General Grievous, formerly known as Qymaen jai Sheelal, was a Kaleesh General who was transformed into a cyborg by the Confederacy of Independant Systems. Trained by Darth Tyranus in the art of lightsaber combat, Grievous bore great hatred for the Jedi Order and the Republic and became a brilliant General and notorious Jedi killer during the Clone Wars.
Early life[]
Though he would achieve his greatest infamy as the cyborg General Grievous, Qymaen jai Sheelal was originally an organic Kaleesh, a the reptilian nativs of Kalee, a world torn by famine and war. For generations, Kalee had been assaulted without respite by a technologically superior insectoid species, the Yam'rii (referred to by the Kaleesh as the "Huk" or "soulless bugs"), who coveted the Kaleesh as slaves. The conflict between the two species was known as the Huk War.
Sheelal's father, seeking a useful outlet for his son's anger, taught him how to handle a slugthrower rifle. The young Sheelal proved himself an excellent marksman with a mind as finely honed as any weapon; by eight years of age he had already become an expert sniper with more than forty Huk kills to his credit. By the age of twenty-two, he had slain so many Huk that the Kaleesh people considered Sheelal a demigod.

Qymaen jai Sheelal ad Ronderu lij Kummar fight the Huk side by side.
Sheelal's closest comrade was a fellow Kaleesh warrior and mercenary Ronderu lij Kummar. According to legend, his relationship with this wild and skilled swordswoman had its beginnings in a dream, in which Sheelal saw himself slaying a wild mumuu in the Kunbal jungle with Lig swords. So taken was he with this vision that he set out in his mumuu hunting mask to kill one in reality, but instead of finding a mumuu in the jungle, he saw Kummar. He realized that the slayer in his dream had not been himself, but the woman standing before him in a karabbac mask and wielding twin Lig swords. The two of them were, therefore, considered living manifestations of the cryptic Kaleesh parable Sheelal, or The Dreamer/The Dreamt One.
The bond between the two Kaleesh was very strong, and they became partners in war against the Huk. Kummar taught Sheelal to wield a sword, and in turn he introduced her to the Czerka Outland rifle. Both clad in masks, Kummar with her karabbac skull and Sheelal with his mumuu skull—inherited from his father, who had died fighting the Huk—became legends, twin demigods blessed by their ancestors. Together they mercilessly cut through the Huk invaders in countless campaigns.
However, in one engagement on the beaches of Kalee, the two of them were separated. Kummar died violently on the Huks' barbed shears, and her body vanished into the Jenuwaa Sea. Sheelal, unable even to retrieve her from the waters, was driven to despair and a horrible psychotic depression. Inconsolable, he set off on a dangerous journey across the ocean to Abesmi, an island-monolith far from the mainland. There, he beseeched the gods to raise her from her watery grave just so he might see her one final time—but the gods remained silent.
Sheelal did what he could to bury his grief. He ended up taking ten wives and siring thirty children, but none of them, wife nor child, seemed to be able to fill the void Kummar's death had left in him. Eventually, he realized that it was his destiny to mourn for her as long as he lived. With this realization, Qymaen jai Sheelal cast off his old identity, adopting a name more appropriate to a being destined to grieve forever, and, even more terribly, who was determined that he would not do so alone. He would be Grievous, as well as heart-broken, for the rest of his life.
Becoming a cyborg[]
Gathering to his side a group of equally bloodthirsty Kaleesh elite, the Izvoshra, and adopting the title of khagan, Grievous became a warlord and managed to force the Huk from Kalee. But his bitterness did not end with that triumph, and he pushed them further back, storming their colony worlds. His attacks and mass destruction of entire Huk planets ensured Kaleesh victory until the Huks turned to the Galactic Republic for help. Jedi Knights, sent to stop the war, sided with the Huks, and hefty fines and embargoes came down upon the Kaleesh. Kalee ended up in poverty, and hundreds of thousands of Kaleesh starved and died.
