N'Akkiarlian spectator: “You're a supremacist fool! To think you insult the memory of our ancestors with that bile, you're no true N'Akkiarlian, despite what delusions of grandeur you hold, your forefathers would be ashamed of you! Don't count yourself on being "pure", I bet you have some Earthling blood in those "superior" veins somewhere, especially since your ancestors apparently ruled on this planet, do you think our species could have survived and prospered as it has had these people not mothered new N'Akkiarlians, both willingly and unwillingly? We owe them a debt that we can never repay! The fact of the matter is that most of us have at least some native Earthling blood in our veins, including you! You are also deluded, apparently, to think that we are still their masters, let me tell you that was ten thousand years ago! Times are very different nowadays, they're now our kin, not our servants, we wish to welcome them back into the family with open arms, not have them on their knees before us in subservience! We're fortune they even welcomed us back, and what's more that they're even proud of their N'Akkiarlian roots, I can tell you that if I were one of them I wouldn't be proud! We should be the ones on our knees thanking them for helping to replenish our species after we lost a great deal of our numbers fighting the Eoki, we would've been on the road to extinction had they not been there for us, to go through the pains of childbirth on our behalf, to give birth to our ancestors, and for you to say that they lived like animals, and refer to this beautiful world as "primitive" just goes to show how disgracefully ignorant and snobbish you are!”
―An argument between a N'Akkiarlian genetic supremacist and a N'Akkiarlian spectator
The Great Birthing (Ingzan: Gurét Búthung; Guh-reyt Boo-thung) was an event in the history of the planet Earth which occured for roughly 400 years from 50,000 BBY to 49,600 BBY, the time in which Earth (then called "'Ei-Zonnox" by the N'Akkiarla) was a colony of the First N'Akkiarlian Empire.
The event began when ancient N'Akkiarlian explorers led Angorr 'Ei-Zonnox discovered a planet through the use of advanced Eokian space travel technology, the planet was named of Angorr 'Ei-Zonnox and the N'Akkiarlian explorers soon discovered a race of native aliens on the planet, full of lust after their long journey through space, and eager to help create new N'Akkiarlians and replenish the species after the previous N'Akkiarlian war for freedom and three centuries of enslavement by the Eoki, the N'Akkiarlian explorers quickly began to aggressively procreate with the female natives, quickly discovering that the natives were compatible with them, the native women began to give birth to Human-N'Akkiarlian hybrid children.
The newly discovered planet was reported to the rest of the N'Akkiarla back in the N'Akkiarl Galaxy and many colonists arrived to the planet looking for a new home. Many colonists began to take part in the mass procreation, and for four centuries the N'Akkiarla both aggressively and peacefully reproduced with the natives, some N'Akkiarla even marrying their native mates, it was not uncommon for each colonist to father as many as 50 children to native women.
The N'Akkiarla used the Great Birthing as both a means of conquest, by turning the natives into themselves, and also to strengthen the race, because the event strengthened the N'Akkiarlian race by creating a new race of N'Akkiarlian blood.
As a result the native species became almost completely part-N'Akkiarlian, as most pure blooded natives gradually died out, eventually troubles back home would result in the N'Akkiarla abandoning Earth, and gradually forgetting about it for several centuries.
The N'Akkiarla of the First N'Akkiarlian Star Empire would return to Earth in 45,000 BBY, by which time the natives had named the planet "Earth" and had developed their own languages and cultures. The N'Akkiarla would remind the Earthlings of their shared heritage, and relationships between the two races would occur again, although the mass procreation efforts would not return. The natives named the even the "Great Birthing", and celebrated it as an event which forged their race, something many N'Akkiarlians were only too happy to see.
The Ingza, descendants of the Earthlings and the N'Akkiarla, also celebrated the event as a milestone in the history of their race.