Star Wars Fanon
Unity era

We must be swift as a nexu, as flexible as banther leather and as hard as Mandalorian iron.
—Gregor Killist

Gregor Killist was a Coruscanti politician and the leader of the Republican Fascist Prty commonly known as the Rescist Party. He was Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic from 2,961 BBY to his death in 2,940 BBY and, after 2,960 BBY, was the dictator of the Republic, using emergency powers in the wake of the Vromm Conflict.

A decorated veteran of the Republic's 'Pirate Purge', Killist joined the Republic Labor Party, precursor of the Rescist Party, in 2,971 BBY and became leader of the party in 2,969 BBY. Following his imprisonment after a failed coup on Coruscant in 2,967 BBY, he gained support by promoting Humanocentrism, anti-alienism, anti-droid sentiment, and anti-democratic sentiment with charismatic oratory and propaganda. He was appointed Supreme Chancellor in 2,961 BBY, and quickly transformed the largely democratic Galactic Republic into a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideals of Rescism.

Killist ultimately wanted to establish a New Order of absolute Human supremacy across the galaxy. To achieve this, he pursued a foreign policy with the declared goal of "seizing the galaxy for human mastery"; directing the resources of the state towards this goal. This included the expanding of the Republic's armed forces, which culminated in 2,955 BBY when the Republic army invaded non-Republic worlds in the Mid Rim. In response, the Outer Rim Alliance declared war against the Republic, leading to the outbreak of the Outer Rim War.

Within three years, the Republic had occupied most of the galaxy. However, with the reversal of the Republic invasion of the Unkown Regions, the Republic's enemies gained the upper hand from 2,952 BBY onwards. By 2,949 BBY, Outer Rim armies had invaded Republic-held Mid Rim from all sides.

However, a massive counter attack from Republic forces resulted in the pushing back of Alliance forces and a stalemate emerged. Unwilling to engage in a cold war with the Republic, the Alliance signed a peace treaty with the Republic that disadvantaged neither side.

Behind the scenes[]

The inspiration for Thenorthernman to do a page about a senator came when he read the article Alcor Bac. Before this article, all of Thenorthernman's articles had been Sith or Jedi related. Killist is based on both real and fictional dictators. Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Killzone's Scholar Visari are all inspirations for Gregor Killist.
