I brought many people here, to live together in peace, away from the harsh, warlike state of the greater galaxy. What I didn't know then was that they'd started to think of me as some sort of 'savior'.
—Atheria Valdayn, the 'Lady Saint'
The Hallowed Dominion was a democratic theocracy established on the world Arx Ultimium (and more-or-less confined to that world and its star system) at some point during the Dark Times, presumably before the Battle of Yavin. It was a coming-together of a number of varied, disparate groups and individuals who had been brought to the world under the guidance of Atheria Valdayn, known under pseudonyms such as the 'Lady Saint', the 'Shining Lady' and the 'Guardian Angel'. Among these groups were the Valdayn Royal Guard, Luctan royal household and the crew of the ship Saber of Dawn, who had been among the original settlers of the world under Atheria's leadership, along with the Kovajii Kajidic of the Hutt Groda Kovajii Klarr, the Sabertrooper Corps, the crews of a number of starships, a certain number of pirates, smugglers and bounty hunters, unaffiliated colonists and refugees fleeing the ongoing Galactic Civil War and following conflicts, the Mandalorians of Clan Aranaran, the fleet of former Imperial admiral Larence Ven, a number of Togruta led by Nordan Kallor, and others.