The arrival of San Hill, Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, brought an opportunity to Grievous. Hill saw Grievous's potential as an IGBC "collections agent", and in exchange for his services, the Banking Clan offered to take on Kalee's massive debt, thus helping his people overcome the effects of the embargo. Grievous felt disgust at the notion of being a glorified leg-breaker for a soulless megacorporation, but he understood what the agreement would mean for his people, and besides, there was something in this innate warrior that needed to keep fighting—if not the Huk, then someone, somewhere. Eventually he agreed, taking command of the Clan's private army of droid enforcers.
The IGBC kept its promise, alleviating Kalee's deficit and resuscitating its trade. In exchange, Grievous became an extremely effective enforcer. It was through his efforts that the IGBC aggressively collected overdue credits from Ord Mantell and seized Phlut Design Systems when the company defaulted. But he found he missed the comforts of his former life—he wanted his old elite, the Izvoshra, but apart from himself, the Banking Clan would not hire Kaleesh. He would have to make do with droids, but, having no confidence in the IGBC's basic battle droids, he demanded more intelligent models to take the place of his elite. With Count Dooku's permission, Hill consented and began production on the IG-100 MagnaGuards. Grievous, at first, was disgusted with the droids because they were completely mindless. He soon demanded they be reprogrammed to watch him in combat and learn how to fight like his old comrades in his elite Huk-killing team several years before.
Soon, however, Grievous learned that the Huk had vandalized sacred Kaleesh burial grounds on the colony worlds, and that the Republic had done nothing. This news reawakened his desire to act directly in defense of his people, so he abandoned his contract with the Banking Clan and returned to Kalee to avenge the desecration. San Hill was far from pleased. He considered ordering Grievous's assassination, but he feared the vengeance the Kaleesh would take if he survived. Instead, Hill conspired with Poggle the Lesser, the Archduke of Geonosis, and with their mutual allies, Darth Sidious and Count Dooku, to arrange Grievous' permanent servitude.
On Kalee, Grievous and his Izvoshra boarded his troop shuttle, Martyr. They set off to resume the Huk War, unaware that Dooku, Hill, and Poggle had planted an ion bomb aboard, and rigged Grievous' pilot seat to enable remote-guided ejection. The resulting explosion sent the Martyr plunging into the Jenuwaa Sea. Dooku's remote command ejected Grievous from the wreck at the last moment, but all his Izvoshra perished in the crash. His body, hemorrhaging and in shock, was dragged from the water, and Dooku used the arcane Sith heart stun technique to keep him from succumbing to cardiac arrest while en route to Geonosis. It was then that Dooku first planted the idea that the Jedi themselves were responsible for this attack in Grievous' mind. Then, MagnaGuards dragged him to a nearby shuttle, where FX-series medical assistant droids worked to stabilize his condition during the journey. Dooku, in the meantime, traveled to his homeworld of Serenno to retrieve one more important component in his plan.
Grievous had suffered near-fatal injuries, rendering the body that had survived many battles useless, or so he was told. Planted evidence pointed to a Republic plot. In truth, Grievous once again proved his resilience, and additional injuries had to be added after the crash to make his body as broken as was claimed. San Hill repeated his proposal, including a promise to replace Grievous's broken body. Desiring vengeance against the Galactic Republic and the Huk, he agreed on the condition that his mind would not be tampered with.

Grievous in a bacta tank after the shuttle crash.
Dooku provided blood from the frozen body of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas as a means of keeping Grievous's body alive during his transit to Geonosis, where Poggle the Lesser and his Geonosian scientists implanted his brain and eyes into a duranium alloy body reminiscent of a Krath war droid, complete with LX-44 robotic legs. His vital organs were housed in a synthskin gut-sack impervious to vacuum. The Geonosians would also alter his brain against his wishes, both to trim away disturbing memories—while enhancing his rage centers—and to enhance his equilibrium, allowing him to better employ his newfound agility. Internal implants were also placed in his eyes to sharpen his vision and to protect them from the vacuum of space. While the midi-chlorian-rich blood of Sifo-Dyas may have played a critical role in maintaining Sheelal's life, Grievous saw it as a personal failure that the transfusion did not also give him any degree of sensitivity to the Force. To San Hill and his allies, however, the experiment was a phenomenal success. Qymaen jai Sheelal had become General Grievous in form as well as spirit.
