A warrior may meet death gladly if he's done his duty.
Halon Clan-Turak, also known as Halon of the Turak Clan, was a renowned but unconventional Ubese warrior who served the Old Republic in various capacities in the years leading up to the establishment of the Galactic Empire. He was notable for becoming the first of his race to join the Judicial Starfleet after the catastrophic Battle of Uba IV. Having served as an intelligence officer, Halon was then recruited as an agent of the elite Secret Galactic Intelligence Service. Later, after many adventures with the spy agency, Halon assumed leadership of the Turak Clan, leading his people into battle during the Clone Wars. Eventually caught up in the escalating crisis surrounding the ancient blood feud raging between the two branches of the Ubese people, Halon played a key role in the formulation and execution of the deadly attacks carried out to avenge his battered homeworld, Ubertica.
Early life[]
I was wounding myself with practice blades at the age when most sentient beings were learning to walk.
Halon was born in Foundation City, Ubertica, the eldest son of clan chief (vellux) Halor, a skilled warrior who managed and led the "family business", a professional mercenary organization known as the Turak Galactic Security Corporation. Expected to follow in his father's footsteps, young Halon accompanied him all over the Outer Rim Territories, to whatever dangerous hot spots Halor's work took him. Throughout his childhood, Vellux Halor and the other senior Turak warriors vigorously trained Halon in the deadly arts of hand-to-hand combat, survival, and weapons use.
Unlike most xenophobic Ubese, however, Halon found himself drawn to the other worlds and cultures he encountered in his travels and grew aware of the somewhat sinister image that the Ubese people had developed in the Galaxy at large.
He began to dream of another life, one dedicated to forging stronger links between his own people and the rest of galactic society. Before Halon could act on these dreams, however, he had to face his first trial by fire. In 53 BBY, Halon was inducted into the Turak Clan as a full-fledged warrior (vell) and soon after saw his first action at a small engagement during the Mandalorian Civil War. Hired by a remote colony of terrified settlers, Turak Security decisively repulsed an incursion by Mandalorian raiders fighting under the Death Watch banner. Despite his fear, Halon performed well, proving his years of training had not been in vain.
Halon subsequently continued with the mercenary life for a few more years, carried on more by the obligation he felt than any real passion for the work. At the age of twenty however, he abruptly announced his intention to leave the clan and work for the Republic, much to the chagrin of his father.
Service to the Republic[]
Lieutenant Halon reporting as ordered, sir.

Infiltrating the criminal underworld.
Drawn by the opportunity to do good and attracted by its traditions and discipline, Halon opted for a military career and enlisted in the Judicial Fleet, a stunning decision given the Republic Navy had nearly wiped out the Ubese species around the time of the New Sith Wars. Quickly demonstrating both ability and experience, Halon drew the attention of Fleet Intelligence, who realized Halon could be an invaluable asset in infiltrating certain circles of the galactic criminal underworld where Ubese were often employed.
Halon (far right) on an anti-slaving operation.
After graduating from the prestigious Raithal Academy, Halon worked undercover as an intelligence officer, helping to root out and destroy many pirate groups and slaving guilds. It was during this time that Halon began to develop a deep hatred for the Hutts for what he saw as their seemingly limitless capacity for evil.
When the Stark Combine began to step up its attacks on the Outer Rim in 44 BBY, Halon was quickly dispatched to investigate. For the duration of the Stark Hyperspace War Halon remained behind enemy lines, working tirelessly to sabotage the Combine's war effort any way he could. Disturbed by the Stark Veteran Assembly's anti-alien past, however, Halon would shun the organization in the years to come.
With the war's conclusion, Halon began to consider a permanent return home. Before his military career ended though, Halon received an offer to join MI5, an elite, covert agency tasked with battling non-Sith related organized crime. Honored (and intrigued) by the invitation, Halon accepted.
Secret Agent[]
Dr. Noah[]
My name's Pandolfo Taproot. Are you, uh, just as lost as I am?
—Agent Taproot to Halon on their first mission

