Star Wars Fanon

The High Palace of the Sith Order of Decreto was located on Korriban, and was the single largest building in the galaxy.


The High Palace, built upon the remains of the old Sith Academy of the Revan's Sith Empire, was the main residence of the Dark Lord of the Sith Order of Decreto and its Council.

Construction began in 64 ABY, shortly after the planet was made capital of the Sith Empire, and after construction was completed, the Palace was became the official residence of the Dark Lord, as well as the home to the Sith Council. The High Palace remained the main seat of government for many years, and remained so up to the massacre of the Sith Council at the beginning of the Successors War, when it was abandoned until the planets conquest by Darth Krayt in 128 ABY. Krayt expanded upon the old palace, encompassing the entirety of Dreshdae city into the new build, almost doubling the size of what was already the galaxy's largest building and turning it into a miniature city.

Following the invasion of the galaxy by the Zao tenj in 246 ABY, the capital of the Empire was moved to Coruscant, and the High Palace was destroyed by the invaders, despite being one of the most well defended facilities in the Empire.

Structure and features[]

The High Palace looked like its predecessor, a hybrid of a cathedral and a monumental pyramid. It bore a strong resemblance to the Sith Temple of Nerezza. Proditor's reconstruction of the palace increased its total height too four and a half kilometers, and six kilometers wide at the base. There was also a facility used to train the Hands.

The Palace was made of polished chrome-black rock and highly reflective crystals. Even at night, the Palace never grew dark since blazing illumination from the buildings surrounding the temple kept the crystals blazing with light.

The centerpiece of the temple was the Grand Corridor, towering over one and a half kilometers high, it was lined with purple tinted windows. At its widest point, in the central courtyard, the Grand Corridor could hold an Avenger-class battlestation. Lining the main chamber were Ch'hala trees, which would continuously change color at sound vibrations. These trees were part of a spy system originally used by Emperor Palpatine, and adopted by Darth Abeonis. Above the Grand Corridor were cafes, hotels and facilities designed to keep to local populous occupied.

The base of the Grand Corridor was lined with stalls, shops and sporting facilities that served as R&R for the Black Guard, the Sith troopers and those who had enough money to live there. The High Palace had its own Council Chamber, home to the Sith Council up to the Successors War.

The Palace contained several extensive libraries, which together, held almost the entirety of the galaxy's history. Almost all Sith and Jedi holocrons had the entire contents revealed, with the exception of those parts the Emperor deemed sensitive. The floor throughout the entire palace was done in hand carved Fijisi wood.

During the Unity era, the quarters of the Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire were located deep within the Palace core, two kilometers up. Its "windows" were actually holographic screens, showing panoramic views taken by cameras outside. The Emperor could activate any camera linked into the Black Guards security network.

The Palace contained over thirty thousand rooms and chambers in seventy connected structures. The people who worked and lived there were constantly connected by neural comlinks due to the fact that it was so easy to get lost, even for veteran residence of the Palace. There were multiple tales of people getting lost in the Palace and never being seen again, although it was often the case that the Black Guard had arrested those who had vanished.


The Palace by day.

Numerous architectural styles and design motifs could be found all over the Palace. In some areas, the structure was open and airy, with much illumination and transparisteel while others were dark with carved friezes on the ceiling. The interior walls of the inner-palace were made from solid cortosis, and its flooring included Wayland marble tiles, surrounded by the wooden flooring that lined the rest of the palace floors.

At the highest tower of the High Palace was the Emperor's throne room. It was a sunken auditorium, similar to a large crater, dug into bedrock. On the audience decks, there were flat stone benches arranged in long arcs, where visitors could come to hear any pronouncements from the Emperor himself.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The influence for the High Palace came from the Imperial Palace.
  • The description of the place was designed to be particularly "Gothic".
Palaces of the Sith Order of Decreto
High Palace | Royal Palace (complex) | Imperial Palace
Taral estate