Your powers are weak, old man.
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The galaxy may have forgotten us, but the Legion endures. And soon, real soon, we're gonna make those Corporate Sector bigwigs pay.
—Gilded Legate Tridon Vorst
The Golden Legion was an organization of effectively-mercenary soldiers and their respective families, staff and droids which attempted several times to conquer the Corporate Sector Authority, all of which ended in failure. The Golden Legion was originally founded in the Old Republic era, around 7850 BBY, fragmenting in approximately 2230 BBY, however it was revived during the Republic Dark Age, and at first flourished during those troubled times, taking control of several systems near its headquarters of Aurum, however the Legion began declining again as soon as the Ruusan Reformation occured. After this point, the Legion rapidly lost control of their conquests, dwindling in ships and manpower, and retreated behind the nebulae which surrounded their home star system.
Return to Glory[]
Later, the Legion was restored in approximately 1105 BBY. According to later Legion leaders, they were approached for contract immediately prior to and during the Stark Hyperspace War, but Gilded Legate Cyrus Delos refused. By the time of the blockade of Naboo, they were led by Osarion Iktfals, and he led them through brief involvement in the Outer Rim theater of the Clone Wars, however he was killed shortly into the Imperial Period while attacking the Corporate Sector. During the ensuing decades, the Legion came under leadership of Tridon Vorst, who, under the guidance of his Gilded Praetorians, particularly Karsen Locuvus, began increasing the Legion's cooperation with other underworld and black market organizations and individuals while also pursuing further raids against the CSA.
Unlikely Allies[]
Following the Battle of Endor, this cooperation picked up significantly, especially during the ensuing Imperial Civil War. The Legion in particular began working closely with Dark Matter, Archangel Interstellar, the Scorekeeper's Heralds, and the Black Army. Nearing the end of the Imperial Civil War in 12 ABY, the five mercenary companies began looking for further allies, as they had found a new enemy against which even their five combined forces were insufficient to fight; Chimaera. Together, the five planned to take one of Chimaera's two primary bases; the Bastille, an array of space stations of various sizes outside of any star system acting as Chimaera's private Shadowport in the Ghost Nebula sector.
The five soon found seven additional allies to assist them in their chosen mission, in addition to a number of individual bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, and the like. These seven organizations were T.I.T.A.N., Blue Death, the League of Assassins, the Steelhelms, Veridian Lance, TransGalactic Security, and Zarkon's Raiders. Together, they took the Bastille, and afterwards, after much deliberation, decided that they were better off together rather than returning to separate operations. Thus, they founded the Bastille Pact and made the primary, largest station of the Bastille their new joint headquarters. In time, they were joined by others, including the Wild Space Marshals.
Fall from Grace[]
At some point, Gilded Legate Vorst decided to return the Golden Legion's main focus to fighting the Corporate Sector Authority, who the Legion had long believed were merely corrupt, abusive capitalists and bureaucrats, undeserving of the right to administrate an entire sector of space and too dishonorable to be trusted even by the galaxy's criminal underworld. Thus, following the Yuuzhan Vong War, Vorst launched the war which became known as the Gilded Campaign. They believed that, in the immediate aftermath of the disastrous conflict, no outside aid would be forthcoming to assist the Corporate Sector, which had long been one of the least well-liked governments in the galaxy, or so the Legion thought. In fact, the Ethereal Empire soon sent aid, and their Animus Templars and Astral Defenders soon had the Legion on the defensive, then the retreat. When the war ended, the Legion was thoroughly defeated, the Legate was dead, succeeded by Karsen Locuvus, a number of the surviving Legion soldiers and officers split off to form the Ethereal-aligned Gilded Legionaries, and the Legion and its home system of Aurum were placed under Ethereal supervision.