Star Wars Fanon
Post-Legacy era

Heferkak was a male Massassi warrior in the service of the Golden Empire. He was considered by his fellow Massassi and several senior officers of the Royal Army to be both an atypically skilled fighter and a superb commander; by 156 ABY, at the age of forty-two, he was already a full colonel and commander of the 17th Massassi Cohort. He was a highly decorated officer, with numerous awards for valor in action.

Heferkak led the 17th during the Battle of Cheff, and thereafter accompanied the Chiss Centurion and Legate Vos'elk'eetash during her prosecution of the First Stratos Contention. Heferkak occasionally clashed with Selkee over her use and deployment of her Garjo battle guard, believing that the tip of the spear position in battle belonged by right to the Massassi. Despite this, he respected the Chiss's warrior abilities and sought to advise her during her ground campaigns.