Agent Taproot, Halon's friend and partner.
Agent Halon's first mission for MI5 put him in hot pursuit of the mad genius Dr. Noah, a fugitive with links to the evil SMERSH organization. Following the mission briefing, Halon barely had time to make introductions (and have his first clash with a maniacal protocol droid, W-3P0) before responding to an emergency alert within MI5 Headquarters itself. As the first agent on the scene, Halon located the corpses of two mercenary intruders who had implanted a diabolical virus into the computer system as part of an apparent suicide mission and took a moment to marvel at the instrument of their demise: a brilliant, rare lightsaber. In the years to come Halon would often look back and remember the Jedi weapon as the finest blade he ever had the chance to wield.
Attached to Green Team, one of three squads formed to track down any leads, Halon (having booked passage on the Millennium Falcon) and other agents traveled to Corellia, to investigate Noah's last known place of employment, CorSec Academy.
Along with Agents Pandolfo Taproot and Salmakk Neot, Halon spearheaded the CorSec assault to take back the doctor's lab, strongly defended by forces under the command of Noah's ruthless Noghri enforcer, Wivern.
Working together, the agents cleared the laboratory and cornered Wivern. With Salmakk acting as bait, Halon spotted Wivern as he took aim at the Mon Cal agent and destroyed his blaster with a well-placed vibroshuriken throw, then directed Pandolfo to seize the villain. With Wivern now apprehended, further investigation by CorSec officers was able to reveal a disturbing holovid, which seemed to indicate an imminent attack on the planet Kiffu.

Wivern, Dr. Noah’s deadly enforcer.
Halon promptly sent the newly acquired intel back to headquarters and received orders to head out for the Kiffar homeworld on Agent Neot's ship, Healing Speed. It was during this time that Halon interrogated Wivern and exposed the corruption of CorSec's Captain Puss-Feller.
Uniting with agents from Blue Team, Halon and his colleagues met with Sheyf Tinté Vos, the Kiffar ruler, just as Dr. Noah arrived in orbit above the planet aboard his massive ship, Noah's Ark.

Halon storms the Ark.
Heedless of the danger, the MI5 agents set off from Kiffu in a small flotilla of vessels to confront the villain. Although Halon was skeptical of their chances at success, he was nonetheless determined to go down fighting if it proved necessary, viewing surrender as a dishonorable betrayal of the oaths he'd taken to serve the Republic. Drawn in by the Ark's powerful tractor beams, however, most of the agents were captured by Noah's forces as their ships were dragged into the docking bay and then escorted to the bridge.
Recalling his years aboard similar smuggling ships however, Halon and Pandolfo managed to hide out on the Healing Speed in secret compartments built for just such a purpose. Biding his time, Halon emerged from the ship under the cover of smokescreen and used his helmet's thermal vision and the Turak Clan's sacred vibrosword to ruthlessly cut down an entire squad of goons guarding the docking bay. He then relied on Agent Hal Rendar's astromech droid to unlock the blast doors that allowed Halon access to the rest of the ship. It was during this time that Halon first came into contact with the horrific monstrosities produced by Dr. Noah's sinister genetic experiments. Meanwhile, the agents in Noah's custody had been freed and managed to turn the tables on the madman, ending his threat to the system for good. Halon then rejoined his fellow agents as they prepared to descend to the planet's surface and manage what still remained a chaotic situation below.
For the newly-minted Ubese agent, his first mission as a member of the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service had proven to be a dangerous but ultimately rewarding baptism by fire.
Casino Royale[]
I think the only dissuading Halon would take would be a blaster shot to the head...
—Agent Stent Kannat
Three years later, still working for MI5, Halon was part of a small team of agents working undercover to board the Empress of the Stars, a glamorous interstellar luxury liner whose latest voyage was unexpectedly drawing the focus of the criminal underworld.
Halon assumed the identity of the bodyguard Serik (after a enemy warrior he'd once been forced to kill while undercover as a young officer) and joined a group of agents including Markus Carfax, Stent Kannat, and Ryn Solass at an extravagant Coruscant auction to acquire tickets for the cruise. With little hard intelligence to rely on, the agents found themselves locked in competition with such notorious figures as Nute Gunray and Prince Xizor before they succeeded in booking passage.
Almost from the beginning the agents found themselves riven with internal disputes about how best to proceed. While Halon advocated bringing weapons on board the Empress, other argued that their possible discovery by ship security would end up compromising their mission and even accused Halon of being bloodthirsty for his suggestion. Although the agents begrudgingly came to accept Halon's position and armed themselves, the heated argument served as a sharp reminder of the stark divisions within the group.
Returning home[]
The weight of this responsibility must always be heavy on my shoulders.
—Halon, confiding to his wife Kyta.

