Star Wars Fanon


Your powers are weak, old man.

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The Haus Dominion was the Imperial Splinter Faction led by Grand Fleet Admiral Haus. The Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet and De facto leader of the Haus Dominion was Marshal Admiral Kleine Arrlow. After the death of Dan Haus, Thinius Tann succeeded him as Head of State.


The Haus Dominion was formed shortly after the Battle of Endor sometime in 4 ABY.

Early Existence[]

After the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Dan Haus in the Devastator took the remnants of the Imperial Fleet at Endor to the Outer Rim and created a faction based from Eraidu. The Dominion shared territory with Ardus Kaine's Pentastar Alignment in the Outer Rim as Dan Haus knew Kaine well. It's power slowly grew as it constructed many new Star Destroyers. Dan Haus saw the need for a Naval Academy as his Navy was slowly expanding. He founded the Eraidu Naval Academy on Eraidu to accommodate for all the new Enlistees in the Imperial Navy. Around this time, the Pride of the Dominion also began construction. In 5 ABY the Pride of the Dominion was completed and Admiral Jon Zell took command.

Dark Empire[]

In 10 ABY, the Empire Reborn or Dark Empire made its appearance. The Haus Dominion unified with the Dark Empire when Grand Moff Ardus Kaine unified his faction and joined the Reborn Emperor.

In Defeat, but not retreat[]

When Ardus Kaine perished in the Campaign against the New Republic, Dan Haus became the new Governor of the Outer Rim and merged it with his newly reformed Splinter Faction.

The Unified Fleets[]

When Admiral Daala and Vice Admiral Pellaeon launched a renewed campaign against the New Republic, Dan Haus assisted in leading Colonel Cronus's forces into battle. The campaign ultimately failed when the Knight Hammar was destroyed over Yavin. When the 13x under command of Colonel Cronus was destroyed, reporting it's destruction was left to Dan Haus. After this event, the Haus Dominion allied with the Imperial Remnant and later merged with it, and it's Fleet being added to the Remnant's Imperial Navy.

Later History[]

After its merging with the Imperial Remnant, it ceased to exist, albeit temporarily. It would later emerge after the Second Galactic Civil War.

Second Galactic Civil War[]

In 41 ABY when Dan Haus was visiting Pellaeon on the Bloodfin, an assassin attempted to kill Pellaeon. Dan Haus attempted to intervene but was killed in the process. Despite his best efforts, Pellaeon was killed anyways. With the Death of Dan Haus, the Haus Dominion broke off ties with the Remnant, declaring neutrality in the Second Galactic Civil War. Throughout the Second Galactic Civil War, the Haus Dominion was left without a Head of State and this led to it's temporary fragmentation and subsequent civil war.

Haus Dominion Fragmentation[]

After Dan Haus's death, the dominion fragmented and a civil war began. After long civil war, a new leader was selected to lead the Dominion in 60 ABY. The new leader was Thinius Tann.

War with the Fel Empire[]


In 61 ABY, the Fel Empire attempted to annex the Haus Dominion which kicked off the Second Imperial Civil War.

The Campaign[]

The Haus Dominion immediately deployed the Pride of the Dominion to it's borders for defense purposes. Construction of two new fleets also began. A new ship was created around this time to match the Fel Empire's Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer. The ship was the Haus-class Star Destroyer. The Haus Dominion built up it's forces and launched a lightning campaign into Fel Empire territory. The Dominion Captured a large portion of Imperial Space.


In 65 ABY, the Fel Empire and the Haus Dominion negotiated a cease-fire and an Armistice which ended all hostilities and the war. The Haus Dominion retained all territory it took except Bastion, which it returned to the Fel Empire as one of the terms of the Armistice.

After Effects[]

As a result of this war, the Haus Dominion became the second largest and strongest faction in the galaxy, with the Galactic Alliance only being stronger than them in first place.

Military Command Structure[]

Imperial Armed Forces High Command

  • Imperial Army General Staff
  • Imperial Navy General Staff