Star Wars Fanon

The Human male known only as Hawk started out as a bounty hunter, but then ended up working for the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service, MI5.


Before MI5[]

Hawk became a bounty hunter because, with his skills, he could make a lot of money doing it. Though his appearance wasn't too intimidating, he was well-trained. He joined MI5 because they pay a heck of a lot better than any bounty. Before becoming an MI5 agent, while on a job, he happened to kill a Jedi Padawan. Because that was the only Jedi he ever killed, he took her damaged lightsaber as a souvenir. After that, considering other hunters were collecting on the bounties before he could, Hawk figured he'd better find another profession. And he decided that he could probably put his skills to good use with MI5.

Agent of MI5[]

Hawk was part of the team sent to Theed to protect Queen Teresaa from an assassination attempt. Hawk was one of the agents perched outside the Royal Palace picking off the bad guys as they approached. During the battle, he suffered minor injuries to his leg.

Hawk then joined agents Markus Carfax and Ruana Trebond in taking the young Queen to a safe place, which happened to be Markus' home plant Baar. While on Baar, he witnessed Ruana's Force powers as she took down an attacking ship piloted by Mesa Verde. After they knew the Queen was safe, they left her on Baar and headed to the Mystery Moon to capture Digika and Urma Boont.

Months later, during the CarbonEye mission, Hawk was sent out to track down a supposed "rogue agent", which turned out to be a dead lead. But he soon became part of the team that was sent out to Manaan to track down CarbonEye. But during the battle aboard CarbonEye's underwater fortress Octopus, Hawk was killed due to CarbonEye's synthetic eye. He had a lightning bolt hit his chest armor, and then he fried when he came in contact with CarbonEye's energy force-field. Gruu Funkistann tried to save him, but Hawk didn't make it.

When they got back to Coruscant, Hawk was given a proper send-off.

Behind the Scenes[]

Hawk was created by the Star Wars... 007 Style series creator Dubya Scott.