The cyborg project was funded by San Hill to create a military leader that could counter Count Dooku's growing political influence in the Separatist Movement, although he presented the finished General Grievous as a twisted gift to Dooku. Though taken aback by his appearance, Dooku was pleased, and bestowed upon Grievous the title "Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies," planning to use him in his efforts to conquer the Republic. He presented him with his first lightsaber, the weapon of Sifo-Dyas.
At first, Grievous was disgusted by his new droid body and took Dooku's appointment as Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies as an insult. He slaughtered his MagnaGuards present in defiance, exclaiming that he was not a droid. He further rebelled by still displaying some of his Kaleesh heritage by adorning himself and his MagnaGuards with masks and cloaks in styles closely resembling those found amongst his people. However, Grievous would soon come to highly respect both Dooku and Darth Sidious, considering them the Confederacy of Independent Systems' only "necessary" political leadership.
Grievous bore a great hatred for Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, tolerating him only because he was vital to the Confederacy's success. Gunray was arrogant and cowardly, and questioned Grievous's leadership. He treated Grievous like a typical mindless droid even after being told that was not the case.
The Clone Wars[]
The beginning of the war[]
Grievous was first let loose in the Geonosian catacombs during the Battle of Geonosis where he safeguarded the Separatist Council from Jedi and clone trooper companies; he left none alive to tell of his existence. Dooku, impressed with the general's performance at Geonosis, trained Grievous in the art of lightsaber combat, which Grievous took to at a rapid pace.
Learning all the seven classic forms of Jedi arts Grievous quickly surpassed all the other apprentices of Dooku in terms of individual combat. Despite his obvious prowess, and the time and resources expended to creating him, Dooku still viewed him as second to the Chiss general Sev'rance Tann. It was only after Tann's death four months after Geonosis that Grievous truly began to come into his own.
The General revealed[]

Grievous kills Adi Gallia on Hypori.
Four months after the Battle of Geonosis, Grievous made his first public appearance on the planet Hypori where his tactics resulted in the obliteration of an entire Republic task force. Jedi Council member Adi Gallia managed to request reinforcements from the Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi before coming face to face with Grievous whilst trying to get to shelter. Despite Master Gallia's skill, Grievous slaughtered her fairly easily by surprising her with his four arms after a short duel.
Taking his first lightsaber trophy from Gallia's corpse and throwing off his cape so that it wouldn't hinder his movement, Grievous proceeded to hunt the remaining Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, Sha'a Gi, Aayla Secura, K'Kruhk, Daakman Barrek, and Ki-Adi-Mundi, who were trapped in the remains of a downed Acclamator-class transport. Grievous ordered his B2 super battle droid troops to stand down, effectively surrounding the Jedi, before stating that he would grant them a "warrior's death" and lying in wait for them to move. Once Padawan Gi ran screaming into the open, Grievous jumped on him and killed him. The general then propelled himself to the top of the transport but Tano used her heightened sense of spatial awareness to detect Grievous above them and she and K'Kruhk used the Force to pull him to ground along with part of the ceiling, forcing him to fight them on the Jedi's terms. Disdainfully commenting on their "cheap trick", Grievous split his arms, grabbed four lightsabers, including the one he had just taken from Master Gallia, and engaged the Jedi in battle.
