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Old Republic era

The Heirs of Adas (Sith: Fatajir iv Adas) was a secret society in the Sith Empire comprised of Sith Purebloods who sought to restore their species as the ruling race in the Sith Order and Imperial society. Founded during the Galactic War, its members endeavored to reverse the integration of non-Sith species in Sith and Imperial society above the slavery caste and repeal progressive reforms instituted in previous decades. Because their beliefs were considered nonconforming to the prevalent Sith philosophy at the time, the impact of their efforts was minimal and they relied on subtle maneuvers such as the appointment of Pureblooded Sith to important Sith and Imperial positions to achieve any modicum of influence and power in mainstream Sith and Imperial culture. The group’s formation followed over 1,300 years of secret, small-scale meetings among Pureblooded Sith lords concerned with the decline of their species in the Empire that bore their name.


The society’s membership was comprised entirely of Sith Purebloods. When the group was first founded, membership was restricted to Force-users; however, following the death of the group’s founder, Darth Vishus, and the assumption of his apprentice to the helm of the organization, membership was opened to non-Force-sensitive Purebloods as well.

Members of the society came from across the multiple spheres of influence in the Sith Order at the time. These spherical associations often caused skepticism and distrust among the members until the formal establishment of the society.

Notable members[]

  • Darth Vishus. Official founder of the society, Vishus was a senior lord of the Sphere of Military Offense and a serious contender for the Dark Council seat overseeing his sphere following the suspicious death of Darth Arkous in c. 3,637 BBY. Following Arkous’ demise, Vishus was entirely consumed with attaining the vacant Dark Council seat until his death fighting the Eternal Fleet the following year.
  • Lord Midwan. Darth Vishus’ most junior apprentice, Midwan assumed leadership of the fragile society following his master’s death. Midwan opened up membership in the society to non-Force-sensitives.
  • Valthiris. Great-nephew of Darth Vishus, Valthiris served as an Imperial Army black ops and assault unit officer and was the first non-Force-sensitive Pureblood admitted into the society.


The Heirs lamented the decline of their once dominant species in the Sith Order and the empire it governed, and desired the restoration of what they viewed as the natural rights of their species as the rightful governors of the Sith Empire. They despised alien species admission to the Order and elevation even in Imperial society, and fervently desired their exclusion from any tier of societal participation above slave.

Limited in their ability to implement such a vision due to the progressive views of the Sith at the time, the Heirs were forced to adopt subtle methods to exert their influence in the Empire. Accordingly, the Heirs sought to restore Sith Purebloods exclusively to leadership positions in the Order and Empire when opportunities arose.

Among the most impactful reforms the Heirs sought to institute were to restore the title of Dark Lord of the Sith as the head of the Order and Empire (as opposed to the Emperor/Empress title in use at the time); restore the Sith Council abolished at the end of the Great Hyperspace War; restore strictly maintained castes; “tame” the Massassi and reincorporate them into the Imperial Military; abolish the spheres of influence in favor of traditional regional warlords.

Society members were divided into two camps of thought with regard to the role of non-Force-sensitive Sith Purebloods in Imperial society. The first camp regarded the mere existence of these non-Force-users as a blight and embarrassment to their race, and advocated for their expeditious execution. The other camp regarded it as more desirable that such ungifted Purebloods were more desirable to retain in senior Imperial positions to administer the Empire and implement the will of the Sith as opposed to relying on more distasteful alien species.

Much dissatisfaction was expressed by members of the Heirs with Sith Purebloods who publicly exhibited no indication of support for advancing and restoring the role of Purebloods in the Empire, such as with Dark Council members Darth Vowrawn, Darth Arkous, and Darth Krovos.


Because of the popular disdain for their ideas among the majority of the Sith and Imperial populace, the Heirs tended to meet seldomly and secretly in various locations. In these meetings, Pureblooded lords schemed to restore their species to the pinnacle of power in their ancient empire.

Among the few methods the Heirs were able to implement was the appointment of Sith and Imperial Purebloods in senior positions in Sith Order and Empire organizations.

The efforts of the group were often stymied by intra-Sith infighting between members of separate power bases until the formal establishment of the group.



