Star Wars Fanon
Z-95 Headhunter

Content approaching. Model 52-class.

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Post-Legacy era

HK-52 was a HK-series assassin droid re-constructed by Mandalorian Ruusaan Ordo.


Some guy called me saying he had a broken droid for sell—thinking 'Hey, I like to tinker', I accepted, but once I realized it was an HK unit I put virtually everything on hold. Only took me seven weeks. Now he's more or less just a someone to talk to.
—Ruusaan Ordo, on how she acquired HK-52[src]

Not much is known about HK-52's past as he was found in the wreckage of a starship, partially destroyed and with no memory by an unknown party who then sold him to the Mandalorian craftsman, Ruusaan Ordo in 225 ABY. Collecting the materials to begin reconstruction and work on other projects, it took Ordo seven weeks to finish rebuilding the assassin droid.

Gift for the Mandalore[]

He's a gift, for saving my brother's life on Marrakesh."
"He's Mando, you don't owe me a thing."
"Mandalore, I insist.

—Ruusaan and Mandalore the Crusader, on HK-52[src]

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Behind the Scenes[]

HK-52's designation is a reference to the SPARTAN-052 (Jorge) from the Halo franchise.


  • Model 52 (First appearance)