Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era


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Try shipping out on a Foray-class frigate some time. They make Hammerhead cruisers look like luxury liners.
Laera Reyolé to Silas Dan'kre[src]

The Hammerhead-class cruiser was a class of medium-sized, multipurpose capital ship that served as the mainstay of the Galactic Republic's naval defense forces for the better part of three thousand years. Named for its distinctive resemblance to a hammer, vessels of this class proved to be capable escorts for larger warships such as Centurion-class battlecruisers and Inexpugnable-class command ships, as well as mainline warships in smaller fleets and patrol ships for monitoring the borders of Republic space. With a passenger capacity of four hundred in addition to its crew, Hammerhead-class cruisers were also pressed into service as armed couriers or transports, either for cargo, civilians, or troops.

From its introduction in the wake of the Great Sith War, the Hammerhead-class saw extensive use throughout the Republic, from the Mandalorian Wars through the Jedi Civil War, Dark Wars and even the New Sith Wars. Well-suited for engaging hostile craft ranging from starfighters to enemy cruisers and capital ships, many upgrades were incorporated into the basic design over the course of the centuries. The most significant of these improvements was a larger hangar bay that allowed each cruiser to carry a full squadron of Aurek tactical strikefighters, in addition to a pair of Ministry-class orbital shuttles and other support vehicles. In the wake of the Ruusan Reformation, the Hammerhead-class cruiser was finally retired; while the vast majority were decommissioned and sold for scrap, a few were bought up by non-aligned military forces.


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