The flag of the Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania, the flag of Massitas officially in use from 18 BBY to 4 ABY
The Governorate General of Massitas was a colonial state of the Zarkan Kingdom and Empire that was established in 221 BBY following the end of the Western Colonial Unification Wars (223 BBY - 221 BBY). The war was the result of the Company Wars (229 BBY - 223 BBY), in which close to half of the territories of the Zarkanian Western Colonial Company - a company set up to fund privately-operated colonies on the continent of Vulgatia - broke away from the Zarkan Empire, promting their reconquest by King Bartholomew VI's government.
Taking advantage of the chaos, some of the more ruthless and ambitious Company governors had overthrown the local native viceroys they advised and declared themselves viceroys in their place. These rebellious states broke free from Company rule, and supported neither the Empire nor the Company, formimg their own League of Independent Viceroyalties and becoming a third faction in the imperial wars. The Company was unable to do much to combat this, since in practice the viceroyalties had effectively served as mini-kingdoms, largely self-sufficient, and with a decent amount of military power and autonomy due to the Company's laissez-faire policy towards their governance.
One such viceroyalty was that of the Independent Viceroyalty of Massitas, which was under the command of Viceroy Edward Alshot. Alshot had the native puppet viceroy, Tuliman Garasi, imprisoned, and made himself the viceroy in his place. Alshot then tendered his state's withdrawal from Company rule. He joined the other independent viceroyalties in forming a league. The Captaincy General of South Massitas, the southern region of the land, did not agree with this, and launched a rebellion.
After the Imperial and Loyalist forces conquered Massitas in 221 BBY, the viceroyalty was dismantled. A Governor General was appointed, and governed the territory in the name of the Sovereign and the Parliament of the Zarkan Kingdom. A Governorate General in Zarkanian terminology referred to a colonial state that was under strict Imperial oversight, yet was not a purely military territory (which was typically referred to as a "Commandancy General", if governed by ground forces, or as an "Admiralcy" if the region was a maritime colony governed by the Royal Zarkan Navy). A Governor General served as both of the head of the territory's civil administation as well as the military administation.
Two of the three Captaincies General that had made up the Company-era Viceroyalty of Massitas, and had supported the rebellious Independent Viceroyalty, were abolished (these being the Captaincy General of Central Massitas and the Captaincy General of North Massitas) and replaced with Governorates, which was the standard subdivision of a Governorate General. The Captaincy General of South Massitas, however, was allowed to maintain its rights and status due to its loyalty to the Empire. This was by the royal decree of Bartholomew VI, who issued the Declaration of the King's Favour for the Loyalist Colonies in 224 BBY, which stated that every Company territory that supported him would be afforded extra priviledges, such as more autonomy that the standard colonial territory.