Star Wars Fanon
New Republic era

The Greater Sith Empire, also known as the New Sith Empire, was a galactic government established during the Dark Order War in 15 ABY by the self-proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Persia, in direct opposition to the New Republic and the New Jedi Order, controlling much of the Outer Rim during its reign. It was originally formed from the Dark Order of Korr, a faction of the Imperial Remnant, led by Dark Jedi Jaden Korr. After securing Jaden's demise on Bakura, Darth Persia took control of the Order with ease, having gained much influence and respect in the organization in the past. Ruled by the Sith and fueled by the resources, fleets, and armies of the Imperial Remnant, the Empire spread across the Outer Rim after its founding.


Background and founding[]

The eventual founder of the Greater Sith Empire was Darth Persia, having proclaimed himself to be the last of the Sith. Under the guise of simply Dark Jedi, Persia infiltrated the Dark Order of Korr, which had taken the place of the Cult of Ragnos as the most prominent Imperial Remnant faction of the time after the cult's leader was killed by Jaden Korr. Afterward, Jaden had taken command of the cult and reorganized it for his own purposes, creating the Dark Order. Jaden's faction, while effective in its battles against the Republic, was extremely unorganized and inadequately commanded, mostly due to poor decisions on Jaden's part.

Jaden Weapons

Jaden Korr, the Dark Order's leader.

Darth Persia, having successfully secured for himself a position as one of Jaden's military commanders, used his superior strategic and tactical prowess to gain much respect and support throughout the Order. As time went on, Korr's accomplishments became eclipsed by his subordinates, despite repeated efforts on his part to regain influence. Most of these attempts, most notably Operation Dark Disease, were in vain. After the defeat of Operation Dark Disease, the Order's overall respect for Jaden had virtually diminished and much power was shifted to Darth Persia.

During the Second Battle of Bakura in the year 15 ABY, Darth Persia was leading an orbital battle against a Republic fleet, while Jaden was on the planet below, inside the main Imperial base. By then, the Dark Order had gained a considerable fleet, which convinced Persia that the time to end Korr's rule. To accomplish this, Persia used a Republic ground assault as a distraction and sent his apprentice, Darth Imperious, to find and kill Jaden, allowing them to take direct control over his forces. Imperious intercepted and battled Jaden and Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, Jaden's former master. Despite a valiant fight, Imperious was incapacitated by the Dark Jedi. Fortunately for the Sith, however, Jaden was prevented from killing the apprentice by Katarn, who was intent on capturing or killing his ex-apprentice. Kyle and Jaden dueled on the roof of the base. Meanwhile, Darth Persia, thinking his apprentice dead, for he was unable to sense him, ordered his fleet to destroy the surface of the planet to ensure that Jaden would not escape. Kyle and Imperious managed to escape the planet's holocaust, but Jaden did not.

Although almost the entire Dark Order collectively allowed Persia to replace Jaden as their leader, the Dark Jedi's last remaining supporters were outraged and fled with a small fleet and army to Eriadu, an Imperial-controlled industrial planet. They didn't last long, however, as Darth Persia, intolerant of any deserters, led an invasion force to Eriadu to eradicate the loyalists. After the battle, in which the loyalist leaders were all killed, the Greater Sith Empire was officially established, with Eriadu as its capital. The New Republic remained unaware of the change in the Order's leadership, allowing the Sith to continue production of starships and other war assets without interruption.


However, the New Republic eventually did learn of the Battle at Eriadu, although details were sketchy. Republic Intelligence did not know any more than the fact that there was a battle between two Imperial factions on Eriadu, but they did suggest the possibility of a takeover of the Dark Order, since Eriadu had been controlled by the Disciples of Ragnos, and therefore the Dark Order. In order to ensure that Jaden's forces would never be reunited, the Republic dispatched a fleet to Eriadu, which was destroyed by the Sith forces. This defeat came as an absolute surprise for the Republic. After the battle, Darth Persia openly declared war on the New Republic and Jedi Order. Not long after, a second assault on the new Sith Capital was launched, and again was repelled. The Sith victories also prompted several nearby sectors to surrender to the Sith, which greatly increased . Having the Empire organized numerous fleets and tasks forces in order to expand across the Outer and Mid rim territories. Darth Persia led armadas against the New Republic in order to expand his empire's borders, while Darth Imperious, commanded smaller fleets against less dangerous enemies, such as pirates, local rebellions, and other Imperial Remnant forces.

The Empire's Military & Command Structure[]

Like the numerous factions of the Imperial Remnant, the Greater Sith Empire's military consisted of numerous Imperial starships and war machines. On rebellious or otherwise uncooperative worlds, order was ensured by threat of force from the military in the same manner as the First Galactic Empire did. The main fighting force of the Sith Empire consisted of the stormtroopers of the Imperial Remnant, who played the same roles of enforcing the Sith rule and ensuring loyalty throughout the ranks that they always had. After defeating rival Imperial factions, the Sith frequently allowed enemy stormtroopers to join the Sith army, which would help bolster their growing ranks. Stormtrooper cloning facilities were also made use of.

The Kerl-class was main capital ship used by Sith naval forces, due to the ability to manufacture it faster than the traditional Imperial I and II-class Star Destroyers of other Imperial factions. Before long, the Kerl-class had become a symbol of the Sith armada much like its more powerful Star Destroyer predecessors. Higher-quality starfighters and bombers, such as TIE Avengers, TIE Hunters, and TIE Oppressors, were systematically moved into the larger and more elite groups that saw more battle on the front lines than other forces.

Executor shuttle

The Persia, the first flagship of the Greater Sith Empire.

In the Dark Order of Korr, Jaden had somewhat irrationally promoted the other Dark Jedi in his organization to the highest ranks of military command, leaving the much more capable leaders in positions which were inadequate for their individual expertise. After the Sith Empire was formed, Darth Persia purged the ranks, initiating a mass-reassignment of all commanders and to more suitable positions, showing no favoritism toward Dark Jedi or normal sentients, preferring to judge an individual by his talents and competence alone.
