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Old Republic era

Henius Clamore was a Duros Admiral on the Old Republic fleet. He was the main commander of the Republic fleet during the Bane Crisis and was an important factor in the Republic's victory. Later he retired to Duro and administrated one of its satellite cities before he was kidnapped by the reborn Darth Sharka



At some point during Clamore's military career, he managed to become a captain within the Republic fleet. He fought at the Second Battle of Korriban and led the Republic withdrawal when victory became impossible. He was promoted to Commander following the Third Battle of Korriban and continued to serve for many years.

When the Disciples reemerged again, Clamore was made a fleet admiral and put in charge of the Republic fleet following the fall of Strageus and Rodia. He fought the Disciples to a draw at the Battle of the Corellian Trade Spine before defeating a large fleet at the Battle of Phark with the help of intelligence sent by Jedi Master Dooku, and he personally took the surrender of the most senior surviving enemy commander Colonel Granthum. Finally he crushed the last resistance with the Liberation of Strageus and was promoted to rear admiral for his efforts.


Thirty years after the end of the Bane Crisis, Clamore had retired to Duro and was one of its chief administrators. However, he was kidnapped by Darth Sharka for his role in defeating the Disciples and taken to Sharka's hideout on Zanidu.

Clamore was soon joined by an unconscious Desdemon Charel who had also been captured by Sharka and he helped nurse her back to health. However, with the arrival of Jedi Master Dooku and other Jedi, Sharka was defeated and Clamore was freed after Charel sacrificed herself to save him.