After a flurry of swordplay during which the cyborg proved capable of fending off all five Jedi at once, Grievous attacked Mundi who leapt onto a metal pipe and fired a Force Push down at him. Though Grievous couldn't block the Force Push, due to not having any connection to the Force, he realised Mundi's intention in time to leap out of the way, landing on the wall and propelling himself back at the Jedi whipping up a cloud of dust as he landed. Slicing Master Barrek in half and shattering Padawan Tano's leg, Grievous was engaged by an angry K'Kruhk, whom he stabbed in the belly before being attacked by the two remaining Jedi, Aayla Secura and Ki-Adi-Mundi. Grievous overwhelmed Secura before turning towards the last Jedi standing, Ki-Adi-Mundi. The Cerean returned his stare without flinching, then Tano, too injured to get back into the fight, threw the Council Member her lightsaber and Mundi was the first to actually land a blow on Grievous, slicing off one of his four arms. Despite this minor setback, Grievous quickly overwhelmed the exhausted Mundi.
Grievous' victory was short-lived as he was stopped from killing the surviving Jedi by the arrival of recently promoted Commander Rex and a group of 501st clone troopers. The Clones distracted Grievous long enough to get the wounded Mundi, Secura and Tano into their gunship before fleeing.
The Malevolence[]
As the war continued, Grievous took the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Malevolence as his flagship. The warship possessed two ion cannons that were capable of disabling entire fleets, leaving them vulnerable to the Malevolence's turbolaser fire. Under the general's command, the Malevolence began executing attacks on Republic fleets that left no survivors. After eradicating a Republic task force in the Phu system, Grievous and the Malevolence were stationed in the Abregado system with Count Dooku, who had arrived aboard the warship to supervise Grievous's progress. Jedi Master Plo Koon led a task force to find and destroy the Confederate superweapon, and arrived in the system to engage the warship. Before the Jedi could get in firing range, Grievous ordered the Malevolence's battle droid crew to fire an ion blast at the Republic fleet. After the Star Destroyers' deflector shields were disabled, the Malevolence opened fire and eradicated the fleet, scattering a debris field in the system from the wreckage of the Republic cruisers.
While Grievous deemed the destruction of the Republic fleet a successful test, Dooku dispatched a Droch-class craft—nicknamed a "pod hunter" for its purposes—with rocket battle droids aboard to locate and eliminate the Republic's escape pods. During the craft's hunt for life pods, however, the Malevolence lost contact with the pod hunter, and Grievous mused that perhaps some survivors were putting up a fight. As the Malevolence activated its scanners, the battle droid crew picked up a signal from a non-Separatist droid, and Grievous immediately ordered his warship to assume attack position. The battle droids then picked up the freighter Twilight—carrying Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who had rescued Plo Koon and the survivors of the battle—attempting to escape from the debris field. Dooku reminded his general that he did not want any witnesses, and Grievous ordered the ion cannon to be charged and fired. However, the Twilight evaded the ion blast by jumping to hyperspace, taking the knowledge of the warship's weapons to the Republic. Dooku's trust in Grievous was shaken because of his faliure, and the Sith Lord left to discuss plans with his master, Darth Sidious.
With Count Dooku watching his progress via hologram, Grievous intercepted and eradicated a Republic medical convoy in the Ryndellia system. Dooku had recently met with Darth Sidious and had learned of the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center, the Republic's secret medical facility in the Outer Rim Territories that was treating over 60,000 wounded clones. Dooku assigned the medical center as the Malevolence's new target, seeking to exploit the weakness that the Jedi displayed in their care for their clone troopers. This assignment boosted Grievous's confidence, as it showed that the Count had not completely lost his faith in him since his recent failure at Abregado. As the remaining Republic frigate deployed several escape pods, Grievous ordered the pods to be targeted, stating that he had "a reputation to uphold." To get to the medical station, the Malevolence's navicomputer was forced to calculate a complex hyperspace course around the Kaliida Nebula, which was near the medcenter. Grievous was frustrated with the setback, as he wanted to maximize his casualties and did not want too many wounded clones to be given the chance to evacuate the station before his arrival.
