Star Wars Fanon

Gronorro Mavelirij Saloo, commonly known as simply Gronorro the Hutt, was a male Hutt. Born on Nar Shaddaa, he was the Viceroy of the Hutt Imperium by 325 ABY. A ruthless and obssessive individual, Gronorro would do everything to expand the power and dominion of the Hutt Imperium.


Gronorro was born in 375 BBY at his family's palace on the crime-dominated ecumenopolis moon of Nar Shaddaa. He spent the first fifty years of his life inside his mother's pouch.

In 306 ABY, Gronorro ordered a group within the Hutt Imperium to search for potential slaves for him. These slaves came in the form of Cypress' and Liam Skywalker's parents.


Gronorro was one of the tallest and largest Hutts known to the Galaxy. He stood at 4,80 meters tall and weighted around 1500 kilograms. He had a light orange skin and yellow eyes. Due to his sheer size and weight, Gronorro was very slow, and needed the aid of a repulso-bed to travel long distances.


Gronorro was a ruthless and obsessive individual. He held little respect for most non-Hutts and only truly cared for the expansion of the Hutt Imperium and himself. He was known to berate those who came before him, and to treat his slaves really badly. He preferred to keep himself isolated inside his throne room on his palace on Nar Shaddaa, and the only person he truly trusted was his younger brother, Guarda the Hutt. Gronorro also had little fear of most people, though he held great respect for Darth Malevich and recognised his power.


As a member of a powerful and influential Hutt clan from Nar Shaddaa, Gronorro was a native speaker of Huttese, being taught his species' language from virtually as soon as he came out of his mother's pouch and could understand words. He was also a fluent speaker of Galactic Basic and Toydarian, but preferred to use Huttese in most situations, only shifting to Basic or Toydarian when extremely necessary and no translator droids were available.
