Haven was a planet in the Thurmanan zone.
Haven was a world with a controversial history. Colonized in 7,320 BBY, the planet started as a colony world of the Thraka Seta Cojaeya (Thrakan All-mighty Endless Rule). The planet then fell victim to The Rays that were imported from Sekrata. They transformed 94% of the surface into a desert that would last for 20,000 years. The rays then mysteriously left and never were heard of on another planet.
Later, in 12,374 ABY, a large starliner which had been hijacked by 4,500 mercenaries and bounty hunters, was shot down onto the planet with 2,200 dead. The survivors started as primitives and soon were able to reach a somewhat sophisticated level of technology. After 1,000 years of living the rough life, the population were able to reach the technological level of the surrounding systems. They soon realized that the planet they stood on was a veritable fortune. High price metals and exotic materials made sure this world made its mark in history.
The planet soon surpassed its neighbors' technological levels, creating advanced weaponry and vehicles. The planet's capital, Serenity formed into the largest city in the Life sector. Though the planet had no military, the Govern purchased 50,000 Sydiax 5 gunships for use as an atmosphere-bound defense, and manufactured the Vipera 9 heavy fighter for use as primary defense.
Later, the neighboring Thraka Neo claimed that the planet had been governed illegally, and that they owned the planet. To enforce this, the navy sent 500 ships, sparking the First battle of Haven; only 27 ships made it out. Later, the Thraka launched another assault on the planet, this time with Haven's own vehicles. The effect was immediate. The Sydiax 5s didn't know who to target, so they shot down almost every vehicle. While the Second Battle of Haven was won, 92% of the military force was destroyed.
Haven Military Systems soon began work on a faster, more maneuverable, more stable, and more powerful assault fighter. The product of this research was the Magnum Fennis 72 strike fighter. This fighter class slaughtered 7,500 Thraka during the Third Battle of Haven, and would remain in Haven's military control permanently. The Thraka left the planet alone after that, but the Thrakan petitioned to ban weapons imports into the New Republic.
Because of the ban on imports, Haven Military Systems exported their new automatic Necrodyne CSS-5934 plasma assault rifles to the market of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and various insurgent groups. The Haven government also stated that any bounty hunter, mercenary or private military force may have a sanctuary on Haven. In addition, Haven cut off the supply of Krastentine to the Republic, causing rolling blackouts on many planets. Eventually the Republic lifted the ban.
With the ban lifted, the Haven corporations profits spun up drastically. The CSS rifle was sold to the Republic for use in the coming wars. Haven also developed the MK-221 Pulse Cannons Defense System at this time.