Harko Jax was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as a Jedi Knight prior the Clone Wars, leaving the Order to marry another Jedi around 27 BBY, giving birth to Vacander Jax. After not paying attention to the galaxy for several years, Jax was allowed to return to the Order and fight for the Galactic Republic when the war with the Separatists broke out in 22 BBY. He survived the war, and escaped Order 66, but was hunted down by Inquisitorius weeks later and killed on Arkonne III, where he lived with his wife and son.
Personality and traits[]
Jax served the Jedi and the Republic with loyalty, but ended up falling in love, against the Jedi Code. Nonetheless, he was a patriot of the Republic and volunteered to fight the Confederacy of Independent Systems when the war broke out. He took a liking to clone troopers, regretting it later on.