Star Wars Fanon

Glory, Glory, to the Union!
—A patriotic motto based on the song

Glory, Glory, to the Union! was a patriotic song and unofficial anthem of the Union of Earth States that was written by Richard David Pickman in early 21 BBY, Pickman had previously written The Union, Forever! during the Leasath Civil War of 23 BBY - 22 BBY

The song was intended to raise the spirits of Union citizens during the war against the Confederate States of Earth, an alliance of what would eventually be 95 nations of Earth which broke away from the Union and allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Sixty years ago, our forefathers engaged in a brutal battle against their own kin out of their desire to see the continued survival of the indivisible Union. Those days were the darkest in our Union's history, a time when friends and families made enemies out of each other thanks to their loyalties divided between the two sides, a time of much chaos and strife through-out our lands. Early in this time of strife Sergeant Richard David Pickman wrote a song in order to strengthen the resolve and spirit of the Union' citizenry. The song became so popular than the Confederates adopted their own version. In memory of our fallen let us sing Pickman's song, let us sing "Glory, Glory, to the Union!
—Union President Adam Williams during Memorial Day of 39 ABY

A couple of months after the song's release Edwin Thomas Hatton, a composer from the Confederacy, made a parody titled Glory, Glory, to the Western land!

The tyrant wishes to use their song to paint themselves as the defenders of liberty and democracy, to clearly propagandise their war of oppression against us, so I decided to take their tune and adapt it to a song dedicated to the true freedom fighters, to our great Confederate nation and her sons fighting for our national democracy, liberty and Western rights, and of our resistance to a tyrant's rule.
—Edwin Hatton when being asked about his parody


The tune to Glory, Glory, to the Union!

We are fighting for the Union, we're fighting for our rights
we are fighting 'gainst the traitors for our lov'd land to save,
we're fighting for our Union to defeat the Confederacy,
For the Union, hurrah!

Glory, Glory, to the Union!
God bless our belov'd Union and our lov'd rights!
Glory, Glory, to the Union!
The right is marching on!

Now Jane Zarkan leads her band of traitors,
'gainst the law of our lands and the Union we love,
Richard Williams declared "We must fight for liberty true!"
Freedom is marching on!

Glory, Glory, to the Union!
God bless our belov'd Union and our lov'd rights!
Glory, Glory, to the Union!
The right is marching on!

On the crimson battle plain, the Union soldier fights on,
he is fighting for his liberty and the rights his ancestors passed on,
and rather than submit to Confederate tyranny,
he would rather die on the battle field!

Glory, Glory, to the Union!
God bless our belov'd Union and our lov'd rights!
Glory, Glory, to the Union!
The right is marching on!

Tho' traitors may assault our belov'd Union,
they shall be defeated for the right shall defend,
always shall democracy be defended by freedom true!
Our Union shall ne'er die!

Glory, Glory, to the Union!
God bless our beloved Union and our loved rights!
Glory, Glory, to the Union!
The right is marching on!

Our blue-breasted boys are marching on with pride,
'gainst the Confederacy they shall ne'er die,
for they are fighting for their rights and liberty so dear,
the righteous shall ne'er die!

Glory, Glory, to the Union!
God bless our beloved Union and our loved rights!
Glory, Glory, to the Union!
The right is marching on!