En route to Kaliida Shoals, Grievous received word from Count Dooku that the Republic had launched a small strike force under the command of Anakin Skywalker to intercept the warship. The Sith Lord advised his general not to underestimate the Jedi, but Grievous maintained that it would be Skywalker who would underestimate the Confederate ship. Skywalker's starfighter squadron took a shortcut through a nebula, and Grievous arrived shortly thereafter. As the Jedi and his fighters approached, Grievous launched Vulture droids from the Malevolence to attack the Republic squadron while the warship itself targeted the medical transports attempting to escape from the medical center. The superweapon made haste with disabling the frigates before tearing them apart with laser fire. Grievous ordered the ion cannon to be charged and targeted at the Republic squadron, despite the fact that his own Vulture droid starfighters would be caught in the blast. The battle droids complied, decimating Skywalker's fighters.
As the Jedi closed in on the warship with his remaining forces, Grievous targeted the Kaliida Shoals Medcenter, seeking to destroy the medical facility before attending to Skywalker. However, the Republic squadron attacked the ion cannon, and once the Malevolence attempted to fire its deadly weapon at the medcenter, the cannon exploded, triggering a chain reaction that rocked and greatly damaged the ship. With the Malevolence's primary weapons disabled, Grievous ordered a full retreat to Separatist space. General Obi-Wan Kenobi then arrived in the system with a fleet of three Venator-class Star Destroyers and began to attack Grievous's ravaged flagship. As the Malevolence fled under increasing fire from the Republic cruisers, Dooku contacted Grievous and informed the general that Senator Padmé Amidala of the Republic had been tricked into traveling to the nebula; with her as a hostage, Grievous would be able to safely escape. Amidala's ship arrived out of hyperspace just off the Malevolence's bow, and Grievous ordered the yacht to be captured with the warship's tractor beam.
After Senator Amidala had been pulled into the Malevolence's main hangar via the tractor beam, the Republic Star Destroyers ceased their fire. Grievous ordered a repair crew to be brought up to the warship's bridge and proceeded to the landing bay to apprehend his hostage. However, Amidala had overloaded her ship's engines before hiding elsewhere in the hangar. After taking his warship's rail jet to the hangar, Grievous entered Amidala's ship with two B1 battle droids and discovered her exploit. Remembering the shuttle crash that had caused his transformation, Grievous pushed the battle droids out of the way and headed for the exit, but the ship exploded before he could run for safety. The general survived the explosion and cleared himself out of the rubble. Leading the battle droids' search for the stowaway Senator through the warship's hallways, Grievous soon received word from his ship's droid crew that the hyperdrive would require less time than originally believed to repair. Ordering his troops to continue the search for the Senator, the general left to inform Count Dooku of this new development. On the bridge, Grievous learned that there had been an unauthorized communication inside the ship, but was angered when he discovered that the battle droids had not caught it in time to intercept it. The general ordered his crew to monitor all internal communications to locate the Senator.
Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano arrived aboard the Malevolence and rendezvoused with Amidala at the rail jet junction. Kenobi planned to sabotage the warship's hyperdrive, while Skywalker and Amidala would meet him back at the Twilight and Tano and R2-D2 would find C-3PO, who had been separated from the others. However, Grievous intercepted their comlink transmission, and took a squad of battle droids with him to ambush Kenobi. After Kenobi arrived in the hyperdrive room, Grievous's deployed battle droids surrounded the Jedi Master, and the cyborg himself jumped down from a higher level to confront him. Grievous ordered the droids to kill Kenobi, but the Jedi defeated the majority of the droids before using a remaining droideka's deflector shield as protection from Grievous's oncoming blaster rifle fire. Kenobi then Force pushed the droid toward Grievous. As the Confederate general picked up the droideka and hurtled it aside, Kenobi escaped. Grievous took his frustration out on a battle droid who commented on Kenobi's abilities, ordering his troops to guard the hyperdrive before departing to deal with Kenobi himself.