The Sith Empire of the Old Republic era traced its origin to the red-skinned warrior race native to the planet Korriban. At the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness in 6,900 BBY, Dark Jedi arrived on Korriban, subjugated the native Sith population, and interbred with them in the subsequent centuries. The physical features unique to the Sith species were worn as a mark of pride by the descendants of the Dark Jedi.

Around the time of the death of the Dark Lord of the Sith Marka Ragnos and the succession of Naga Sadow, alien species were slowly gaining social elevation in the Empire, beyond being treated as mere slaves. More conservative elements among the Sith rejected the integration of these foreign species into their ranks. Around the time of the Great Hyperspace War, these sentiments were expressed most clearly by the Sith Lord Ludo Kressh and his allies.

Following the Empire’s defeat in the Great Hyperspace War in 5,000 BBY, the Sith Lord Vitiate gathered the remnants of the Empire, declared himself Sith Emperor, and led the defeated Sith into a near twenty year exodus in search of a new home from which they could rebuild. The exiles rediscovered and settled the former outpost world of Dromund Kaas in 4,980 BBY. Gradually, over the next 1,300 years, Humans were admitted to greater roles in the Order and Empire.

At least since the appointment of Oldile Vaiken as grand moff and head of the Imperial Military, some Sith Purebloods privately expressed their dissatisfaction with the Emperor’s allowance of non-Sith to move upward in Sith and Imperial society. In the decades before the Great Galactic War began, concerned Pureblooded Sith Lords gathered on Jaguada to air their grievances in secret and develop schemes to preserve the primacy of their race.

Great Galactic War[]

The concerns of Pureblooded Sith Lords with the diminishment of their species in Sith society were temporarily set aside when the Great Galactic War commenced in 3,681 BBY. Dissatisfied Pureblood lords were preoccupied by their enthusiastic pursuit of the renewed war against their historical enemies, the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order. The execution of the war was not without its complaints from these Sith Lords. Most notably, they staunchly opposed the alliance formed with the Chiss Ascendancy, preferring to subjugate their race as they preferred with all other species.

Cold War[]

The sudden and unexpected conclusion of the war in 3,653 BBY following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant infuriated many Pureblooded Sith Lords who became privately skeptical of the Emperor’s hesitation to strike the killing blow to the Republic and began questioning his leadership. With the nearly thirty year long war drawn to an inglorious end, these Pureblooded lords were able to refocus their efforts to restoring the primacy of their race in the Empire. The lords were met with increasing frustrations in this period, most notably the admission of Force-sensitive aliens and former slaves as acolytes at the prestigious Sith Academy on Korriban.

Among the most impactful efforts to preserve the purity of their race and restore them to leadership positions in the Empire was the founding of Crimson Battalion by Darth Vishus, one of the concerned Pureblooded lords, in 3,651 BBY. This battalion, formed in secret near Vishus' stronghold on Rhelg, was comprised entirely of non-Force-sensitive Sith Purebloods. Because the unit was formed in secret, it was never deployed as a full unit. Among the battalion’s most lethal warriors, Vishus handpicked nine soldiers to train and serve in an elite black ops squad based on Ziost. When Vishus’ great-nephew, Valthiris, graduated from the Imperial Military Academy on Ziost in 3,643 BBY, he was appointed as the squad’s commander and the Red Terror squad became officially formed.

Galactic War[]

The unexpected return of Darth Ikoral and his death shortly after the resumption of hostilities between the Empire and Republic in 3,640 BBY constituted a major setback to the agenda of the conservative Pureblooded Sith Lords. Following Ikoral’s vengeful attacks on the Empire, more progressive Sith and Imperial officials were especially wary of the more traditional and xenophobic-leaning Sith Purebloods in the Empire.

With uncertainty and chaos becoming pervasive in the Empire following the Battle of Dromund Kaas and rumored defeat of the Emperor later that year, some of the Pureblood conspirators advocated an acceleration of their activities to restore their race to power. The subsequent defeat at the Battles of Corellia, Ilum, and Darth Malgus’ rebellion further emboldened the Purebloods to take action against their enemies and thwart efforts to further integrate aliens into Imperial society. Darth Vishus very astutely played on the fears of the Purebloods but advised they exercise caution, as the exact condition of the Emperor was unknown, but the fury of his retribution for their perceived betrayal would be certain.

