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The Heist on Niro 11 happened during the Galactic Civil War after Soflas Pulviir was informed by Lowiss Palladium of Judas Corporation that the Galactic Empire held a collection of secret documents known as the Alderaan Scrolls on Niro 11. Because Bank Niro Eleven was a civilian organization, Mon Mothma denied Pulviir's request to launch an attack to steal the documents. At the suggestion of Captain Thlebeltos Rekex, he formed a small group to infiltrate the bank. Yvenne Aspiatoa, his base commander in the Zorbia system, introduced him to Mitsusha Goyve an Ellespad thief and slicing expert who lacked any combat experience.
Taking Goyve, Aspiatoa, Rekex, and Cromth Eshkorite, Pulviir traveled to Niro 11 to steal the scrolls. They succeeded in reaching the vault but then Imperial agent Colo Svurion, warned of the expected heist by Judas Corporation, alerted security that the theft was taking place. As Goyve was opening the vault, stormtroopers, security guards, and battle droids arrived and began shooting. The Rebels fought back, giving Goyve time to acquire the documents and hand them to Pulviir. But then the alien grabbed a grenade and ran close enough to the Imperials to roll it into their ranks. The explosion killed a stormtrooper and at least ten security guards, giving the Rebels a chance to escape, but Goyve did not get away from the blast radius as he was gunned down by a stormtrooper. The Rebels escaped with the documents but as they were leaving the Niro system they were contacted by Wort Mugiller who informed them that, as they were preparing to raid an Imperial convoy grounded on Annaj, they came under attack in their Zorbia system base by the Empire and Judas Corporation mercenaries.