Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Follow the Light, and you'll never lose your way.
—Hemera Shōga to Rey Shōga Skywalker.

Hemera Shōga, the "White Griffin", was a Force-sensitive human female who served as a Jedi Master and High Councilor within the New Jedi Order. Two years prior to the Galactic Incursion's onset, she was elected Master of the Order in Luke Skywalker's absence and ultimately, represented the Order to the Galactic Coalition as part of its High Command during the conflict.

An illegitimate daughter to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine with an incredibly powerful yet initially-hidden connection to the Force, Hemera was Master Luke Skywalker's first student and, according to many within the Order, became his best. She was credited with creating the Justiciars, recovering the Jedi Arcanum volumes from Jedha, and—with her long-time friend Vetra Areth—spearheading a crippling crusade against the interstellar slave trade. Eventually, she and Luke fell in love with one another and, in 15 ABY, Hemera gave birth to a child—Rey—who, possibly more so than either of her parents, grew to demonstrate incredible potential in the Force along with a foreboding darkness expected of the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. With Luke's disappearance months later, it was left to Hemera to not only provide guidance to Rey, but to guide the Jedi as Master of the Order as well.



Galactic Incursion[]

Personality and traits[]
