Grumyukkan, nicknamed “Yuckie” behind his back, was a male Wookiee member of a Coruscant swoop gang. He served the gang as a bodyguard and enforcer, using his brute strength to intimidate both enemies and those under the gang's “protection”.
Though born on Kashyyyk, Grumyukkan left young, seeking a life among the stars. When his lack of usable skills resulted in little employment, he turned to crime rather than return home in failure. He hoped to find work as an enforcer for one of the Hutt kajidics, but never made his way as far as Nar Shaddaa or Nal Hutta. Instead, he trolled through several Inner Rim and Core Worlds before finally landing on Coruscant after the Second Imperial Civil War.
Working for a variety of swoop gangs, Grumyukkan made the acquaintance of a number of criminals, including former gang member Malleigh Rason. The Stellan also felt like an outcast, and he and Grumyukkan became casual friends. In 154 ABY, Malleigh was working as an intermediary for Synix Fer'faloon, who was attempting to sell two illegal Sith holocrons on the black market. Having already been tricked into giving away Synix's information, Malleigh wanted an enforcer on hand to help him weed people out, and he hired Grumyukkan for the job.
Their meeting with Rahli and Wek Lekatro passed without incident, though the powerful Dashade made Grumyukkan nervous. When Evangelia Maxico and her Mecrosa Order assassins came calling, however, they had no desire to enter into a bidding war. Thosso, Filiat Jegun, and Maxico herself attacked Grumyukkan, viewing him as the greater threat. The Wookiee managed to injure the Boltrunian, but was hit with a number of knives and poison needles from the other Mecrosa, and finally killed when Evangelia cut his heart with her lightfoil.