforths were known to be reserved and aloof to outsiders, however, and it was difficult earning their respect.