Vellux Halon
Halon's missions had kept him away from Ubertica for long stretches of time and all the while Halor had appealed to his son to return for good and take up the mantle of leadership. Finally submitting sometime after the Casino Royale assignment, Halon headed back to Foundation City. The fact that he faced an arranged marriage to Kyta Clan-Kytus had played no small part in his reticence to leave MI5. A large wedding was soon held in Turak Castle but although the paring had been hatched as a purely political maneuver long before Halon was even born, it soon blossomed into a successful and loving marriage.
Having taken a wife, Halon was finally ready to assume the title of clan vellux from his father, much to Halor's delight (and relief). Halon declined to head Turak Security, instead letting his oldest brother Halikk take command while he devoted his time toward philanthropy and raising a family.
The Clone Wars[]
You're men are good."
"They're Ubese.
—Clone Marshal Commander Gree and Colonel Halon, conferring after a battle.
After so many years of conflict and danger, Halon had hoped to settle down on Ubertica and lead a peaceful life. The galaxy had other plans. As the Separatist Crisis grew steadily worse, the "True Ubese" of Uba IV seized their long-sought chance for revenge and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY. The so-called True Ubese were the unfortunate descendants of the survivors of the great cataclysm that nearly destroyed the Ubese race centuries ago in the first Battle of Uba IV. Mutated by the now-toxic conditions of their planet, they despised the Republic and those survivors that had escaped their fate by settling on Ubertica.
Having tangled with the True Ubese in the past, Halon knew they would use their newfound power to attack Ubertica. Using his MI5 connections, Halon learned that the Separatists were constructing a major droid foundry and biological weapons facilities on Uba IV. Although Halon urgently presented this evidence to the Council of Elders, Ubertica nonetheless remained a neutral world as the Clone Wars began. The Council had disagreed with Halon, reasoning that entering the war would cost more lives than it would save.
Undeterred, Halon joined with a small number of like-minded chiefs. Realizing the fate of their planet was now at stake, they agreed to form a paramilitary army to support the Republic's war effort. The result was the Ubese Volunteer Force (UVF). Because of his previous military service, Halon was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and became the liaison between the UVF and the Grand Army of the Republic which readily incorporated the unit and attached it to the 9th Assault Corps. Proving themselves in several early campaigns, the UVF soon became renowned for their prowess as elite commandos. It was during this time Halon befriended Clone Commander Gree (CC-1004).
When the time came to strike the Separatists on Uba IV, the UVF donned clone trooper armor to distinguish themselves from their Ubese enemies. For Halon and his fellow Uberticans this was the first time they would ever set foot on the original Ubese homeworld. Any sense of awe Halon felt was tempered by the knowledge that the upcoming battle was nothing less than a fight for the survival of his people. The Second Battle of Uba IV pitted Halon and his men against virus droids and their erstwhile kinsmen. Although casualties were high, the Uberticans and the 41st Elite Legion succeeded in smashing the enemy forces and permanently crippling the True Ubese war machine.
With the victory, Halon was promoted to the rank of general and did not see much more direct action, although members of the UVF continued to fight and participated in many famous battles, including the campaign on Kashyyyk.
Later life[]
The Battle of Ubertica[]

Halon and Kyta stand ready to meet the invaders.
We have acquired five warships which shall rain destruction on Ubertica —then we will personally land and finish off the survivors one by one to forever erase their memory from the universe.
The end of the Clone Wars brought an era of peace as the Galactic Empire took control of the Galaxy and Halon's tenure as vellux stayed blissfully uneventful. Things took a tragic turn in 3 ABY however, when his ancient foes, the True Ubese, rallied from their previous defeat under the leadership of War-Master Savax. Supplied with a fleet of capital ships by the Hutts, Savax intended to wipe out the Uberticans once and for all before embarking on a campaign of interstellar conquest.

Savax's fleet bombards Ubertica.
Savax's attack rained destruction down on Ubertica's cities. Fortunately, Halon had overseen the construction of emergency shelters in and around Foundation City during the Clone Wars and many lives were spared as a result. Contacting some of his old friends in the Imperial fleet, Halon was quickly able to gather assistance. The Battle of Ubertica was joined as Star Destroyers suddenly emerged from hyperspace and began to destroy the invading fleet. Savax and his forces were eradicated, and with him, the last real threat from Uba IV vanished forever. Halon held a great feast for the Imperials to celebrate the victory.
Operation Wrath[]
You already know why I am here.
—Halon, confronting Goruba the Hutt.

