Holly "Shadow" Raesha, also known as Lady Raesha was a Force user that was Yamato Kamiya's girlfriend. She was the founder and leader of the Silent Fighters, and used to be a Sith and later a Grey Jedi, among other things. Holly was a very headstrong and cocky individual. Sometimes her attitude got her into places she shouldn't have been in.
The Early Years[]
Holly Raesha was born on the planet of Ralltiir, to parents whose names are currently unknown. Both her parents were Sith. Very little is known about her childhood and teenage years as well, but however, she sought to follow in her family's footsteps by becoming a Sith like them.
She traveled to the planet Ziost in her late teenage years where it was there she received her training to become a Sith. She was taken as an apprentice to Lady Tempest, a powerful but relatively benevolent Sith. Holly's training was difficult, and as a result, she turned towards other things to do in the meantime.
Leader of the Silent Fighters[]
Holly decided to put together a group of mercenaries that was the result of an intense dislike for a crime lord on Nar Shaddaa named Smooka the Hutt, who ran the criminal organization known as the Unubunko Gang. Holly gave her own small faction the title of "The Silent Fighters," and became the leader and founder, with her own special codename that she used within the group, it being "Shadow." Although "The Silent Fighters" was a seemingly bad choice for the name of a faction, it meant what it said. The band of mercenaries were warriors who worked in the shadows and struck out at equally and less obscure groups. The Silent Fighters later went on to live up to its name.
A couple of months later, Holly met a Jedi named Yamato Kamiya. Yamato was willing to join The Silent Fighters, agreeing to her offer. Yamato eventually rose to the rank of second in command later on. Holly eventually grew to like having him around, but she possessed feelings for him that she hesitated to reveal so soon.
The Reformation[]
Another few months passed and Holly was surprised to find that Yamato, who had become Darth Acherous, had granted himself full command over The Silent Fighters and began reforming it into an army for his own purposes, as well as making it bigger and stronger than it was before. Holly found herself stripped of her old rank and became a sort of outcast to the faction. She was devastated by this sudden turn of events and had no other choice to go back to her Sith training.
After about a half a year, Holly decided to return back to The Silent Fighters to find that things had changed yet again, but for the better. It had become a mercenary faction once again, the Unubunko Gang had been overthrown as part of their doing, and Yamato was no longer a Sith - in fact, he seemed to be using the Force less and less. Holly realized that Yamato had a reason to do what he had did, and completely forgot about the ill feelings she had about him as he achieved nearly every goal that she wanted to.
Holly finally revealed her true feelings to Yamato, and it wasn't long after that that they fell in love. Holly was reinstated as founder and leader of The Silent Fighters.
A month and a half later, Holly received an anonymous tip about a data disk on Ord Mantell that held a great amount of useful information. She decided to go to Ord Mantell alone. However, once she got there, the lead turned out to be a trap, and as a result she was ambushed by four Dark Jedi who knocked her unconscious and threw her into a ditch, covering it with junk. The Dark Jedi left Holly for dead, but one of them knew of her relationship to Yamato and sent back a fabricated report to him, falsely stating that Holly was dead. Yamato was stricken with grief, but pushed on with The Silent Fighters with him at the head.
Eventually, Holly escaped from her captivity and stowed away aboard a ship that was bound for Coruscant. Arriving at the planet, she looked for information as to where Yamato might be, and found him at the newly constructed headquarters for The Silent Fighters. Not only did she find the base an amazing step in the right direction, she also discovered that the group had become some sort of galactic police force and Yamato had completely refrained from using the Force.
Deciding that becoming a Sith was no longer of interest to her, Holly focused on dedicating her time with her and Yamato's faction.
The Vergesso Asteroids[]
At some point, after the death of the Force creature known as Raze, a madman named Handon Crask threatened several of Holly's friends and killed them. Saddened at the loss of her friends, but angry at Handon's actions, she sought to get revenge on him when she found out he had been sighted at a space station in the Vergesso Asteroids.
Holly arrived at the designated area, but the space station Handon was on was nowhere to be found. Instead, she came upon a small mining outpost that was completely destroyed, discovering that the miners that survived eventually shot themselves all except one, because of something that had frightened them. Finding out from the last remaining miner that a Sith was responsible for the attack, Holly kept her eyes open for anything else that seemed unusual.
The next day, she finally came across the space station she was looking for and boarded it. She killed Handon, but then ran into the same Sith that had destroyed the mining outpost. The Sith corrupted her with the dark side, never making her exactly the same again.
Black Sun and Fall to the dark side[]
Holly returned to Coruscant, looking for Yamato, but was unable to find him. To make matters worse, the Empire, joined with the Sith, had taken over the planet. Unsure where to go next, she went to Nar Shaddaa, running into Yamato there later on. It was around this time that Holly started becoming cold, and aggressive. As a possible relation to her change in her personality, she formed an alliance between The Silent Fighters and Black Sun, after she had spoken with Cayce Urriah, the Black Sun Queen. Yamato was not very trusting of Cayce and immediately knew that something was wrong with Holly.
Each time Yamato tried to help Holly, it was a step closer to a confrontation between them both.

Yamato Kamiya and Lady Raesha just before a duel on Nar Shaddaa
Holly started to call herself "Lady Raesha" and attacked Yamato at least twice on Nar Shaddaa before Yamato concluded that the only way to save Holly was to sacrifice himself. Holly fled to Mustafar with Yamato closely following her there. A great lightsaber duel ensued on the planet, with it almost ending in Yamato's death. Holly was about to finish him off when she realized what she was doing was wrong. Frantically, she tried to heal Yamato with the Force as best she could, and then quickly brought him back to Nar Shaddaa to be fully treated in a bacta tank.
Unable to forgive herself for what she did to Yamato, and knowing that she was always meant to be a Sith, Holly fled Nar Shaddaa. A week later, she returned, even colder and more bitter than she was originally towards her boyfriend, even going so far as to telling him that she hated him. Apparently, her experience with nearly killing Yamato did not save her, it only made her worse.
Another week passed, and Yamato talked to Holly, telling her how much she meant to him and that her actions were making him miserable and even getting to the point where it was turning him to the dark side. Holly considered it, and finally gave up, breaking down in tears knowing she had taken the wrong path. It was then that Holly had redeemed herself, and the two mended their relationship.
Base Transfer[]
Not long after Holly's redemption, she decided to begin the process of moving The Silent Fighters' base to Nar Shaddaa, since Coruscant wasn't the best place to be at the time. She loaned a few medium transports from Gallofree Yards for the transfer of the base's supplies. She also used the transports to smuggle weapon caches from Coruscant to Nar Shaddaa as well.
Behind the Scenes[]
Holly Raesha is a character within the Star Wars Roleplaying Community in the virtual online game Second Life