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The most polite Hutt you'll ever meet, that Groda. Also the most... odd.
Tiverius Kayne

Groda Kovajii Klarr, known more commonly as Groda the Hutt, Groda the Strange, the Odd Hutt or the Bright One, was a Hutt crime lord of the Kovajii kajidic. He was neither as well-known nor as powerful as more prominent Hutts such as Jabba Desilijic Tiure, however, his life was nevertheless a significant one for a number of reasons; he was acclaimed as a more polite, more scientific Hutt than the average, he rebuilt his kajidic's throneworld of Kor Kovajii and its surrounding star system, he was a major investor of Ethereal Interstellar and its subsidiaries for some time prior to and during the Clone Wars and was a friend of House Valdayn, he became a major part of the government of Atheria Valdayn's Hallowed Dominion, and he was personally responsible for the rescue and safe passage of many refugees during large galactic conflicts including the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Groda's operations outside of the Hutt Cartel and Hutt Space generally were centered in a star system effectively owned by the Hutt himself, on the planet he named Nal Bunko, meaning 'Glorious Palace' in Huttese. This world was publicly known as an expensive and extravagantly luxurious resort, featuring hotels, rentable houses, resorts and the like throughout a variety of ecosystems, most notably including Groda's flying hotels, inspired by the Alderaanian flying hotels which were once a popular attraction on Alderaan prior to its destruction by the Galactic Empire. However, while the vacation and tourism business did earn Groda large amounts of money, Nal Bunko was actually merely a front for his laboratories, similarly situated throughout the planet's varied ecosystems and across the star system, and his smuggling, black market trading, fencing and illegal auctioning businesses, and the primary base of operations for his criminal empire outside of Hutt Space, particularly his starfleet and his sail barge fleet.