In the following year, for the first time after 1,300 years of secret discussions and subtle maneuvers centered on the preservation of the Sith species, the Pureblooded lords were finally pressed to take more formal action against the progressive policies of the Empire. The Purebloods interpreted the defection of the Dread Masters as a sign of the Emperor’s waning power, but it was the appointment of Darth Karrid, a Falleen, to the Dark Council, that was the last straw, and prompted Darth Vishus to privately declare the establishment of the Heirs of Adas to begin to take more assertive action to secure the rightful place of Purebloods in the Empire.

Despite his proclamation to the other lords that the group should work in concert to achieve their shared goals, Vishus more likely chose this time to establish the organization on account of the turmoil that had afflicted his sphere of influence, Military Offense, for the last few years. Vishus, a senior Sith Lord in the sphere and contender for its Dark Council seat, was suspected of having formed the group at this time with the intention of exerting control over it to expand his power base and position himself for elevation to the Dark Council.

The following year witnessed an increased integration of aliens in the Empire and the rise of Darth Marr as the de facto head of the Dark Council in the Emperor’s absence, neither of which pleased the Heirs.

The group’s members were appalled when their ancestral homeworld of Korriban was attacked in 3,637 BBY. While some of the Heirs lamented the death of the Pureblooded Darth Arkous of the Dark Council months later, Darth Vishus seized the opportunity as his chance to ascend to the Council. During this time, rather than seizing upon the chaos caused by the Revanite crisis and “reawakening” of the Emperor, Darth Vishus single-mindedly directed his power base against his rivals for Arkous’ vacant Council seat, even against other Purebloods.

Shortly after in 3,636 BBY, the destruction of the Sith Empire’s ancient capital world of Ziost dealt a crippling blow to the heirs, as many of their members had their estates and power bases located on the world. In the following months, when the Eternal Empire of Zakuul invaded the galaxy, Darth Vishus assembled a fleet to challenge the invaders directly. Vishus had not taken time to assess the new threat and believed achieving a swift and decisive victory over the new enemy would certainly earn him a seat on the Dark Council. Vishus was killed aboard his flagship in the first month of the invasion in a space battle opposite the Eternal Fleet. His junior apprentice, Lord Midwan, consolidated and preserved Vishus’ former power base on Rhelg.

After Zakuul signed treaties with the Empire and Republic ending the conflict, Midwan assumed a leading role in the Heirs of Adas and summoned Vishus’ three more senior apprentices to Rhelg under the pretense of reforming the power base. Midwan expertly deployed units of the Crimson Battalion to ambush and kill the three senior Sith and had their bodies removed to the wreckage of a previous space battle between the two empires to mask the true manner of their death. A few months later, as Midwan was asserting his control over assets previously held by Vishus and his other apprentices, the Imperial Ministry of War discovered Crimson Battalion’s existence and assumed command of the unit, quickly dissolving it and dispersing its members to other units as needed.

While extremely dissatisfied with the ascension of the Human Darth Acina as Empress of the Sith, the Heirs found the smaller Dark Council more susceptible to their machinations. Unfortunately, Acina’s reformist position restricted the Heirs to continue to act in secret.

War against Zakuul[]

The formation of the Alliance on Odessen and new rebellion against Zakuul in 3,631 BBY prompted some of the Heirs, most notably its new leader, Lord Midwan, to begrudgingly enlist in the Alliance’s ranks as a means to defeat the Eternal Empire. When the demise of Zakuul was achieved the following year, the Heirs that had joined the Alliance promptly returned to the Empire.

Third Galactic War[]

After the long-delayed conflict between the Empire and Republic resumed in 3,629 BBY, the Heirs resolved to refocus their efforts on activities to advance the interests of their race in the Empire. This was facilitated by Empress Acina’s departure to personally lead Imperial forces in the Battle of Iokath. Not perceiving Acina to be nearly a comparable threat to their interests as the deposed Emperor, the Heirs became increasingly bolder in their efforts, further encouraged by such events as the destruction of the Eternal Fleet and the arrest of Darth Malgus on Elom.


Ultimately, the efforts of the Heirs proved fruitless as the Sith species did eventually die out. This was largely the result of continued infighting among its members and the exploitation of the group’s activities for personal gain.

Behind the scenes[]

This fanon organization was created for roleplay in Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2023.