Halon assassinates Goruba the Hutt.
Although Savax had been stopped, Halon remained determined to send a message that any further attacks on his people would lead to serious reprisals. Meeting with other former members of the Volunteer Force, Halon helped to devise a campaign of terror against all those who were suspected of having played a role in the bombardment of their world. Given the codename Operation Wrath, the campaign employed a series of bombings and assassinations on Uba IV and other worlds.
Halon's final battle came as he attempted, all alone, to eliminate the Hutt crime lord, Goruba, at his massive fortified estate on Nar Shaddaa. Although the mission was extremely dangerous, Halon personally volunteered for it because it had been through Goruba that Savax had been able to assemble a fleet. When stealth ultimately failed him, Halon had to battle his way through the Hutt's private army. Despite numerous injuries Halon managed to catch up with Goruba before he could escape and killed him with an exploding projectile fired from a high caliber slugthrower.
Barely alive, Halon managed to return home, where Kyta nursed him back to health. His long war was finally over.
Personality and traits[]
Halon (right) and other MI5 agents confront a SMERSH darksider.
To most, Halon remained a stoic, mysterious figure, but to the few non-Ubese who knew him well, he was a loyal friend and a passionate believer in the virtues of order and justice. Halon's dedication to whatever mission he was on was almost always total, making him capable both of acts of selfless bravery and utter ruthlessness in his pursuit of success. This drive stemmed from an overwhelming desire not to dishonor himself, and, by extension, his clan. He believed in speaking plainly and living simply and had a great deal of respect for common people working hard to survive.
Although many people thought him humorless, Halon in fact had a very wry, subtle sense of humor. He could also have a violent temper when provoked, although he did his best to repress it and was usually successful. Given the disciplined warrior lifestyle, Halon was always expected to adhere to, Halon was usually deferential to people in authority, even if he disagreed with their orders.
Talents and abilities[]
I am a seventh-level vell of my clan. You shall not defeat me!
Halon was a highly trained warrior, equally adept fighting unarmed as with weapons. He was an expert practitioner of the Uba-Ka martial art form and a master swordsman, earning the second place medal for fencing at the Clan Games in 51 BBY. Through the use of meditation, Halon was able to increase his pain threshold and make himself immune to Jedi mind tricks, techniques he may have picked up from his time among the Morgukai.

Halon, master of Uba-Ka.
Even apart from his martial ones, Halon possessed many useful skills. Having developed a great passion for languages, he was fluent in Basic, Ubese, Huttese, Durese, Rodese, Nikto, Bocce, and Gamorrese, in addition to smatterings of several other languages. An avid outdoorsman and mountaineer, Halon could survive for extended periods in hostile wilderness environments that would prove fatal for untrained individuals.
Like all Uberticans, Halon's physiology gifted him better-than-human stamina in Type I atmospheres as well as a much higher hearing range than enjoyed by most sentient beings.
Equipment and gear[]
My father always stressed the value of being prepared for any situation.
Halon's reinforced helmet protected his head and masked his physical appearance. In addition it contained a built-in comlink, sonic imprint sensor, radiation meter, and an audio pick up device, all controlled by verbal command. Halon spoke through a vocoder which made his voice sound robotic.
The helmet’s panoramic HUD featured a targeting assistance program, displayed real-time environmental data, and provided Halon the ability to see into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum.
Halon was usually clad in the traditional armor of an elite Ubese tracker, though he did occasionally don other outfits as disguises.
The airtight, layered armor offered some protection against impact forces, stun blasts, and temperature extremes and could be sealed off against biological and chemical weapons attacks. The environmental filter system could also supply Halon with 4 hours of reserve air. His gauntlets were studded with small glove spikes that increased their effectiveness as weapons.
Halon's clan-clasp belt featured a removable slot into which different clan emblem buckles could be inserted.

Halon's preferred blaster, the 434.
Halon's primary weapon was his trusted "DeathHammer", a powerful blaster pistol modified for personal use. The blaster contained a small explosive charge that could be activated by Halon’s verbal command should an enemy ever try to use it.
During the Casino Royale mission, while disguised as the bodyguard Serik, Halon also carried a KYD-21 pistol. Although not as powerful as the 434, it nonetheless provided him with considerable stopping power for a blaster of its size.
When Halon required more firepower than any single blaster pistol was capable of generating, he relied on the deadly A280 blaster rifle. As this longblaster was far less inconspicuous than a more easily concealable pistol, Halon usually employed it only in situations where heavy battle was seemingly imminent and stealth was unnecessary.

A vibroshuriken.
In addition to blaster weapons, Halon also made use of vibroshurikens, force pikes, garrotes, and various grenades. His most valuable weapon was the Sacred Blade of the Turak Clan. The ceremonial, cortosis-lined vibroblade dated back to the time of the New Sith Wars, when the legendary founder of the Turak Clan used it to deadly effect in his battles against both the Jedi and Sith. The sword was passed down through the centuries from one vellux to another.
Awards and decorations[]
Halon received several citations during his long years of service to the Republic, both as a soldier and spy.

The Medal for Distinguished Service.
Galactic Republic awards[]
Other awards[]
- Corellian Medal for Distinguished Service
- Hero of Kiffu
Behind the scenes[]
Halon has been featured in two award-winning RPGs on the TheForce.Net Role Playing Forum and may yet make further appearances on it in the future.
Originally, the character was going to go by the name "Haxul."
- Dr. Noah (First appearance)
- Casino Royale