Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era


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RM gysgt

Republic Marine insignia denoting gunnery sergeant rank.

Gunnery Sergeant, officially abbreviated to GySgt, was a rank within the Galactic Republic Marine Corps's enlisted hierarchy, as well as within some professional armies throughout the galaxy. Gunnery sergeants were senior to staff sergeants, but subordinate to master sergeants, first sergeants, master gunnery sergeants and sergeants major. A platoon-level rank, gunnery sergeants were typically responsible for ensuring that the platoon commander's orders were carried out by the rank-and-file troops, coordinating the squads and fire teams within the platoon, as well as keeping in contact with the larger formations.

Gunnery sergeant was also the rank of choice for mid- to senior-level drill instructors, who were responsible for guiding platoon-sized groups of recruits through the rigors of basic training. Oftentimes, the affectionate honorific "Gunny" was applied to well-liked or influential gunnery sergeants, which was taken as a sign of mutual respect between trainer and trainee. Laera Reyolé, during her time undergoing Jedi training on Dantooine, allowed herself to be called "Gunny Reyolé" by the young Togruta apprentice Aewa. Laera herself also often referred to her former drill instructor, Tuffass, as simply "Gunny."[1]

Known Gunnery Sergeants[]

Behind the scenes[]

The title of gunnery sergeant, as well as its meaning and ethos, is based on the real-world rank within the United States Marine Corps.


Notes and references[]

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