Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Hire a psychopath to kill a psychopath? I see.
—Hidrona Zahn

Hidrona Zahn was a male Iridonian mercenary who fought for the Sith Empire of Darth Revan and Darth Malak during the Jedi Civil War, and in the Mandalorian Wars as a Neo-Crusader. In addition, he was also known for being the founder of the aristocratic House of Zahn, which would exist for the next several thousand years. Known for his sadism and cruelty, Zahn joined the Sith because they allowed him to carry out his violence on Galactic Republic soldiers, and also because he viewed the Sith to be the stronger of the two factions. But Darth Revan was redeemed, and Malak was killed at the Battle of Rakata Prime. Having fought in both the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, Zahn returned to his native Iridonia and established himself as one of the best combatants on the planet. His descendants, the House of Zahn, remained as one of the most prominent families on Iridonia.


Early career and upbringing[]

Hidrona Zahn was a male Iridonian born on the planet of Iridonia around 3,983 BBY. As most Iridonians, he was raised as a warrior, fighting in arenas against enemies and honing his skills. Zahn grew up to be, like most other members of his species, a cruel and sociopathic individual, even taking pleasure from killing. Being raised in such a way resulted in him being a deadly marksman and proficient in several different styles of melee and unarmed combat. Those traits made an ideal soldier, and after the young Iridonian's upbringing was finished, he left his home world. Venturing into the galaxy, Zahn became a mercenary, and took part in various small conflicts in the Outer Rim Territories. However, when the Mandalorian Wars began, Zahn felt that he was being called to them. Iridonians had respect for strong figures, and the Mandalorians seemed to be making gains against the Galactic Republic. So he decided to join them, and fought against the Republic as a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader. However, during the final year of the war, Zahn met an even stronger opponent: Revan.

Jedi Civil War[]

Following the final defeat of the Mandalorians at Malachor V, Hidrona Zahn decided that it was time to switch sides. When Darth Revan and Malak emerged from the Unknown Regions as Sith Lords, he decided to join their new empire. Given the rank of sergeant in it, Zahn was given a platoon of Sith troopers to command. In the early part of the war, the Iridonian took part in the attack on the Republic shipyards at Foerost, serving as a gunner aboard a warship. The battle was a success for the Empire, as some three hundred vessels were captured and put into service of the Sith fleet. Not too long after that, Zahn was part of an assault on his home world of Iridonia. He had no qualms about attacking his planet. There, initially, a Dark Jedi and a team of Mandalorians attempted to sabotage the planet's defenses, but the plan failed. Zahn's superior, Admiral Hasek Grunger went ahead and attacked anyway, as planned in the case of the mission's failure. The Sith fleet destroyed the Republic defense force, which was in some confusion due to the attempted attack by saboteurs earlier. The world of Iridonia fell and was under control of the Sith Empire.

Due to the successes, Zahn was promoted to Command Sergeant. He continued serving under Grunger, who was promoted to Grand Admiral by Revan. While the admiral did not like Zahn's brutality, he did appreciate the Iridonian's skills as a gunner.


Personaity and traits[]

Money is a good reward for a job well done, but the ideal reward for an Iridonian is the taste of the dead enemy's blood on his tongue.
—Hidrona Zahn

As most Iridnians, Hidrona Zahn was very aggressive and violent, a fact that made him an ideal mercenary. He was known to have displayed traits of psychopathy and megalomania, and had a reputation among his colleagues for being sadistic and cruel. Zahn's joy of killing enemies came from his Iridonian roots, as their culture revolved around violence and warfare. But the Iridonian mercenary also held a respect for strong opponents, having an odd code of honor. When Darth Revan and Darth Malak attacked the Republic, Zahn viewed them to be the strongest, which was one of the reasons he joined up with them. He also had a negative view of most other species, and the only ones he did not have some kind of dislike for seemed to be Zabraks. Zahn held the belief that Iridonians were the best species when it came to the art of war, and that others, like Humans, were not as fit for it. Many of his traits would be passed on to several future members of the House of Zahn, though not to all of them.

Being a soldierly fortune, Zahn was a deadly shot with a blaster, and was proficient in several styles of melee and unarmed combat. The Iridonian was also a capable pilot and driver of different vehicles. On one occasion, he was trained in the art of espionage, though he rarely had to use it.

Behind the scenes[]

The character is based on a canon character from the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the unidentified Iridonian mercenary, using his picture.
