Star Wars Fanon

I have seen this storm from the great city at the heart of the galaxy led by the dark side it day we be next...your saw what happened! Change is needed to prevent that!
—Guide to Queen Nightwind

Guide was a male Wraith who was regarded as a historic figure during his time. From serving as ambassador to the Galactic Republic to Primary of the Wraith Domain.


Believe it or not I once served as ambassador to the Old Republic but the Empire rose and our past wrongs were remembered again and we were told to return home
—Guide to Luke Skywalker on forgiveness

Guide personality is unusual for a natural pure-blooded Wraith. He is reasonable, surprisingly loyal, and to a degree quite honorable, usually keeping his bargains. He is far more willing to make compromises and deals with outsiders, and acts far less arrogantly in their presence. Knowing that they are more useful as occasional allies than enemies and understanding of how the galaxy works. He also seems to care about the collective good of the Wraith, recognizing the benefits of developing a means of freeing the Wraith of their need to feed on other culled races.

During his imprisonment with Luke Skywalker by the Galactic Empire, he commented that it would be worth escaping just to see the stars again, implying that he has a sense of beauty and appreciation of freedom. He also seems to regard the act of feeding as more of a necessity than an act of sadistic pleasure. He attempts to justify the Wraith's actions when it comes to feeding by comparing Wraith hunger to the pain of being burned alive and respect the beliefs of the force.