Grievous clashes with Kenobi for the first time.
Grievous found Kenobi aboard a rail jet car and clashed with him, pursing Kenobi after the Jedi broke the blade lock. The cyborg quickly proved far too powerful for Kenobi, keeping him on the run until he cornered him at the end of the train. However, as Grievous prepared to kill the Jedi, Kenobi jumped onto another rail jet, saluting the general as he left.

Grievous, having completely forgotten her, has a rematch with Tano.
Grievous furiously stormed after the Jedi Master, only to stumble upon Ahsoka Tano, the youngling he had crippled on Hypori, as well as R2-D2 and C-3PO. Having completely forgotten Tano, seeing her as just another faceless, nameless Jedi, Grievous attacked the Padawan while the droids fled. Tano managed to escape by running to a storage room and when Grievous came after her, he was briefly distracted by the Malevolence rocking as it was bombarded by blaster fire from the Republic fleet. Noticing that Tano was fleeing through the vent, Grievous taunted her before retreating to his own ship.
Boarding the Soulless One, Grievous took a squadron of Vulture droids to attack the fleeing Jedi and Senator, who were returning to the Republic fleet in the Twilight. During the dogfight, a B1 battle droid contacted Grievous and informed him that the Malevolence's hyperdrive was almost completely repaired. The general ordered the Malevolence to retreat to hyperspace, arranging to meet his warship at a Separatist base in Sector Four. However, Skywalker had sabotaged the warship's navicomputer before escaping. As the Malevolence headed toward a nearby moon, Grievous ordered the warship's crew to reset the navicomputer. Dooku contacted Grievous, stating that the general and his warship were being awaited at the rendezvous point. Manually cutting off the transmission, Grievous engaged his fighter's hyperdrive and retreated shortly before the Malevolence crashed into the moon.
Personality and traits[]
- "That's right, run away, youngling! Run!"
- ―Grievous taunts the traumatized Ahsoka Tano as she flees.
Grievous was a cold, merciless being. Even as a Kaleesh warlord, he displayed no mercy towards his enemies, a notable example being his brutal counter-offensive against the Huk when they attempted to capture Kalee. Grievous fought boldly, pushing them back and showing no remorse for the slaughter he perpetrated. When the Jedi interfered, Grievous developed a great hatred for them, and the Republic in general. After his shuttle crash, Grievous was left feeling bitter and cheated, having been robbed a proper warrior's death. When he was offered to become a cyborg, he took the offer, as he had come to see flesh as weak. However, despite this viewpoint, he remained secretly humiliated by his resurrection as a cyborg and hated it when anyone apart from himself called him a droid. Though he did not know it, his brain had been tampered with during his reconstruction by the Geonosians, increasing his anger and hatred. After the crash, Grievous also began to compare himself with the Jedi and became determined to equal them. To this end, he constantly submitted himself to improvements to boost himself up to their caliber. Although he initially took Dooku's bestowing of the "Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies" title as an insult, Grievous came to highly respect both Dooku and Darth Sidious, considering them the Separtists' only "necessary" political leadership.
On the battlefield, Grievous was an excellent commander and an ingenious tactician, fighting hard to bring down the Republic. He was known for being rather sadistic at times and enjoyed torturing Jedi thinking that they deserved it for their "crimes" against him. His acts of wanton destruction during the war caused him to become an avatar of terror in the eyes of the Republic populace. However, despite these traits—or rather, because of them—Grievous was arrogant. In addition to his arrogance, Grievous was also accused of cowardice, as he frequently fled whenever the tide turned against him.
