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Grand Admiral was a high rank used by several navies throughout galactic history, including the Galactic Empire and Sith Empire.
The rank of Grand Admiral was typically used as the highest rank in a navy, or even in a military. Above regular admirals and higher admiral ranks (Fleet Admiral or High Admiral), there were usually only a select few Grand Admirals (or just one). The rank was awarded to the best officers of a fleet.
Galactic Empire[]
Under the Galactic Empire, Emperor Palpatine appointed only twelve grand admirals initially, and added a thirteenth later on. It was the top rank in the navy and commanded much respect. Imperial Grand Admirals were issued white and gold uniforms, with unique rank plaques. The majority of them were hunted down and killed by the New Republic or died through other means in the years after the Battle of Endor.
Sith Empire[]
The Sith Navy of Darth Revan's Sith Empire had one officer appointed to the rank of Grand Admiral, Hasek Grunger. However, the rank had no clear place on the naval hierarchy, and Grunger still answered to regular admirals.
In the reconstituted Sith Empire, the Sith Emperor appointed eleven grand admirals towards the end of the Great Galactic War. In a ceremony in 3,659 BBY, eleven officers of the Imperial Navy were elevated to the rank of Grand Admiral. Most of them were killed in the following years, and by the dissolution of the Sith Empire in 3,634 BBY, only one was alive.
Galactic Republic[]
At least one Republic Navy officer, Wullf Yularen, held the rank.
Dark Empire[]
The Dark Empire of the reborn Emperor Palpatine appointed six new officers to the rank, but most of them were killed with the destruction of the Eclipse.
Confederacy of Independent Systems[]
Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Count Dooku appointed one officer to the rank in 19 BBY, for his loyal service and achievements in battle. However, the CIS was dissolved shortly after that.
Vytal Empire[]
Within the revitalized Empire, the rank of Grand Admiral was the highest rank in the Vytal Imperial Navy with only one individual being appointed to the rank and served as the Chief of the Imperial Navy.
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