Star Wars Fanon

The Grand Family has had its rule over the Kingdom and Empire for generations; they are the most powerful royal family on Earth. All acts of disrespect, dishonour or discrimination against Grand Family, by law, is punishable by death.
—Tour Guide

The Grand Family, sometimes referred to as the Zarkan family and House of Zarkan, was a powerful royalty familial group that historically led the Zarkan Empire before then replacing it with a Kingdom. Throughout Earth's history, the Grand Family was considered the most powerful family on the planet. Within the Kingdom, all acts of disrespect, dishonour, discrimination and treason towards its members resulted in a death sentence; on rare occasions citizens often executed these offenders by themselves.

Through the marriage of each of the Grand Family's "heads", several families were merged into the Grand Family's tree such as the House of Crescent, whom Jane Zarkan's mother belonged to before they became part of the Grand Family. They were historical enemies with the Jenkyns Empire, but were allies with the modern day House of Jenkyns through both a treaty and marriage.



Before 6434 BBY, the Grand Family was known as the Zarkan royalty. They were the most prominent family and were regarded as such by the inhabitants of Earth.

Zarkan-Jenkyns Treaty[]

In 962 BBY, the Grand Family had agreed to a signing of a treaty between themselves and the Jenkyns family; the main goal was to support each other in dire times and when they are at their most vulnerable. The ruling monarch, King Elyas, had taken the opportunity offered by the Jenkyns Empire and hosted a grand feast in Castle Zarkan with their newfound allies. For the next century, both parties had lent support to each other in matters and crisis, especially evident during the "Zarkan Pandemic", an event where an unknown disease spread throughout and originated from within the nation of Zarkan and lasted for two years.

In 858 BBY, an assassin infiltrated Castle Zarkan disguised as a guard and assassinated Queen Lylie. The assassin was caught immediately by the guards just after he had killed Lylie, and was tried for murder. During the court hearing, this assassin, under severe pressure from interrogation, confessed that he was employed by the Jenkyns Empire to perform the deed. This revelation caused confusion in the Grand Family, as they assumed this individual only wished to create war between the two parties. However, during the investigation, it was discovered that the blade used by the assassin did in fact originate from the Jenkyns Empire, specifically their High Guard. This revelation caused the Grand Family confront the Jenkyns royalty directly, though it was too late as the Jenkyns army forces invaded and attacked a garrison situated in their Western District. This effectively rendered their treaty violated and void, and sparked a war.

Zarkan Empire[]

After the end of the Great War, the Grand Family continued its war against the Jenkyns Empire and formed an Empire in their name to better combat them, as they were able to hold more military power by doing so. The King and Queen both served as leaders of the Grand Council and appointed capable military officers as members. The Imperial Zarkan Army was also founded to better organize their forces with members of the Council in charge of various parts of the Army.

Zarkan Kingdom[]

In 625 BBY, Durward Zarkan IX, the Patriarch of the Grand Family at the time, abolished their Empire, dissolved its Grand Council and reorganized it into a Kingdom. Durward made the decision, as he explained that with this military power, they did not want to become like the Jenkyns Empire, whom continuously invaded and annexed nations which also caused their collapse. The Imperial Zarkan Army was reorganized into the Zarkan Militia with certain special forces reorganized into the Zarkan Royal Guard.

Traditionalist Party[]

In 81 BBY, the Grand Family were the founders of the Traditionalist Party with King Daniel III being their first leader, and Alice of the House of Ward being the second before giving it up to Daniel IV after she announced her run for the Office of the Union President in the 64 BBY Union of Earth States Presidential Election.

First Earth Civil War[]

In 21 BBY when the First Earth Civil War began, the Grand Family led by Jane Zarkan founded the Confederate States of Earth and all Traditionalist Party states seceded from the Union States. The Grand Family also severed their ties with the House of Jenkyns and ultimately allowed Guarin III to remain with them as he had been exiled and disowned by his family.

Many within the Grand Family took political positions within the Confederate States. Jane became President and her husband Guarin became High Chancellor. A number of Jane's cousins, two of her uncles and aunts served as part of her Cabinet, often advising her on various decisions and government policies.

Mass executions[]

After the Galactic Empire invaded Earth and defeated both the Confederate States and Union States, newly appointed Emperor William Crest had ordered the execution of the Grand Family, including relatives such as the Houses of Jenkyns, Ward and Crescent. Among these executions was Glendale who had been hung in front of Castle Zarkan.

Jane Zarkan II and her uncle Sebastian Zarkan were the only ones who had survived the executions when they fled Earth to take refuge on Mars with whatever was left of the Confederate government and military forces.

Known members[]

  • Mother Zarkan
  • Elyas Zarkan (????—902 BBY)
  • Lylie Zarkan (914 BBY—858 BBY)
  • Durward Zarkan IX (654 BBY—559 BBY)
  • Daniel Zarkan I (371 BBY—277 BBY)
  • Daniel Zarkan II (274 BBY—189 BBY)
  • Daniel Zarkan III (185 BBY—98 BBY)
  • Daniel Zarkan IV (94 BBY—28 BBY)
  • Glendale Crescent Zarkan (????—18 BBY)
  • Jane Zarkan (52 BBY—18 BBY)
  • Jane Zarkan II (31 BBY—)


The relatives of the Grand Family weren't referred as the same, and instead had honourary titles such as Grand Lord and Grand Lady for parent-in-laws, and Lord and Lady for their children. One of the Grand Family's notable relatives was House of Jenkyns Prince Guarin III, who became a Grand Lord in the family through his marriage with Jane and later King following the death of King Daniel IV. Other relatives include the House of Ward and House of Crescent.

Honourary members[]

In 22 ABY, Queen Jane Zarkan II declared Annabelle Nakamura as an honourary member of the Grand Family, which granted her the title High Countess.