Though Grievous demonstrated incredible brutality and a singular lack of mercy or compassion towards his enemies, he was not entirely heartless and did show empathy. Grievous cared deeply for his people, especially Ronderu lij Kummar. The two were very close, and after her death, Grievous was left distraught and angry. His rage only intensified, and he became desperate to crush the Huk, if for no other reason than to honor her memory. Though he married, none of his wives could replace Kummar. Even after his reconstruction as a cyborg, Grievous was not completely emotionless. He showed a certain amount of attachment to Gor, his pet roggwart, whom he "doted" on while housing at his lair on the third moon of Vassek. Grievous was visibly angered when Kit Fisto killed his roggwart, citing it as another crime for which the Jedi Order would pay dearly. He also seemed to have some kind of bond with his medical droid EV-A4-D whom he allowed to criticize and even insult him without tearing him apart for his insolence as he would with most droids.
Grievous despised Nute Gunray, although the feeling was mutual. Their relationship had an extremely rocky start when Gunray, who was used to treating droids as utterly disposable and insignificant, treated Grievous as just another in a long line of command drones. Grievous, with his humiliation due to his resurrection as a cyborg, absolutely hated being referred to as a droid, often lapsing into a violent rage whenever refered to as such. The general saw Gunray as foolish, weak, and arrogant, and often secretly hoped that either Dooku or Sidious would give him leave to kill the Neimodian. Gunray, in turn, continued to hold the view that Grievous was a servant droid, and even displayed the audacity to stand up to the General and question his orders, though he frequently backed down when the cyborg started resorting to death threats.
Although a natural rival with Asajj Ventress for Count Dooku's attention, Grievous shared a similar trait with her: a contempt for the mindless battle droids under his command. Finding them weak and stupid and going so far as to call them useless, they became frequent targets for his frustration, for which he was criticized by Dooku. Grievous made a rare exception for his IG-100 MagnaGuard bodyguards, whom he personally trained with and garbed in cloaks reminiscent of those found amongst his people.
In addition to his hatred for Jedi, Grievous showed a deep distain for the Force in general, calling it a "cheap trick". Though he respected Dooku due to the Count's ability to defeat him without any help from the Force, Grievous despised it when Jedi used it against him. Grievous also tended to see all Jedi as being the same. He didn't even recognise Ahsoka Tano on the Malevolence, despite having crippled her and killed her master on Hypori, seeing her as just another faceless, nameless victim. When Tano Force Pushed him, Grievous (perhaps hypocritically) accused her of cowardice since she couldn't face him in a fair fight. As she fled through the vents, Grievous, recognising the young Jedi's terror despite not remembering her, roared at her to run before laughing at her as she escaped. Unfazed by one Padawan escaping, seeing her lightsaber as not even worth the effort, Grievous returned to his own ship.
Grievous was trained in lightsaber combat by Count Dooku and though he had knowledge of all lightsaber combat forms, his preferred style was a Jar'Kai variant of Juyo with elements of Djem So mixed in. He used blinding speed and great physical strength to overwhelm his opponents and his skill was great enough to go toe-to-toe with Jedi Council members. After killing Adi Gallia relatively easily on Hypori, the General concluded that the power of the Council was exaggerated, thus rarely resorting to using his four arms unless faced with a truly formidable Jedi such as Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, Kit Fisto or Obi-Wan Kenobi. More often than not, two lightsabers was enough and he saved his "secret weapons" for opponents who could give him a real challenge.
Grievous' feet could be used as hands allowing him to grab his weapons or his opponents with his foot and hurl them or crush them to death. Grievous could also walk on walls or ceilings thanks to his sharp metal talons.
During the Huk war Grievous proved to be a skilled marksman from a young age and his preferred gun was a slugthrower rifle. During the Clone Wars he used an ordinary blaster. Grievous was also a skilled swordsman, even before he started using lightsabers, having been trained by Ronderu lij Kummar.
General Grievous could also survive in the vacuum of space and was a gifted pilot though he usually used his personal ship, the Souless One, to escape a battle rather than fight in it. Regardless, Master Windu considered him "almost as adept at handling a spacecraft as he was a lightsaber".